
dǎo yán
  • introduction;preamble;introductory remarks
导言 [dǎo yán]
  • (1) [introduction]

  • (2) 导引双方意见的话 [introductory remarks]

  • (3) 书或论文等的为主题、主要部分提供预备性说明或评论的有特色的部分,也叫引言

导言[dǎo yán]
  1. 导言部分试图将各部分硬拼凑在一起。

    The introduction attempts to yoke the pieces together

  2. 该训练模式主要借鉴了目前流行的WebQuest等网络教学模式,一般程序是:导言任务过程资源评价总结。

    The main mode of training from a peer-to-peer teaching model WebQuest . The normal practice is : Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Summary .

  3. 这是导言,用来识别以下用Load程序来处理的脚本元素。

    These are preambles to identify that the following are script elements for the Load program to process .

  4. 芜湖长江大桥2×120m联钢桁梁主桁杆件制造与试装第一部分为导言,主要介绍本选题的依

    The manufacture and trial assembly for the main member in the continuous steel truss ( 2 × 120 m ) of Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge

  5. 以下是Tie::Hash::TwoWay的代码,除了没有绑定/继承/初始化导言以及文档以外,其它都和模块中的一样。

    The following is the code of Tie : : Hash : : TwoWay , as it is in the module , except for the tying / inheritance / initialization preamble and the documentation .

  6. 导言部分试图说明,法律的权威与话语的权威是一致的。

    Part C is the reason in the practice of law .

  7. 英文商法教材章节导言的话语分析

    A Discourse Analysis of Chapter Introductions in English Business Law Textbooks

  8. 导言部分阐述了研究公司代表权制度的理论意义和现实意义。

    The introduction expatiates the significance of studying corporation delegacy system .

  9. 加于来源完全不同的思想的一篇导言。

    An introduction grafted upon ideas from a very different source .

  10. 本文由导言、正文和结语组成。

    This from the introduction , body , and conclusion form .

  11. 文章共分七章。第一章:导言。

    The paper consists of seven chapters . Chapter ⅰ: Introduction .

  12. 导言部分介绍了选题的背景,以及中国学者关于司法权问题的研究现状。

    Introduction argues the background and research results on the issue .

  13. 因此,导言设计值得每位教师认真探讨。

    So the introduction design is worth discussing for every teacher .

  14. 关于红学学科理论建设的思考&《红学概论》导言

    Discipline-theory Construction of Redology & Preface of An Introduction to Redology

  15. 导言部分提出写作此论文的目的和研究方法。

    The introduction presents the writing purpose and the research methods .

  16. 全文由导言和四章正文组成。

    The whole dissertation consists of an introduction and four chapters .

  17. 焦炉生产自动化导言&目标与途径

    Introductory Remarks on Automation of Coke Ovens Operation-Objective and Way

  18. 全文由导言和六个章节组成。

    The thesis consists of an introduction and six chapters .

  19. 全文共分为六个章节:第一章导言。

    The thesis is divided into six chapters : Chapter 1 Introduction .

  20. 文章包括四部分内容:第一部分是导言。

    Article includes four parts : The first part is the introduction .

  21. 本文的研究思路是:第一章,导言。

    The concept of the paper is : Chapter ⅰ, the introduction .

  22. 在简短的导言之后,本文的正文包括四个部分。

    Aftermath goes a brief introduction the four part of this paper .

  23. 除导言和结语外,全文由三章组成。

    Besides introduction and conclusion , the thesis consists of three chapters .

  24. 各章内容安排如下:第一章,导言。

    The chapter is organized as follows : Chapter 1 , introduction .

  25. 试论《〈黑格尔法哲学批判〉导言》的理论内涵

    Theoretical Connotation of the Introduction to the Criticism of Hegel 's Law Philosophy

  26. 本文由导言和四章基本内容组成。

    This article consists of Introduction and four Chapters .

  27. 第一章是导言,指出本文研究的意义。

    The significance of the research is pointed out .

  28. 导言部分介绍论文选题的理由、意义及方法。

    Introduction of the thesis introduces the reason , the significance and methods .

  29. 中国古代狭义文学批评导言

    An introduction to The Ancient Chinese Narrow-sense Literature Criticism

  30. 文章分为三部分:第一部分:导言。

    The article is divided into three parts : Part 1 : Introduction .