
ā lā bó
  • Arab;Arabic;Arabian
阿拉伯[ā lā bó]
  1. 埃及再一次被认为是阿拉伯政治中的一个重要声音。

    Egypt is once again accepted as an important voice in Arab politics

  2. 雅典与阿拉伯世界关系密切。

    Athens had strong ties to the Arab world .

  3. 弗拉明科起源于阿拉伯音乐。

    Flamenco has its roots in Arabic music .

  4. 这款钟有带罗马数字的,也有带阿拉伯数字的。

    The clock is available with either Roman or Arabic numerals .

  5. 蒙巴萨是一座充满迷人的阿拉伯风情的城市。

    Mombasa is a town with a beguiling Arabic flavour .

  6. 阿拉伯各国同意在巴格达会晤。

    The Arab nations agreed to meet in Baghdad .

  7. 这种变化鲜明地体现在阿拉伯联盟所发生的事件上。

    This change is neatly illustrated by what has happened to the Arab League

  8. 表面上,阿拉伯世界好像没什么变化。

    On the surface , it appears little has changed in the Arab world .

  9. 一句古老的阿拉伯谚语说,“敌人的敌人是朋友。”

    An old Arab proverb says , ' The enemy of my enemy is my friend ' .

  10. 此事激起了阿拉伯人民的强烈义愤。

    This has aroused the bitter indignation of the Arab people .

  11. 一些阿拉伯国家以石油储藏量而闻名。

    Some Arabian countries are famous for their oil reserves .

  12. 向南它伸入阿拉伯海和印度洋。

    It is south into the Arabian Sea and Indian ocean .

  13. 阿拉伯商人在世界各地做生意。

    The merchants of Arab are doing their things all of the world .

  14. 他是纯阿拉伯血统。

    He is of the purest Arab blood .

  15. 自然地理:位于亚洲西南部,阿拉伯半岛东北部。

    Physical geography : located in southwest asia , north-east of the Arabian peninsula .

  16. 阿拉伯人居住在阿拉伯半岛上。

    The Arab live on the Arabian peninsula .

  17. 你认为有一天阿拉伯国家会同以色列达成谅解吗?

    Do you think the Arab countries will come to terms with Israel one day ?

  18. 他看见一匹有斑点的阿拉伯马,颇为中意,就买了下来。

    He saw a spotted Arabian horse , which struck his fancy and he bought it .

  19. 例如,阿拉伯联合酋长囯已经批准了一项雄心勃勃的目标,即至2021年,可再生能源占一次能源消耗的24%。

    For   example ,   the   United   Arab   Emirates   has   endorsed   an   ambitious   target   to   draw   24 %   of   its primary   energy   consumption   from   renewable   sources   by   2021 .

  20. 如果你到一个阿拉伯家庭做客,不要欣赏任何贵重的东西,因为你的主人会觉得他应该把它作为礼物送给你。

    And if you visit an Arab family 's home , don 't admire anything valuable because your host will feel he should give it to you as a present .

  21. 阿拉伯故事中的神魔都有神奇的魔力

    Genies in Arabic stories all have strange powers .

  22. 阿拉伯风为设计师渴望独一无二给出了答案。

    The Arabesque solution is the answer to a designer 's desire for uniqueness .

  23. 在此基础上,使用C语言编写程序,把文本中实数范围内的阿拉伯数字串转换为相应的汉字数字串。

    Further more , provide a designed programme in C to convert the Arabian Number Strings to Chinese Number Strings in real texts .

  24. 实际上,作为一个内置的类型,整数用不加任何修饰的阿拉伯数字表示,而不使用大写的类型初始器(比如LONG)。

    In particular , as a built-in , integers are represented with bare digits , rather than with a capitalized type initializer ( for example , LONG ) .

  25. 借助于HPLC法检测香蕉皮稀酸水解液并得出其包含葡萄糖、木糖、甘露糖以及阿拉伯糖四种单糖。

    Glucose , mannose , xylose and arabinose were found in the hydrolyzate of banana peels by the HPLC .

  26. 设此有限字符集合为X,它含有26个英文字母、10个阿拉伯数字以及30个中国的省市地名,总共有66个字符。

    Set ⅹ with 66 characters consists of 26 English letters , 10 Arabic figures and 30 Chinese province and capital city names .

  27. 讨论了钒(V)-硫氰酸盐-结晶紫-阿拉伯树胶体系的反应条件和分析特性。

    The reaction conditions and analytical characteristics of the system of vanadium ( V ) - thiocyanate-Crystal violet-arabic gum were studied in detail .

  28. 目的评价阿拉伯酸甘露聚糖(LAM-IgG)检测对活动性肺结核的诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical value of LAM - IgG in diagnosing active pulmonary tuberculosis .

  29. 五种缓冲剂对根瘤菌生长的酵母汁阿拉伯糖半乳糖培养基(YAG)低pH的缓冲作用进行了测定。

    Five buffers were examined for their ability to buffer low pH during the growth of Rhizobium in yeast extract-Arabinose-galactose medium ( YAG ) .

  30. 结果表明:TPS是一类与蛋白质结合在一起的酸性糖蛋白,其多糖部分是由阿拉伯糖、核糖、木糖、葡萄糖及半乳糖组成;

    The tea polysaccharides ( TPS ) were composed of arabinose , ribose , xylose , glucose and galactose .