
fù zhù
  • annotations;remark;endnote;notes appended to a book, etc
附注 [fù zhù]
  • [endnote;annotations] 文章、书刊等末尾用来补充说明或解释正文的文字

附注[fù zhù]
  1. 该文就本人在使用ILAS建库时,对基本著录字段和附注字段容易出现的问题作了详细的分析,并且在此基础上提出了解决对策。

    This article has made a detailed analysis on the question that I , while using ILAS to build the storehouse , and annotations word section is apt to appear to recording the word section basically , and has proposed solving the countermeasure on this basis .

  2. 会计报表附注编制和审计存在的问题及分析

    The Problems and Analysis of Making Accounting Reports Annotations and Audit

  3. 附注:我永远爱你。3

    P.S. : I love you forever .

  4. 附注:1。刊户对所刊登广告内容的合法性、真实性负责。

    NOTES : 1 . The trust unit must be responsible for the adverting content of legalization and authenticity .

  5. 附注:使用C泛型实现工厂模式

    Sidebar : Implementing Factory Pattern using C # generics

  6. 附注:共享库可以通过一个api动态装载。

    Side note : shared libraries can be loaded dynamically through an api .

  7. 我们找到了该图表的来源——RysavyResearch在9月发表的白皮书——并在图中附注了两个iPhone发布日期。

    We 've dug up the source - a white paper published by Rysavy Research in September - and annotated it with a couple iPhone release dates .

  8. Annotations是产品数据库中关于一个构件的描述性附注或者注意事项。

    Annotations are descriptive notes or comments about a component in the product database .

  9. 对於所谓Primal环作一个附注

    A Remark on Primal Rings

  10. 为了抵制这种做法,iasb还提议强制银行提供详细的附注披露。

    To counter this the IASB also proposed forcing banks into detailed footnote disclosures .

  11. 该登记薄上附注了注册专业工程师(RPE)的所有相关详情,以及注册证书的到期日和英伦管架有限公司(BPS)的评审日等相关信息。

    This register references all relevant details of RPE qualification plus expiry date of the registration certificate and BPS review date .

  12. 但她同时在Yelp上附注说她删掉评论是担心被卷入法律诉讼。

    However , she put a note on Yelp saying she did so due to the threat of legal action 。

  13. 从1月16日起,在所有的销售文件及推广材料中,发行方均须在产品名称后加上号,并附注此基金为一只合成ETF,以标明产品的合成属性。

    From January 16 , issuers will have to flag the synthetic nature of the product in all sales and marketing material by use of an asterisk next to the name and the annotation This is a synthetic ETF .

  14. 2003年IASB在修订的准则中取消了非常项目在表内和附注中的披露,这是对以往非经常性损益披露的一次重大改变。

    In 2003 , in the new revised guidelines , IASB eliminated the " extraordinary items " in the table and the disclosure of the notes , which is non-recurring gains and losses of previous disclosure of a major change .

  15. 第二章主要对财务报告的表外信息(会计报表附注)进行研究。

    The second chapter talks about financial report information outside report .

  16. 论会计报表附注对财务分析的影响

    On the Influence of Report Form of Accounting on Finance Analysis

  17. 附注:请用磁片缴交你完成的击乐作品。

    Note : Please hand-in your completed percussion pieces on disk .

  18. 财务报表附注:国际比较与改进

    Notes of Financial Statements : International Comparison and Improving Strategies

  19. 从会计信息充分披露看财务报表附注的重要性

    The annotations of report forms is important to fiscal information

  20. 从文件或单元格附注选定播放声音

    Plays a sound from a file or a cell comment

  21. 清除选定区域的公式、格式及附注

    Erases formulas , formats , and comments from selected cells

  22. 然后她又收到一封信,称那条附注也要删掉。

    She then received another letter demanding this note be removed too .

  23. 附注:你可以一次提交多个文件。

    Note : you can commit multiple files at once .

  24. 上市公司会计报表附注披露规范的研究与分析

    Perfecting the Disclosure Regulation of Report Affixation of Listed Companies in China

  25. 完善会计报表附注提高会计信息的质量

    Perfecting the annotation of accounting statement and improving the quality of accounting

  26. 按下并按住以录制新的声音附注。

    Press and hold to record a new voice note .

  27. 中小企业会计报表附注的编制

    Compiling method for annotations of accounting statement in small and medium-sized enterprises

  28. 没有足够的存储内存来创建新的声音附注。

    There is not enough storage memory to create new Voice Note .

  29. 下列附注中的所有条件都需要遵守。

    All conditions in the following notes will be observed .

  30. 记录、输入或删除单元格声音附注

    Records , imports , or erases a sound in a cell comment