
yí qì
  • abandon;throw-out;forsake;cast off;leave
遗弃 [yí qì]
  • [abandon;forsake;cast off] 不顾情感、忠诚或义务的约束而抛弃;抛弃应赡养或抚养的亲属

遗弃[yí qì]
  1. 她怎么办?我们不能就这样遗弃她了啊?

    What about her ? We can 't just abandon her !

  2. 技术框架与存在遗弃&海德格尔的技术批判

    Technical Framework and Existence Abandon & Technical Criticism by Heidegger

  3. 她怎么能遗弃自己的孩子呢?

    How could she walk out on her kids ?

  4. 她感到丈夫遗弃她辜负了她的心。

    She felt betrayed by her husband 's desertion .

  5. 这辆被遗弃的汽车堵住了道路。

    The abandoned car was causing an obstruction .

  6. 她被丈夫遗弃了。

    She was deserted by her husband .

  7. 关闭那家工厂的决定使6000人遭到了遗弃。

    The decision to close the factory has consigned 6 000 people to the scrap heap .

  8. 世上最让人难受的莫过于小婴儿遭到遗弃。

    The saddest thing in the world is a little baby nobody wants

  9. 他3个月大的时候被父亲遗弃了。

    He was abandoned by his father when he was three months old

  10. 她那辆租来的车被发现遗弃在比奇角。

    Her hired car was found abandoned at Beachy Head .

  11. 她一副遭人遗弃和背叛的样子。

    She had the look of someone deserted and betrayed

  12. 每年有数以千计的没人要的动物被人遗弃。

    Every year thousands of unwanted animals are abandoned .

  13. 他声称父母遗弃了他。

    He claimed that his parents had abandoned him

  14. 那位母亲生下男婴后不久就把他遗弃了。

    The mother deserted the baby boy soon after giving birth .

  15. 那个男人无耻地遗弃了妻儿,另寻新欢。

    The man shamelessly abandoned his wife and child for another woman .

  16. 他是个有趣的家伙,他会用很体面的办法把你遗弃。

    He is a pleasant fellow , and would jilt you creditably .

  17. 这个婴儿被母亲遗弃了。

    The baby had been abandoned by its mother .

  18. 玛丽.雪莱知道有关孤独和遗弃的滋味。

    Mary Shelley knew something about loneliness and abandonment .

  19. 她遭人遗弃,一时想不开就自杀了。

    She was deserted by her lover , and in despair took her own life .

  20. 丽莉完全明白自己现在已变成一名被丢在荒岛上徒然向驶去的帆船呼救的遗弃者了。

    Lily had the doomed sense of the castaway who has signalled in vain to fleeing sails .

  21. 一个被遗弃的可怜巴黎男孩如何成为一名顶级厨师?

    How a Poor , Abandoned Parisian Boy Became a Top Chef

  22. 1783年或1784年间,作为家里的第16个孩子的他出生于巴黎贫穷的家庭,小卡菜姆在法国大革命正如火如荼地进行的时候突然被遗弃了。

    Born the 16th child to poor parents in Paris in either 1783 or 1784 , a young Car ê me was suddenly abandoned at the height of the French Revolution .

  23. 一名新生女婴被发现遗弃在火车上。

    One newborn baby girl was found abandoned on a train .

  24. 去年夏天,当她的父母和两个姐姐搬到田纳西州时,她被家人遗弃了。

    The teen was abandoned by her family last summer , when her parents and two sisters moved to Tennessee .

  25. 在一些国家,有这种缺陷的儿童往往在出生时就被遗弃,因为他们的父母为他们感到羞耻或负担不起手术费用。

    In some countries , children with this defect are often abandoned at birth because their parents feel ashamed of them or cannot afford the operations .

  26. 那只不过是一座很大、很古老、有些神秘的遗弃了的房子。

    It was just a big , old , spooky , abandoned house .

  27. 他遗弃了他的妻子和孩子。

    He has forsaken his wife and children .

  28. (四)虐待、遗弃家庭成员的。

    and ( 4 ) maltreatment and desertion of one family member by another .

  29. 禁止家庭成员间的虐待和遗弃。

    Within the family maltreatment and desertion of one family member by another shall be prohibited .

  30. 遭社会遗弃无人照管的孩子

    neglected children suffering from social deprivation