
ā lā mù tú
  • Alma-Ata
阿拉木图[ā lā mù tú]
  1. 塔什干原苏联中亚部分南部一城市,位于阿拉木图西南偏西方。

    A city of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R.west-southwest of Alma-Ata .

  2. 从《阿拉木图宣言》开始,我们就将这一点讲得非常清楚。

    We have been making this same point since the Declaration of Alma-Ata .

  3. 阿拉木图智库——风险评估集团(RiskAssessmentGroup)负责人多瑟姆•萨帕耶夫(DosymSatpayev)表示,哈萨克斯坦正处于紧要关头。

    Dosym Satpayev , head of Risk Assessment Group , a think-tank in Almaty , says the country is at a critical juncture .

  4. NPR新闻,彼得·肯扬哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图报道。

    Peter Kenyon , NPR News , Almaty , Kazakhstan .

  5. 梅丽莎琼斯(melissajones)不会轻易忘记她的首次阿拉木图之旅,这里是哈萨克斯坦的商业之都。

    Melissa Jones will not easily forget her first visit to Almaty , the commercial capital of Kazakhstan .

  6. NPR新闻,肯扬,哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图报道。

    Peter Kenyon , NPR News , Almaty Kazakhstan .

  7. 不过,欧洲复兴开发银行(EuropeanBankforReconstructionandDevelopment)在阿拉木图的负责人珍尼特•埃克曼(JanetHeckman)表示,一些之前计划在俄罗斯投资的企业现在将目光转向了哈萨克斯坦。

    However , Janet Heckman , head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Almaty , says that companies that had previously planned investments in Russia are now turning to Kazakhstan .

  8. 八个月之后,国际奥林匹克委员会(InternationalOlympicCommittee,简称:国际奥委会)宣布,北京与挪威的奥斯陆及哈萨克斯坦的阿拉木图共同入围最后一轮候选名单。北京提出的方案是与附近城市张家口一起举办冬奥会。

    Eight months later , the International Olympic Committee has named Beijing , which has proposed hosting the games in conjunction with the nearby city of Zhangjiakou , as one of the three finalists for the bid , along with Oslo in Norway and Kazakhstan 's Almaty .

  9. 在中国的协助下,哈萨克斯坦很快也将拥有自己的高速铁路,这条铁路将连通阿斯塔纳(Astana)与阿拉木图(Almaty),全长超过1000公里。

    Thanks to China , Kazakhstan will soon have a high-speed rail link of its own , one that will stretch more than 1,000 kilometres between Astana and Almaty .

  10. 阿拉木图一家反对派研究机构的负责人萨雷姆(AidosSarym)说,很多哈萨克人都对中国的崛起感到不安。

    Aidos Sarym , who runs an opposition research organization in Almaty , says many Kazakhs are uneasy about the Chinese giant .

  11. 这位摊贩是中国人,卖的也是中国货,但市场却在哈萨克斯坦首都阿拉木图(Alma-ata,不是Almaty)。哈萨克斯坦在中亚五个“斯坦”国家中经济是最繁荣的。

    The vendor is Chinese , the products are Chinese , but the market is here in Almaty , capital of Kazakhstan , the most prosperous of Central Asia 's five " stans , " or former Soviet Republics .

  12. 巴拉霍卡(Baraholka)是阿拉木图最大的市场。摊贩们在这里销售蓝色牛仔裤、增湿器、手机充电器和鲜苹果。

    In Baraholka , the city 's largest bazaar , vendors offer blue jeans , humidifiers , mobile phone chargers , and fresh apples-all from China .

  13. DimitriyGagarin在阿拉木图国家结核病控制中心治疗了一年后,感觉有些转好。

    After one year of treatment at the national TB control center in Almaty , he was feeling better . " But I have two diseases – MDR-TB and HIV – that are very dangerous ," he said .

  14. 巴拉霍卡(Baraholka)是阿拉木图最大的市场。摊贩们在这里销售蓝色牛仔裤、增湿器、手机充电器和鲜苹果。这些东西都来自中国。

    In Baraholka , the city 's largest bazaar , vendors offer blue jeans , humidifiers , mobile phone chargers , and fresh apples - all from China .

  15. 北京令人窒息的环境污染已经有详尽报道,但阿拉木图的状况也没有好太多。该市一位环境倡导人士阿巴伊·耶列科诺夫(AbayYerekenov)表示,这里的空气质量“骇人听闻”。

    Beijing 's choking pollution is well documented , but Almaty 's is not much better , according to Abay Yerekenov , an environmental activist in the city , who called the air quality " appalling . "

  16. 还有一些组织担心阿拉木图的生态状况。

    Other groups are concerned with the ecological situation in Almaty .

  17. 而且,阿拉木图显然是不被看好的一方。

    And there is no question that Almaty is the underdog .

  18. 北京以44-40的微弱优势战胜了阿拉木图。

    Beijing won 44 nods against Almaty 's 40 in the voting .

  19. 但这些规则对阿拉木图明显不利。

    For Almaty , though , the rules clearly hurt .

  20. 今年阿拉木图会议的具体目标是

    The specific objectives of this year 's conference in Almaty are to

  21. 那是对阿拉木图的诸多批评中比较严重的一个。

    That is one of the larger criticisms of Almaty .

  22. 问:《阿拉木图宣言》是否达到你的期望?

    Q : Did the Declaration of Alma-Ata live up to your expectations ?

  23. 关于促进独立的和多元的亚洲媒体的阿拉木图宣

    Declaration of Alma-Ata Promoting Independent and Pluralistic Asian Media

  24. 在阿拉木图发生的情况就是这样。

    This was exactly what happened in Alma-Ata .

  25. 在阿拉木图,每个场地都相距不超过18英里(约合29公里)。

    In Almaty , every venue is within a radius of about 18 miles .

  26. 不过,在阿拉木图的这所语言学校,中国的形象没有任何问题。

    At the language school in Almaty , though , Beijing has no image problem .

  27. 阿拉木图苏联中亚东南部的城市,接近中国边界,在巴尔喀什湖以南。

    A city of southeast Central Asian U.S.S.R.near the Chinese border south of Lake Balkash .

  28. 那是通过《阿拉木图宣言》后的第一届卫生大会。

    That was the first Health Assembly held after the adoption of the Alma-Ata declaration .

  29. 当时他们正从阿拉木图返家。

    They were driving home from Almaty .

  30. 阿拉木图国际初级保健会议

    Alma-Ata Conference on Primary Health Care