- 名Apollo program

[Apollo program] 美国的一项科学技术计划,包括把人送上月球并安全返回地球
The Apollo missions between 1969 and 1972 returned over 380kg of rocks from the Moon , which have been used to help us understand its origins and structure .
In 1966 , the US invested about a half a percent of gross domestic product in the Apollo program .
A report entitled " A Global Apollo Programme to Combat Climate Change , " written by a number of high-profile British scientists and economists , offers a bold answer .
The proposed Apollo programme would be an essential element .
In early space programs , such as the Apollo missions of the 1960s and 1970s ,
But a working prototype - let alone a new Apollo-style programme - is many years away .
NASA 's programme to repeat many of the achievements of the Apollo era 50 years later ,
This long-term vision lay behind Apollo in the 1960s and also underpins Mr Musk 's interplanetary vision .
Some of you may be familiar with the Apollo programs geological studies of the moon during the 1960s .
You know , you always have to say we did the Appollo Project to solve this problem that problem .
Our space age dreams of off-world colonies on the moon and Mars faded with the cancellation of the Apollo Program and the last trip to the lunar surface in 1972 .
It said the Apollo project will provide a complete hardware and software service solution , which includes a vehicle platform , hardware platform , software platform and cloud data services .
But recent studies have found that samples of volcanic glass , brought back from the moon on the Apollo missions , contain as much water as magma found here on Earth .
When NASA was preparing for the Apollo Project , it took the astronauts to a Navajo reservation1 in Arizona for training .
The apple II of 1980 has more computing power than was used in the entire Apollo moon landing program .
Take RJ Watches SA 's Moon Orbiter , a watch inspired by the Apollo missions that took the first men to the moon .
The impetus for the Apollo Space Program came from aviation .
the last Apollo moon mission 1972 - Apollo 17 , the last Apollo moon mission , is launched .
The most likely suspects are the six Apollo command module pilots who stayed in lunar orbit during a Moon landing : Mike Collins , Dick Gordon , Stu Roosa , Al Worden , Ken Mattingly , and Ron Evans .
It was the fifth human spaceflight of Project Apollo and the third human voyage to the Moon .
Management and the workforce at Chengshan had opposed the proposed takeover by Apollo , arguing that it would saddle Cooper with too much debt .
Baidu Inc announced a new project - Apollo - to open up its autonomous driving platform to its partners , a move to promote the development of self-driving technology .