- 网络saturable absorber;A-FPSA

Passive Q-fiber laser based on gain fiber as saturable absorber was studied experimentally .
A passively Q-switched laser was reported by using Cr4 + : YAG as saturable absorber and KTP as nonlinear crystal .
The presence of saturable absorber also has influence on laser mode .
Analysis for Hopf Bifurcation of the Second Class of Lasers System with Saturable Absorbent
The effects of output mirror reflectivity , pump intensity and the initial transmission of saturable absorber on the signal wave operation were studied .
The use of laser host crystal co_doped with saturable absorber and laser gain medium can lead to the development of monolithic self_ Q _switched solid state lasers .
In chapter four , the semiconductor saturable absorber mirror also the saturable brag reflector was introduced as the mode-lock device in lasers .
The latest development of planar waveguide lasers is summarized , including thermal bonding technique , new idea of double-clad pumping planar waveguide and passively Q-switched double-clad waveguide laser .
Passively Q-switched operation of a laser diode end-pumped Nd ∶ YVO4 laser was realized by using Cr4 + ∶ YAG as saturable absorber .
Experimental Study of Pulsed Modelocked Nd : YAG Laser Based on the Combination of KTP Crystal and Saturable Absorber
Done some experimental research on QCW diode-pumped intracavity frequency doubling passively Q-switched Nd : YAG / KTP green laser , using Cr4 + : YAG as a saturable absorber .
A Cr : YAG saturable absorber is inserted into a quantum well LD end pumped Nd : YVO 4 laser and passively Q switched pulses at the wavelength of 1.06 μ m is observed .
Passive mode locking of a Nd : YAG laer have been realized with a Cr 4 + : YAG saturable absorber and 190 ps pulses are obtained .
Quasi-cw ( QCW ) diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd : YAG laser with the Cr4 + : YAG as a saturable absorber , can obtain pulses with high peak power and narrow pulse width .
The growth of saturable absorber Cr 4 + ∶ YAG crystals by liquid phase epitaxy ( LPE ) is reported . The absorption characteristics of this co-doped Cr , Ca ∶ YAG epilayer is analyzed .
Using cw Ti ∶ sapphire laser as pumping source , the passively Q switched Yb ∶ YAG laser with Cr 4 + ∶ YAG as a saturable absorber has been demonstrated at room temperature .
With Cr 4 + ∶ YAG as the saturable absorber and xenon flash lamp as the pumping source , passively Q-switched quasi-three-level laser operation of Nd 3 + ∶ YAG at 0.946 μ m is realized .
By making use of the method of density matrix , we give an unified explanation of Q-modulation and four-wave mixing effects caused by resonant saturable absorption ( RSA ) materials in a laser cavity . The underlying physical mechanism of the effects is expressed clearly .
In this paper , we analyse the difference between SESAM and dye , and present the initial model of the mechanism of SESAM mode-locking .
In this paper , we report that the mode locked operation of a flashlamp pumped Nd : YAG laser was realized and a single pulse train was obtained , using the pentamethine cyanine , Cr 4 + : YAG and LiF : F - 2 as saturable absorber respectively .
From the time-domain mode-locked master equation , the physical mechanism of nonlinear polarization evolution ( NPE ) mode-locking is analyzed in theory and the affects from cavity losses , dispersion , self-phase-modulation , and NPE saturation absorber have been discussed .
Stationary behavior of single-mode standing-wave laser with saturable absorber
Mode locked operation of a Nd : YAG laser with the different saturable absorber
A ultrashort pulse fiber laser with graphene as saturated absorber has been presented .
Study on Model-Locking Laser Including Saturable Absorber
Analyse the mode-locking principle and use graphene as a saturable absorber in erbium-doped fiber laser .
Effects of the Relaxation Time of Saturable Absorbers on the Mode-Locked . Pulses In Passively Mode-Locked Solid-State Lasers
The advantages of using NOLM as saturable absorber to compress pulse in mode-locked fiber lasers are analyzed theoretically .
The study of Cr ~ 4 + : Mg_2SiO_4 crystal as a saturable absorber of 1.06 μ m laser
A set-up for passively mode-looked ruby lasar with chlorophyll d as saturable absorber and the experimental results are reported .