
jiě fànɡ qū
  • liberated area
解放区 [jiě fàng qū]
  • [liberated area] 指一国之中建立了革命政权的地区

  1. 敌人向解放区的进攻受阻。

    The enemy 's attack on the liberated area was foiled .

  2. 解放区文艺转折的历史见证

    The Historical Confirmation of the Turn of Literature in Liberated Area

  3. 河北解放区的经济建设与经济特点

    On the economic construction and economic features in the liberated Hebei

  4. 苏区文学与解放区文学源流论

    Literature in Soviet Area and Liberated Area : Origin and Development

  5. 许多带有革命倾向的知识分子都投奔解放区了。

    Many intellectuals with revolutionary tendencies went to the liberated areas .

  6. 解放区文学与民族国家建制的关系密不可分。

    Literature in the liberated area and national creation are inseparable .

  7. 论解放区小说的爱情叙事

    On the Narration of Love in the Chinese Liberated Area Fictions

  8. 扩大了四千五百万人口的新解放区。

    The areas we had liberated had a population of45 million .

  9. 论解放区小说人性层面的审美意蕴

    The Implied Aesthetic Meaning of Humanity in the Novels of Liberated Area

  10. 解放区文学女性翻身话语

    " Turning Over " Discourse of Literary Females in the Liberated Areas

  11. 最后他终于到达了解放区。

    Finally he managed to get to the liberated area .

  12. 解放区的学校教育工作,必须恢复和发展。

    School education in the Liberated Areas must be restored and developed .

  13. 解放区作家作品被集体性规训。

    Liberated areas of works and authors were collective discipline .

  14. 赵树理:来到北京市的解放区作家

    Zhao Shuli : A Beijing author from the Liberated area

  15. 解放区文学大团圆结局现象论析

    Ending of " Happy Reunion " in Liberated Area Literature

  16. 有些同志问,为什么要让出八个解放区?

    Some comrades have asked why we should concede eight Liberated Areas .

  17. 解放区的领导人嘲笑了这种理论。

    Leaders in the Liberated Areas scoffed at that theory .

  18. 论抗日解放区战场的军事经济工作

    Military economic work in the battlefield of liberation area in the Anti-Japanese War

  19. 关于解放区文学大众话语形态的历史考察

    Historical Study on Form of the Popular Discourse in the Liberation Area Novels

  20. 论《讲话》与解放区文学的思想规范运动

    On The Speech and Movement of Thought Standardization for Literature in Liberated Area

  21. 苏区、抗日根据地和解放区的新道德探析

    On the New Morality of Sue Area , Resisting-Japanese Base and Liberated Area

  22. 论解放区话剧创作的民族化大众化

    On the Nationalization and Popularization of the Stage Play in the Liberated Area

  23. 日本投降以前的老解放区。

    Old Liberated Areas established before the Japanese surrender .

  24. 浅议解放区小说创作大团圆结局

    On the Happy End in gs in the Novels of the Liberated Areas

  25. 十月,对东北解放区再次发动了大规模的进攻。

    In October they launched another large-scale attack on the Northeast Liberated Area .

  26. 这个晚解放区,走到许多老解放区的前面去了。

    And it is running ahead of many of the old liberated areas .

  27. 一九四六年解放区工作的方针

    Policy for work in the liberated areas for 1946

  28. 要而言之,解放区政府的难民救济是成功的。

    In all , the government of Liberated Area succeeded in refugee relief .

  29. 论1938&1949年华北抗日根据地、解放区的农贷

    Agricultural Loans in Anti-Japanese Bases and Liberated Areas in North China , 1938-1949

  30. 正在向我解放区开进者,尚有数十师。

    Furthermore , scores of other Kuomintang divisions are heading for the Liberated Areas .