
  • 网络Reading;The University of Reading;Reading University;ICMA
  1. 来自雷丁大学的演化生物学家、论文联合作者ChrisVenditti博士告诉BBC:

    Co-author Dr Chris Venditti , an evolutionary biologist from the University of Reading , told BBC News :

  2. 英国雷丁大学古生物学家ManabuSakamoto博士主导这项研究,他说:“我们没料到是这样的结果。尽管恐龙是由于小行星撞地球而灭绝,但在这之前,即距今约5000万年前,恐龙已经开始走向衰落。”

    Dr Manabu Sakamoto , a palaeontologist from the University of Reading , who led the research , said : " We were not expecting this result . Even though they were wiped out ultimately by the impact of the asteroid , they were actually already on their way out around 50 million years before the asteroid hit . "

  3. 是的,在雷丁大学,他接触到一块植入宠物的ID芯片,举个例子,病毒接触到他的手,接下来他的手又接触了ID系统,很有可能他将电脑病毒从手上传播到了ID系统上。

    That 's right , at the university of reading , he took an ID chip that we put in pets for example , infected with a virus stuck under his hand , and then as he passes his hand over an ID system , he can actually transfer the virus from his hand to another system .

  4. 雷丁大学的科学家们开展了这项研究。

    The study was carried out by scientists at the University of Reading .

  5. 凡是已经获得雷丁大学硕士课程录取通知书的学生都可申请。

    You must have an offer of a place on a one year taught postgraduate course to be able to apply .

  6. 早前在2009年雷丁大学的研究就发现,几乎任何一首歌都可能成为耳朵虫。

    In a previous study by the University of Reading in 2009 , it was found that almost any song can become an earworm .

  7. 雷丁大学的研究人员认为,我、我们、二和三是英文中最古老的词汇,它们的历史可以追溯到四万年前。

    Reading University researchers claim " I "," we "," two " and " three " are among the most ancient , dating back tens of thousands of years .