
He identified four things he would do with a privately-held Dell : ( i ) Increase R & D for the company 's enterprise services group , ( ii ) Hire additional salespeople , ( iii ) Expand in emerging markets , and ( iv ) Invest new money into the PC and tablet business .
My gut take is that this would be very , very difficult .
Or , put another way , 13 cents per share less than what Sam could have gotten by selling those same shares to Michael Dell and Silver Lake partners , who are trying to take Dell ( DELL ) private for $ 13.65 per share .
In private , however , Southeastern said it would be okay with a $ 14 - $ 15 per share bid so long as it and other large existing shareholders were given the opportunity to roll over a portion of shares .
In private , however , Southeastern said it would be okay with a $ 14 - $ 15 per share bid so long as it and other " large existing " shareholders were given the opportunity to roll over a portion of shares .
It 's official Dell Computer is going private .
In contrast , it only has been six months since Dell agreed to be taken private .
Dell is in the midst of a restructuring that will take the company private and make it more of a services firm than a hardware company -- similar to what IBM ( IBM ) did , culminating in the 2005 sale of its PC business to Lenovo .
As the special committee kept pressing for a higher price , Michael Dell kept making his case for going private .
Mr Dell said on Monday that going private would give the company the " time , investment and patience " needed to execute its turnround .
Yet no one apparently made any effort to postpone the October 19 deadline for employees – many of whose Dell shares were partially liquidated at what became 30 % lower than the buyout price .
Dell has a very tough road ahead , Hewlett-Packard said in an unusual statement issued shortly after the deal was announced . The company faces an extended period of uncertainty and transition that will not be good for its customers .
Dell was taken private last October by company founder Michael Dell and private equity firm Silver Lake in a contentious $ 25 billion transaction .
The Dell founder wants to repatriate up to $ 7.4bn of his company 's overseas cash hoard in order to help finance his bid to take it private with Silver Lake , the private equity firm .