- Monroe Doctrine;Monroeism

Events recently reveal a surprising extension of his Monroe Doctrine .
I was then a strong supporter of America 's Monroe Doctrine and the Open Door Policy .
After all , ever since the Monroe Doctrine was announced in 1823 , America has proclaimed its intention to keep outsiders away from its own hemisphere .
Feeling excluded by Western nations , in the 1930s , Japan embarked on its own version of the Monroe Doctrine , leading to the second Sino-Japanese war and the Pacific war against the Allied Powers .
Indeed , in an effort to underline the idea that America now genuinely repudiates the idea of spheres of influence , John Kerry , the US secretary of state , even declared last year that the era of the Monroe Doctrine is dead .
" Monroe Doctrine " has become the cornerstone of U.
The French army in Mexico was trampling the Monroe Doctrine in the dirt .
Tries to Analyze the Differences between the Big stick-Dollar Diplomacy and the Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine 's real author , he set nineteenth-century America 's diplomatic course .
5th President of the United States ; author of the " Monroe Doctrine " ( 1758-1831 ) .
1823-Monroe Doctrine : US President James Monroe delivers a speech establishing American neutrality in future European conflicts .
The Manifest Destiny , which was the development of the Monroe Doctrine , was a kind of expansionist policy .
Looking from the American history , " the Monroe doctrine " of US in the Latin America is always the core of policy .
It would be akin to a Chinese Monroe Doctrine , which asserted the rights of a then-rising US to its Latin American backyard .
The noncolonization principle of the Monroe Doctrine implied that the United States intended to extend its business interests and establish its hegemony in the America continent ;
TIME : You said recently that you believe the " Bol í var Doctrine is finally replacing the Monroe Doctrine " on your watch . Why ?
The United States government not only dominated the settlement of the crisis , it also expanded the scope of Monroe Doctrine and established its hegemony status in ameirca .
Since " monroe doctrine " puted forward in1823 , with power increasing , the United States extend its hegemony from America to the Pacific-Asia area to the global .
As Civil War , America is facing intervention of Britain and France and the French invasion into Mexico , both of which carries the nature that the Monroe Doctrine is challenged by European countries .
Twenty years after he died in 1831 , this became known as the Monroe Doctrine .