- Locking technology;mode-locking technique

Generation of picosecond pulse by negative feedback-controlled mode-locked nd : glass laser
The application of the electro-optical Q-switch , electro-optical mode-locked technology can supply highly powerful and narrow pulse width laser supply .
Q-switched Mode-locking in Diode-Pumped Nd ~( 3 + ): GdVO_4 Lasers
In recent years , the application of lasers producing femtosecond duration pulse has been extended , due to the development of laser module and technology of mode-locked .
9ps ultrashort optical pulses of 1.3 μ m InGaAsP / InP semiconductor laser diode are produced by means of active mode-locking in an external cavity .
To meet the low jitters of pulses ( 1.0 ps ), cavity length of the oscillator should be adjustable to lock the pulse frequency with external RF reference , and a phase stability feedback system is also used .
Taking advantage of rational harmonic mode locking technology , an optical pulse train with a repetition frequency of 30 GHz was obtained using a modulation frequency of 10 GHz , and the peak power was about 0.5 mW .
Introduction to the Additive Pulse Mode - Locking Technique of Laser
Application of Computer Three-Dimensional Graphics in Teaching of Laser Mode-Locking Technology
The Technique of Mode Locking by Photoinjection in Laser
Because the pulse width is narrow , mode-locked laser has highpower in pulse peaks .
Actively-passively harmonic mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser technique is an important way that generates the short pulse source .
Influence of the bias current of modulation SOA on the output pulseof harmonic mode-locked fiber ring laser ;
A mode-locked fiber laser system consisting of two coupled cavities was presented , and the laser system was mode-locked by coupled-cavity mode-locking and nonlinear polarization rotation effect .
The rational harmonic mode-locking has become a research subject of intense interest due to its application on the generation of ultra - high repetition frequency optical pulse train .
In the meantime , the key mode-locking device and its mode-locking mechanism was analyzed . Also , the theoretical calculation of beat frequency for mode-locked pulse was worked .
In this paper , the computer three-dimensional graphics is applied to the research on teaching of laser mode-locking technology . The physical process of mode-locking can be displayed as dynamic and visual graphs .
Based on the technique of nonlinear polarization rotation , the amplitude equalization of the rational harmonic mode - locked pulses is investigated . The effect of the numerator on the pulse-amplitude-equalization is experimentally demonstrated .
With the developing of the mode-locked technology and ultrashort pulse laser , the femtosecond laser technology has been widely used in experimental studies . The properties of metal phthalocyanines gradually aroused great research interest in the laser field .
At first , we introduce the basic theory of lasers , and introduce the mode - locked pulse lasers and fiber lasers . And we put emphasis on investigation of the actively-passively rational harmonic mode-locked Erbium-doped fiber laser on correlative experimentation .
In the normal dispersion , using the additive pulse mode-locking based on nonlinear polarization evolution , the Yb 3 + - doped fiber laser can oscillate in the mode-locked state by adjusting the position of the polarization controler ( PC ) and reducing the loss in the cavity .
Research on high peak power active-active transient mode-locked pulsed laser
A novel mode locking technique for CW Nd : YAG laser
Furthermore , optical frequency comb based on a mode-locked femtosecond laser , working as an optical frequency synthesizer chain , can be used to measure the output frequency of optical clock and obtain high precision spectroscopy .
An actively mode-locked laser adopting prelasing technology is described . Its pulsewidth stability is + 5 % and can be adjusted from 300 ps to 1500 ps.
Synchronously pumped mode locking can be obtained when the frequency for gain switching of the pump laser is equal to ( or an integer multiple of ) the cavity mode spacing , corresponding to the harmonic mode locked status .
A new technique of mode locking-additive pulse mode locking , which was just developed in the past year is described . The achievements and the prospects of such technique are presented .