
  1. 阿里巴巴上市的其它大投资者包括AIGGlobalInvestment和中国工商银行(ICBC)。

    Other big investors include AIG Global Investment and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China .

  2. 作为中国互联网公司日益强大的标志,阿里巴巴上市时就超过了美国社交媒体巨头Facebook的上市市值。

    In a sign of the growing power of Chinese Internet companies , the listing surpassed the offering of Facebook , the American social media giant .

  3. 在阿里巴巴上市的拉动下,IPO交易总值超过810亿美元,成了网络股最为繁荣的2000年以来,规模最大的一年。

    The more than $ 81 billion in I.P.O.s is the most since 2000 , the height of the dot-com boom , led by the Alibaba offering .

  4. 这样,阿里巴巴上市或许会成为史上规模最大的IPO,一举打破四年前中国农业银行创下的221亿美元的纪录。

    That could make Alibaba the biggest initial offering in history , surpassing the $ 22.1 billion that the Agricultural Bank of China raised four years ago .

  5. 但是,就算阿里巴巴上市让投资者和银行家赚了个盆满钵满,市场上余留的愉悦情绪也是有限的,毕竟IPO市场的成功最终还是取决于一些更大的考虑,比如股票市场和经济。

    But even if its listing has already lined the pockets of investors and bankers , the Alibaba afterglow is limited , as the success of the IPO market ultimately depends on bigger concerns , such as the equities market and the economy .

  6. 收益报告还给股东们带来了更多好消息:雅虎的首席财务官肯尼斯·A·古德曼(KennethA.Goldman)告诉投资者,雅虎计划把从阿里巴巴上市中获得的税后收益的至少一半返还给股东。

    More good news for shareholders came from the earnings report : Kenneth A. Goldman , Yahoo 's chief financial officer , told investors that Yahoo planned to return at least half of its after-tax profits from the Alibaba offering to shareholders .

  7. 数月来,潜在的投资者急切地等待阿里巴巴上市。

    Potential investors have been eagerly awaiting the stock debut of Alibaba for months .

  8. 但阿里巴巴上市时,投资者就可以直接持有该股。

    At that point , though , investors will be able to own Alibaba directly .

  9. 阿里巴巴上市之后,雅虎和其他关键股东将面临一年的禁售期,禁止出售前者的股票。

    After that , Yahoo and other key shareholders will be prohibited from selling stock for one year .

  10. 据分析师称,阿里巴巴上市交易对公司的估值可能超过1000亿美元。

    Alibaba 's IPO could value the company at more than $ 100 billion , according to analysts .

  11. 国家工商总局随即透露,它曾在阿里巴巴上市过程中调查该公司,只是当时没有发布报告。

    The SAIC then revealed that it had been investigating Alibaba during its listing process , but had not released the report at the time .

  12. 待到本月晚些时候阿里巴巴上市时,投资人可以去判断马云的这种大权在握是卖点还是障碍。

    When Alibaba goes public later this month , investors can decide whether Mr. Ma 's tight grip is a selling point or a stumbling block .

  13. 去年,雅虎最终同意在阿里巴巴上市后出售其股权并退出,马云再次成为胜利者。

    Mr Ma emerged the victor again last year when Yahoo finally agreed to sell down its stake and withdraw from the company after the IPO .

  14. 据保守估计,阿里巴巴上市时的估值将达到1500亿美元,这是雅虎目前市值350亿美元的四倍还多。

    Conservative estimates predict Alibaba will be valued at $ 150 billion when it goes public , more than five times Yahoo 's current $ 35 billion market valuation .

  15. 在某一家竞争对手公司,一名要求匿名的高管表示:如果说阿里巴巴上市时存在明显短板,那就是移动互联网领域。

    If Alibaba has a perceived weakness going into the IPO , it is in the mobile internet , says an executive at a competitor who asked not to be named .

  16. 阿里巴巴上市后市值飙升,从在纽约上市时的1680亿美元升至2850亿美元,使其成为世界十大公司之一。

    Alibaba has seen its market valuation soar , from $ 168bn at the time of its New York IPO to $ 285bn , ranking it among the ten largest companies in the world .

  17. 不时会出现一种说法,即在保持中国新年节庆习俗上,纽约的阿里巴巴上市保荐人比其它海外阿里巴巴市值做得更成功。

    It is sometimes claimed that the Chinese community in New York have been the more successful at preserving the rituals of celebrating the Chinese New Year than any other group of overseas Chinese .

  18. 雅虎承诺,将把来自股权出售的税后收益的一半返还给股东,这是目前有关其在阿里巴巴上市后计划的最明显迹象,但雅虎表示,预计将就首批股权出售支付全额税款。

    The Silicon Valley-based internet company pledged to return half of the after-tax proceeds from the sale to shareholders in its clearest indication yet of its post-IPO plans , but it said it expected to pay full tax on this first tranche of shares .

  19. 去年10月,马云在香港召开阿里巴巴上市计划会议时向记者说,他已经申请了香港的人才计划,并希望在未来的几年中成为香港居民,但是他称他还是非常喜欢成为一名杭州人。

    Ma told reporters in Hong Kong last Octoberat a briefing on Alibaba 's listing plans that he applied to the talents program and would become permanentresident of the city in a couple of years but more recently said he enjoyed being from Hangzhou .

  20. 阿里巴巴的上市打破了迄今最大规模IPO的纪录,其股价自上市以来已累计上涨63%,其市值因此达到约2700亿美元。

    Alibaba broke the record for the largest IPO to date and its shares have since gained 63 per cent , giving it a market capitalisation of about $ 270bn .

  21. 其它正准备进行首次公开发行(IPO)的公司都希望尽量离阿里巴巴的上市日期远一点,即使这意味着它们得在美国劳动节(九月的第一个星期一&译注)之后上市。

    Other companies with IPOs in the pipeline are trying to steer far clear of the Alibaba offering , even if that means pushing their own listings until after Labor Day .

  22. 然而在阿里巴巴申请上市之时,向美国证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeCommission,简称SEC)提交的文件显示,阿里巴巴去年有1.02亿美元(约合6.3亿元人民币)的收入来自云服务和基础设施销售,较上年增长了26%。

    Yet according to documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ahead of Alibaba 's proposed public offering , Alibaba had revenue of $ 102 million from cloud and infrastructure sales last year . That was an increase of 26 percent from a year earlier .

  23. 阿里巴巴的上市申请只是印证了雅虎价值中已经体现的欣喜。

    Alibaba 's filing merely confirmed the excitement already baked into Yahoo 's valuation .

  24. 这家美国互联网公司仍拥有阿里巴巴未上市母公司39%的股份。

    The US internet company still owns 39 per cent of the unlisted parent of Alibaba.com .

  25. 阿里巴巴在上市文件中称,公司希望避免为各个业务部门设定目标,以此来鼓励合作。

    In its filing , Alibaba said it wanted to avoid putting targets on specific business units to encourage cooperation .

  26. 自1999年以来,逾200家中国企业已经在美上市,阿里巴巴的上市将进一步把美国资本市场的命运与中国经济捆绑在一起。

    More than 200 Chinese companies have listed in the US since 1999 , and Alibaba will further intertwine the fates of US capital markets with the Chinese economy .

  27. 然而,随着夏季假期的临近,很多投资者可能会错过阿里巴巴的上市路演,将影响投资者对其股票的需求。

    With summer vacations looming , however , there is a risk that many investors will miss out on the marketing campaign for the IPO , dampening demand for the shares .

  28. 即使拥有阿里巴巴的上市即将带来的财富,雅虎股票盘后交易时段仍然下跌了2%,此前,它在常规交易时段收盘时下跌9美分,即0.25%,至35.61美元。

    Even with the fortunes from Alibaba 's looming I.P.O. , shares of Yahoo fell 2 percent in after-hours trading , after ending regular trading down 9 cents , or 0.25 percent , to $ 35.61 .

  29. 香港证券交易所(theHongKongStockExchange)出于公司治理方面的考虑拒绝阿里巴巴在香港上市。

    The Hong Kong Stock Exchange refused to list the Chinese e-commerce company for governance concerns .

  30. 2015年,马云的财富缩水2.2%,原因是阿里巴巴在纽约上市的股票下挫,但蚂蚁金服(AntFinancialServicesGroup)的价值增长帮助抵消了部分财富缩水。蚂蚁金服包括在线支付平台支付宝(Alipay)。

    Mr Ma 's wealth fell 2.2 per cent in 2015 as Alibaba 's New York-listed shares slumped , but gains in the value of Ant Financial Services Group , which includes online payment platform Alipay , helped buffer losses .