
  • 网络road rebuilding
  1. 镇区中心道路改建工程的共性分析及设计要点

    Generality Analysis and Design Gist of Central Road Rebuilding Works in Town Area

  2. 为了缓解城市交通的紧张状况,项目研究贯穿道路改建的全过程,软课题、硬着陆,且进行了道路改建后的效果评价。

    In order to relieve the jamming situation of the urban traffic , the study of the project goes throughout the whole course of the road rebuilding & " Soft topic , hard landing " . And the result evaluation after road rebuilding is carried out .

  3. 土工格栅网在道路改建工程中的应用效果研究

    On Applied Result of Geotechnical Grating Network in Road Reconstruction Project

  4. 道路改建中沥青路面的平整度控制

    Evenness control on asphaltic pavement in reconstruction of highway

  5. 废弃混凝土路面板在道路改建中的再利用

    Reuse of scrap concrete slab in highway reconstruction

  6. 山区道路改建典型工程的现场监测

    In-Site Monitor During Road Reconstruction in Mountain Areas

  7. 厂区道路改建工程施工过程中的问题及对策

    The problems in construction process of road reconstruction engineering in plant area and their countermeasures

  8. 城区中心道路改建中人非共板及快速公交设计

    On Design of Pedestrian and Non-mechanical-vehicle Integrated Slab and Rapid Public Traffic in the Reconstruction of Urban Centre Roads

  9. 水泥混凝土道路改建时形成的废弃混凝土块的有效利用是一个亟待解决的问题。

    It is a vital issue to effectively utilize the recycled concrete aggregate during reconstruction of a cement concrete pavement .

  10. 水泥混凝土道路改建时废弃混凝土的再利用,可以降低工程造价,又利于环境保护。

    When reconstructing road on old line , the reuse of waste concrete has a great meaning for environment and construction cost .

  11. 当地人士以忧虑的目光看待这些道路的改建情况。

    The locals view these road improvements with alarm .

  12. 其四,市政工程多涉及到道路拓宽改建,在施工中不能交通中断。

    Fourth , municipal engineering involves the road widening , not interrupted traffic in construction .

  13. 最后使用该模型对道路养护改建项目进行了优化,验证了其有效性和实用性。

    Finally , by means of this model , this paper optimizes the projects road maintenance and rehabilitation to confirm its validity and the usability .

  14. 地铁建设带来沿线道路的改建,包括新建及改造道路下的给排水管线。

    The following road has brought the reconstruction with the subway construction , including new building and reconstruction to the water and wastewater pipelines under the road .

  15. 桥梁的加宽加固改造是道路拓宽改建的重要内容,而公路中小跨径桥梁中大部分是装配式空心板桥,所以对该类桥型的加宽改造技术进行研究有着重要的实际应用价值。

    The most of the small and the middle span bridges are assembly hollow slab bridges . So it is valuable to study the application technology of broadening and extension of this kind of bridges .

  16. 客流量预测在道路修建和改建中有着重要的作用。

    Traffic volume forecast is of great importance in roadway building and rebuilding .

  17. 针对山西省公路超载情况,对晋阳线等12条运煤线路进行了轴载谱和超重情况调查,其结果为山西省运煤道路的设计、改建及管理提供必要的数据。

    The overweight load data and axle load spectrum were collected in Shanxi province on trunk highway .

  18. 试验证明:道路旧水泥砼再生集料能够在道路的改建和新建中应用。

    According to the experiments , the conclusions can be easily drawn that recycled concrete aggregate can be used as aggregate in road pavement construction .