
  • 网络Lehman Shock
  1. “雷曼事件之后,很多外国人离开,有些房子都空置了半年以上。”喜多说道。

    After the Lehman shock , a lot of gaijin left , and there are some places that have been vacant for more than half a year , 'says Ms.

  2. 可以说,这正是雷曼事件中发生的情况。

    Arguably , that is exactly what happened in the case of Lehman .

  3. 第一,雷曼兄弟破产事件引发了信贷成本的大幅飙升。

    Three forces are behind this . First , the collapse of Lehman Brothers triggered a sharp increase in credit cost .

  4. 当这种情况在雷曼兄弟倒闭事件之后加剧时,全球贸易受到迅速、沉重的打击,而中国经济增长显然也会受到冲击。

    When this intensified post-Lehman , global trade suffered enormously and quickly , and it was clear that Chinese growth would suffer .

  5. 该研究机构的OsamuNaito表示:这类企业过去可能获得过西方和日本基金的风险投资,但在雷曼(Lehman)事件后,中国机构接替了西方和日本基金的位置。

    These are companies that might have received risk capital from western and Japanese funds in the past , but after the Lehman shock the Chinese have come in to take their place , says Osamu Naito at the research company .

  6. 2008年金融危机中,香港发生的雷曼兄弟迷你债券事件引起了社会对金融商品销售和服务的投资者适合性问题的关注。

    During the financial crisis in 2008 , the " Lehman Brothers Mini-Bonds Incident " in Hongkong has drawed large attention towards the suitability of financial product sales and service .