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  • appendix;annex;addendum;elenchus
附录 [fù lù]
  • [appendix] 附在书刊正文后面的有关文章或资料

  • 这些附录占六页篇幅

附录[fù lù]
  1. 详情见附录3。

    Full details are given in Appendix 3 .

  2. 详见附录。

    For details , see the appendix .

  3. 附录列举并讨论了8本书。

    The Annex lists and discusses eight titles .

  4. 这份全彩附录包含了完整的比赛信息和对所有可能获胜的英国运动员的详细介绍。

    This full-colour supplement includes full race details , plus a comprehensive run-down on all the British hopefuls .

  5. 量子理论并不只是一个深奥的附录。

    The quantum theory is not just an esoteric addendum .

  6. 这本书有两个附录。

    This book has two appendixes .

  7. 大鸨(Otistarda)是国家级保护动物,CITES附录物种。

    Great bustard ( Otis tarda ) is listed as a first-rating protected bird in China and CITES II .

  8. 为了方便,我们在附录中也提供了术语表。

    For convenience , we have also provided a glossary in an appendix .

  9. 正文共分为六章,另加以附录

    The whole content includes six chapters and addenda .

  10. 这是本书的附录。

    This is an addendum to the book .

  11. 电脑数控火花线割机操作员技能测验的大纲见附录一。

    Trade Test syllabuses for CNC EDM Wire Cut Operators is given in Appendix 1 .

  12. 借款人证明书,其格式基本上应遵照附录4及其附件规定的格式。

    A certificate of the Borrower shall , substantially , comply with the form set forth2 in Appendix 4 , and the attachments3 specified4 therein . 14 . thereinafter in the following part of that matter ( as writing , document , or speech ) (

  13. 附录中并给出了(C)估算方法。

    ( C ) estimation method is given in the appendix .

  14. 注:弯曲和复弯曲要求见附录C。

    Note : For bend and rebend requirements see Annex C.

  15. 附录B:远程缓存信息计算示例

    Appendix B : Example for calculation of remote cache information

  16. 类似的条款见附录A和B。

    Examples of these clauses appear in Appendices A and C.

  17. 附录B:测试过程的成熟度等级清单

    Appendix B : Maturity level checklist for the testing process

  18. 附录C:远程缓存中的缓存检查单

    Appendix C : Checklist for caching in remote caches

  19. 依照附录c的要求,尽快将其干燥。

    Dry as quickly as possible according to Appendix C.

  20. 某些特殊因数将在附录b中进行讨论。

    Some of these specific factors discussed in Appendix B.

  21. 附录B–人工地识别服务器证书

    Appendix B – Identify the Server Certificate Manually

  22. 附录A:云中的Rational场景

    Appendix A : Examples of Rational scenarios in the cloud

  23. 附录C–检查证书数据库

    Appendix C – Check the Certificate Database

  24. 如果需要断开电源,必须在附录c中标记和列出断路电缆。

    If disconnection is required , disconnected cables must be tagged and listed in Appendix C.

  25. 附录B:按应用程序列示的防火墙端口

    Appendix B : Firewall ports by application

  26. 附录b提供普通文件应遵循的规定格式的详情。

    Appendix B provides further details of specific format to be adhered for common documents .

  27. 附录h为合同结算证书样本。

    A specimen of the contract closure certificate is attached as appendix H.

  28. 为了系统描述的完整性,这部分被安排在附录C中。

    This part is arranged in appendix C in order to describe integrality of this system .

  29. 附录B:联邦的源数据

    Appendix B : Federated source data

  30. 如果时间和预算许可的话,此种方法将更加有效(详见附录B)。

    Enhancements ( see Appendix B ) may be incorporated if achievable in the time and budget .