
suǒ mú jì shù
  • Locking technology;mode-locking technique
锁模技术[suǒ mú jì shù]
  1. 用负反馈控制锁模技术产生ps激光脉冲

    Generation of picosecond pulse by negative feedback-controlled mode-locked nd : glass laser

  2. 电光Q开关、电光锁模技术的应用可以提供很好的窄脉冲高功率的激光光源。

    The application of the electro-optical Q-switch , electro-optical mode-locked technology can supply highly powerful and narrow pulse width laser supply .

  3. 半导体泵浦Nd~(3+):GdVO4激光中的调Q锁模技术

    Q-switched Mode-locking in Diode-Pumped Nd ~( 3 + ): GdVO_4 Lasers

  4. 近年来由于人们对超短脉冲激光器件和锁模技术的研究,脉冲宽度为几十飞秒(fs)的超短脉冲激光器的应用已经得到了推广。

    In recent years , the application of lasers producing femtosecond duration pulse has been extended , due to the development of laser module and technology of mode-locked .

  5. 利用外腔主动锁模技术,得到了9ps脉宽的1.3μmInGaAsp/InP半导体激光超短脉冲。

    9ps ultrashort optical pulses of 1.3 μ m InGaAsP / InP semiconductor laser diode are produced by means of active mode-locking in an external cavity .

  6. 系统中采用了腔长调整锁模技术以及相位稳定反馈装置,目的是使激光脉冲的时间抖动小于10ps。

    To meet the low jitters of pulses ( 1.0 ps ), cavity length of the oscillator should be adjustable to lock the pulse frequency with external RF reference , and a phase stability feedback system is also used .

  7. 利用有理数谐波锁模技术,在调制频率为10GHz下,得到了重复频率为30GHz的皮秒级光脉冲序列输出,其峰值功率约0.5mW。

    Taking advantage of rational harmonic mode locking technology , an optical pulse train with a repetition frequency of 30 GHz was obtained using a modulation frequency of 10 GHz , and the peak power was about 0.5 mW .

  8. 激光器的加成脉冲锁模技术

    Introduction to the Additive Pulse Mode - Locking Technique of Laser

  9. 计算机三维函数绘图在激光锁模技术教学中的应用

    Application of Computer Three-Dimensional Graphics in Teaching of Laser Mode-Locking Technology

  10. 激光器光注入锁模技术

    The Technique of Mode Locking by Photoinjection in Laser

  11. 由于锁模技术得到的脉冲很窄,进而它的峰值功率也很高。

    Because the pulse width is narrow , mode-locked laser has highpower in pulse peaks .

  12. 主、被动谐波锁模技术是实现高速超短脉冲光源的重要办法之一。

    Actively-passively harmonic mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser technique is an important way that generates the short pulse source .

  13. 本文对光纤激光器中的有理数谐波锁模技术进行了理论方面的分析和实验方面的研究。

    Influence of the bias current of modulation SOA on the output pulseof harmonic mode-locked fiber ring laser ;

  14. 完成了基于耦合腔锁模技术和非线性偏振旋转效应的高频双腔耦合掺镱光纤激光器。

    A mode-locked fiber laser system consisting of two coupled cavities was presented , and the laser system was mode-locked by coupled-cavity mode-locking and nonlinear polarization rotation effect .

  15. 有理数谐波锁模技术是产生高速超短脉冲的重要技术之一,其光时分复用通信技术等领域中有重要的应用价值。

    The rational harmonic mode-locking has become a research subject of intense interest due to its application on the generation of ultra - high repetition frequency optical pulse train .

  16. 同时对锁模技术的关键器件及其锁模机理进行了分析。

    In the meantime , the key mode-locking device and its mode-locking mechanism was analyzed . Also , the theoretical calculation of beat frequency for mode-locked pulse was worked .

  17. 本文将计算机三维函数绘图方法应用于激光锁模技术的教学研究中,使锁模的物理过程能以动态、形象、直观的图形显示出来。

    In this paper , the computer three-dimensional graphics is applied to the research on teaching of laser mode-locking technology . The physical process of mode-locking can be displayed as dynamic and visual graphs .

  18. 并研究了任意分子数有理数谐波锁模技术中分子数对锁模脉冲序列幅度均匀化的影响,采用非线性偏振旋转技术实现了10阶有理数谐波锁模脉冲的强度均匀化。

    Based on the technique of nonlinear polarization rotation , the amplitude equalization of the rational harmonic mode - locked pulses is investigated . The effect of the numerator on the pulse-amplitude-equalization is experimentally demonstrated .

  19. 随着锁模技术和超短脉冲激光的日臻成熟,金属酞菁化合物在强光场下的性质逐渐引起人们极大的研究兴趣。

    With the developing of the mode-locked technology and ultrashort pulse laser , the femtosecond laser technology has been widely used in experimental studies . The properties of metal phthalocyanines gradually aroused great research interest in the laser field .

  20. 首先本文介绍了激光器的基本原理,并对激光器以及光纤激光器中的锁模技术进行了详细的介绍,我们重点对主、波动有理数谐波锁模掺铒光纤激光器进行了相关的实验研究。

    At first , we introduce the basic theory of lasers , and introduce the mode - locked pulse lasers and fiber lasers . And we put emphasis on investigation of the actively-passively rational harmonic mode-locked Erbium-doped fiber laser on correlative experimentation .

  21. 在腔体净群速度色散为正的掺Yb3+光纤环形腔激光器中,采用非线性偏振旋转的相加脉冲锁模技术,通过调节偏振控制器的方向和减少腔内损耗,实现稳定的锁模运转。

    In the normal dispersion , using the additive pulse mode-locking based on nonlinear polarization evolution , the Yb 3 + - doped fiber laser can oscillate in the mode-locked state by adjusting the position of the polarization controler ( PC ) and reducing the loss in the cavity .

  22. 高峰值功率主动-主动瞬态锁模激光技术研究

    Research on high peak power active-active transient mode-locked pulsed laser

  23. 一种连续Nd:YAG激光锁模的新技术

    A novel mode locking technique for CW Nd : YAG laser

  24. 此外,飞秒光频梳是基于锁模飞秒脉冲技术的现代光频率链,其主要用途是测量光钟输出的光频率以及获得原子的高精密光谱。

    Furthermore , optical frequency comb based on a mode-locked femtosecond laser , working as an optical frequency synthesizer chain , can be used to measure the output frequency of optical clock and obtain high precision spectroscopy .

  25. 描述一种全主动锁模激光器,它采用预激光锁模技术,脉冲宽度从300ps到1500ps连续可调,脉宽稳定性为±5%。

    An actively mode-locked laser adopting prelasing technology is described . Its pulsewidth stability is + 5 % and can be adjusted from 300 ps to 1500 ps.

  26. 同步抽运锁模是一种调制增益的锁模技术,就是调节抽运光的调制频率使之等于激光器纵模间隔的整数倍。

    Synchronously pumped mode locking can be obtained when the frequency for gain switching of the pump laser is equal to ( or an integer multiple of ) the cavity mode spacing , corresponding to the harmonic mode locked status .

  27. 在回顾用各种锁模方法获得短和超短光脉冲历史的基础上,介绍过去一年多以来兴起的一种新的锁模技术&加成脉冲锁模(APM),及其已有成绩和展望。

    A new technique of mode locking-additive pulse mode locking , which was just developed in the past year is described . The achievements and the prospects of such technique are presented .