
mén shén
  • door-god
门神 [mén shén]
  • [door-god] 守门神。旧俗门上贴的神像,用来驱除妖邪(迷信)

门神[mén shén]
  1. 门神崇拜起源于人类远古时期的自然崇拜观念和神灵信仰观念。

    Door-god worship originated from nature and manitou worship in ancient times .

  2. 先秦时期,门神崇拜达到高峰。

    During Pre-Qing-Dynasty period , door-god worship reached a climax .

  3. 别看我门神老了不捉鬼,我耳朵可灵着哩。

    I may be an old codger , but I 've sharp ears .

  4. 这时候,门神出来劝解说:“我们都是因为没有什么本事,才依附在别人的门下,还争什么强,斗什么气呢?”

    At this moment , the deity3 of the door came to mediate4 : " It is only because we have no ability that we have to attach ourselves to the door of others . What 's the point of quarrelling with each other ? "

  5. 山东没什么可NB的,只是两个门神上有一个是山东人而已!

    Shandong have nothing to NB , only two on a door god is Shandong !

  6. 门神是中国民间信仰之一。

    The gate god is one of Chinese folk beliefs .

  7. 民间门神年画的起源分类和特征

    Origin 、 Classification and the Characteristics of Door God and New Year Pictures

  8. 从门神驱鬼说谈年画习俗艺术的演变

    The Evolvement of Ghost-driven Door Spirits to the Convention of Annually Painting Art

  9. 这时候,门神出来劝解说:

    At this moment , the deity of the door came to mediate :

  10. 民间门神的演变与皇家对民风的倡导有着直接的关系。

    The evolvement of folk door spirit had direct connection to the imperial advocation .

  11. 中国民间门神崇拜源流初探

    Origin and Development of Door-god Worship in China

  12. 对联有两个源头:一是具有巫术性质的中国古代桃符、门神风俗;

    There are two origins of antithetical couplet .

  13. 到了汉代,门神一词正式出现,并形成具体的艺术形象。

    The word " door-god " appeared in Han Dynasty and formed the unified artistic image .

  14. 这是两位门神。

    They are two gate guardians .

  15. “我们必须步步为营,不断取得进展”,红军门神说。

    " We have to go little by little and keep progressing ," said the custodian .

  16. 罗马坚纽斯门神是有两张脸的。

    The Roman Janus is bifacial .

  17. 门神文化研究

    A Research into Door-god Culture

  18. 门神艺术在中国传统民间民俗艺术中祈福文化的艺术表现形式,是文化的载体。

    Blessing art form of door-god panting in Chinese traditional folk art is the carrier of culture .

  19. 蓝军门神切赫在肩部受伤进行手术后,恢复的速度比预期的要快。

    Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech is ahead of schedule in his bid to recover from shoulder surgery .

  20. 我把门神嵌入都市,护佑我们的家园,我们的心灵。

    I introduce door-god into cities so that it may protect our homes as well as our spirit .

  21. 据说,大门上贴上两位门神,一切妖魔鬼怪都会望而生畏。

    Reportedly , the two door god affixed to the door , and all jiaomoguiguai will be daunting .

  22. 因此,他们将门神的画像贴在门的两侧。

    So they stick paper pictures of @ door gods @ on both sides of their gates or doors .

  23. 对审美文化心理的分析也是对民间门神文化审美转变过程的认识。

    The psychological analysis of aesthetic culture is also the reorganization to aesthetic changing progress of door-god folk culture .

  24. 在两根中柱上部内侧刻有两尊门神,手持金瓜,相对而立。

    The inside of the columns at the two carved two door gods , holding pumpkin , relative standing .

  25. 通过大量文献资料的收集整理工作,理清了门神形成的三个历史原因;

    Abundant collected documents are the base of this paper which investigates the three causes of the forming of door-gods .

  26. 春节,人们通常在大门上粘贴门神来避邪。

    The pictures of door-god are often pasted on the front door of a house as a talisman in the Spring Festival .

  27. 本文主要从民艺学与民俗学的角度对中国门神画艺术语言进行初步探析。

    The paper mainly takes preliminary Analysis on Chinese door-god art of artistic language from the perspective of the folk-art and folk-custom .

  28. 贴年画的风俗源自于把房子外面的门上贴门神的传统。

    The custom of pasting New Year Prints originated from the tradition of placing Door Gods on the external doors of houses .

  29. 在那里出售中国结,门神,对联的摊铺火红热闹,一片喜气洋洋。

    The shops and stalls there selling Chinese knots , door-gods , and couplets are enjoying the booming business in a jubilant atmosphere .

  30. 一位亚洲女孩羞怯地抓住裙摆,身旁还有两尊门神热切求爱。

    An Asian girl clutching the hem of dress coyly , is surrounded by the eager advances of two traditional temple door guards .