
ā lā bó shā mò
  • Arabian desert
  1. 位于阿拉伯沙漠边缘的岩石古城Petra曾是Aretas四世统治时期Nabataean王国的都城(公元前9年至公元40年)。

    Perched on the edge of the Arabian Desert , Petra was the capital of the Nabataean kingdom of King Aretas IV ( 9 B.C.to A.D.40 ) .

  2. 阿拉伯沙漠和南极洲也被认为是荒野地区。

    The Arabian Desert and Antarctica also are considered wilderness areas .

  3. 阿拉伯沙漠里的吉普车越野赛,正在翻越沙丘的吉普车。

    Jeeps negotiating sand dunes on jeep safari in Arabian Desert .

  4. 在阿拉伯沙漠地区骆驼是主要的交通手段。

    Camels are the main means of transportation in the Arabian desert .

  5. 在阿拉伯沙漠中水洞很少。

    Watering holes in the Arabian desert are few and far between .

  6. 在中央的阿拉伯沙漠中,有深沙以及硬地形。

    In the Central Arabian desert there is deep sand as well as hard terrain .

  7. 尼布甲尼撒将使居住在阿拉伯沙漠中基达荒凉。

    Nebuchadnezzar would make desolation among the people of Kedar , who dwelt in the deserts of Arabia .

  8. 玉米田不能移动:我们无法从将它们从巴西南部挖出,再置于阿拉伯沙漠之中。

    Cornfields are not very mobile : they cannot be extracted from the south of Brazil and replanted in the Arabian desert .

  9. 莫伊。赖利和卷毛三个傻瓜走在阿拉伯沙漠中时,一群残暴的贝都因人把他们抓了起来。

    Moe , Larry , and Curly were wandering in the Arabian desert when they were captured by a band of ferocious Bedouin .

  10. 神带领我去到阿拉伯的沙漠住了三年,在那段期间,神亲自教导我明白旧约圣经的意思。

    God led me into the deserts of Arabia for three years and He taught me what the Scriptures ( the Old Testament ) are all about .

  11. 阿拉伯酋长在沙漠刻两英里“大”名,太空可见。

    Arab sheikh carves two-miles-long name in sand until it 's visible from SPACE .

  12. 空白地区是一大块覆盖了四分之一的阿拉伯半岛的沙漠地带。

    The Empty Quarter is a huge area of sand that covers about a quarter of the Arabian Peninsula .

  13. 另一种传说,给我们的名字,喝杯咖啡或“首页”一个阿拉伯被放逐到沙漠中,与他的追随者饿死的。

    Another legend gives us the name for coffee or " mocha . " An Arabian was banished to the desert with his followers to die of starvation .

  14. 阿拉伯开发中的沙漠气候和珍贵的游牧的贝都因人,往往带来住房和保护被盗窃的家庭帐篷内。

    The Arabian developed in a desert climate and was prized by the nomadic Bedouin people , often being brought inside the family tent for shelter and protection from theft .

  15. 不过,他的头两本著作,一本叙述横穿阿拉伯半岛南部沙漠“空白之地”的《阿拉伯沙地》和另一本描写南伊拉克的《沼地阿拉伯人》,简洁明了地记录了他光辉的旅程。

    Yet his first two books ," Arabian Sands ", about his crossing of the Empty Quarter , and " The Marsh Arabs ", about southern Iraq , have a terse brilliance about them .

  16. 这条路上的另一个源头是欧洲,穿过阿拉伯,通过戈壁沙漠与中国相连。在明朝早期,丝绸之路变得越来越危险。

    The Silk Road , the overland journey that originated in Europe , through the Arab world and into China via the Gobi desert was at the time of the early Ming becoming more and more dangerous .