
suǒ liàn
  • chain;shackles;fetters;curb chain;trammels
锁链 [suǒ liàn]
  • [fetters;trammels;chain] 连在一起的成串铁环,用于束缚人使不能自由行动

锁链[suǒ liàn]
  1. DNA的单链前体分子,一般一次延伸一个碱基,就像延长的锁链。

    RNA , the single-stranded precursor to DNA , normally expands one nucleic base at a time , growing sequentially like a linked chain .

  2. 这条锁链是由PeterTownsend在Sterling钢铁厂建立起来的,在西点军校西南部25英里的地方。

    The chain was constructed by Peter Townsend in the Sterling Iron Works , 25 mile southwest of West Point .

  3. 那些门总是上着锁链。

    The doors were always locked and chained .

  4. 希特勒这时面如死灰,无可奈何地死拽住身上的锁链不放

    Hitler , now ashen-gray , futilely strained at his chains .

  5. 当一名男子经过象群的时候,他突然停了下来。这群庞大生物被一根系在他们前腿的小绳子拴住了,他对此十分困惑。没有锁链,没有笼子。

    As a man was passing the elephants , he suddenly stopped , confused but for some reason , they did not .

  6. 1954年,奥利以笔名波丽娜·雷阿日(PaulineRéage)发表了《O的故事》(StoryofO),这是一部以施虐受虐为主题的小说,充满皮鞭、手铐和锁链。

    Aury wrote " Story of O " ( 1954 ) , a sadomasochistic novel replete with whips , cuffs and chains , under the pseudonym Pauline R é age .

  7. 伟大的锁链是为了阻止Hudson河的河上运输从而断掉英国的补给线。

    The purpose of the Great Chain was to obstruct navigation on the Hudson River thereby cutting the British supply lines .

  8. 她企图砸断锁链,解开结子。

    She tried to break the chain and untie the knot .

  9. 他狂喜之下挣断锁链。

    In a spasm of rapture he tears off his chains .

  10. 锁链用人类所知的每一种金属打造而成:

    The links were forged of every metal known to man :

  11. 在中小学建立健身锁链的探讨

    Discussion about A Chain of Body Building Plan in Middle School

  12. 另一款防护罩带有锁链,进一步保护了设备的安全。

    One model has a locking hinged cover for further security .

  13. 试论砸碎三个锁链思想到三个文明建设思想的发展

    Ideological Development from Smashing the Three Shackles to on Three-Civilization Construction

  14. 他不想让我们割断我们的锁链。

    He doesn 't want us to cut through our chains .

  15. 它和你戴的锁链很相似!”

    It is very like the one that you wear ! '

  16. 斯克罗吉向他四周看了看,但没看到锁链。

    Scrooge looked around him , but could see no chain .

  17. 锁链素和异锁链素是弹性纤维独有的氨基酸。

    The amino acids desmosine and isodesmosine are unique to elastic fibers .

  18. 我的锁链被弄断了,我终于获得了自由!

    My chains were broken , and I was free at last !

  19. 向往的自由,是一条白色的锁链。

    Yearning for freedom , was a white chain locked .

  20. 漫长的锁链难道不是超过了人的耐力吗?

    Are not chains which are endless above human strength ?

  21. 看来你还是被锁链锁着比较舒服。

    More comfortable in chains than you are in freedom .

  22. 不,这不是一条项链,而是一条永恒的锁链。

    No , this is not a necklace but an eternal bond .

  23. 最自由的歌不能从锁链和铁栅中传出。

    The freest song comes not through bars and wires .

  24. 我会很高兴用这些锁链做个精美的礼物送您的。

    I 'll make you a gift of them , and gladly .

  25. 我在埃及发现的它全身绑着锁链

    I found him in Egypt , he was all chained up .

  26. 卢卡斯叔叔,为什么你没有锁链?

    Uncle luke , why can 't you have chains ?

  27. 这名小男孩走了出来,找了切割锁链的人。

    The little boy was walking and he asked for a chain-cutter .

  28. 你要想开门,先让锁链走出迷宫。

    You must solve the labyrinth in order to open the lock .

  29. 入侵部队以连环锁链阻断了海军舰队的进攻。

    They also used a chain to cut through the naval fleet .

  30. 衪将砸碎锁链,因是我们的兄弟受捆绑。

    Chains shall He break , for the slave is our brother .