
  • 网络moral authority
  1. 但是,法国缺乏协调这个进程的道德权威。

    But France lacks the moral authority to orchestrate this process .

  2. 课程领导是基于道德权威的革新的领导;

    Curriculum leadership is a kind of innovation leadership based on moral authority .

  3. 第三,为什么上帝的戒律必然具有道德权威性?

    Third , why should God 's commandments be morally authoritative ?

  4. 为什么应将神视为道德权威?

    Why should the gods be viewed as moral authorities ?

  5. 论个体价值取向发展与其道德权威影响源的关系

    On The Relations of Value-Orientation Development and Sources of Influence on Moral Authority

  6. 事实而不是权力成为道德权威的源泉。

    Fact , rather than power , has become the source of moral authority .

  7. 什么使某人成为道德权威?

    What makes someone into a moral authority ?

  8. 鉴于西方道德权威部分丧失,它们不能再占据主导地位。

    The west can no longer dominate , given its partial loss of moral authority .

  9. 现时代道德权威的缺失,呼唤树立一种合理的新道德权威。

    Lack of moral authority in modern times calls for a new reasonable moral authority .

  10. 什么道德权威,根据什么来的

    Moral authority ? Based on what ?

  11. 结束种族隔离制度后,南非将自身定位为世界事务的一个道德权威。

    After the end of apartheid South Africa positioned itself as a moral authority in world affairs .

  12. 只有在你们那个时代,君特·格拉斯,你才能成为一个道德权威。

    Only in your time , G ü nter Grass , could you become a moral authority .

  13. 首先是道德权威的再平衡,原因是西方的道德优越感在消退。

    The first is a rebalancing of moral authority due to the receding moral superiority of the West .

  14. 道德权威与道德建设

    Authority & Moral Construction

  15. 发达国家的软实力和我们的道德权威也将受到重大影响。

    The costs to the developed countries ' soft power and to our moral authority would also be considerable .

  16. 在德育新课程中,教师要从传统的道德权威者转变为道德成长者的角色;

    In the New Curriculum of Moral Education , teachers must change their role from moral authority to moral growers-up ;

  17. 他仍在试图重塑美国的道德权威,并修复依赖中国借贷、千疮百孔的美国经济。

    He is still trying to restore the country 's moral authority and a battered economy dependent on Chinese lending .

  18. 强调道德权威、自主管理的道德领导理论可以为解决这些问题提供新的视野。

    Moral leading theory , which emphasizes moral authority and autonomous management , could supply some new views to resolving these problems .

  19. 美国的司法体系也仍然具有道德权威,这种权威源于其根植在一个开放、民主、法治的社会。

    Its justice system also still possesses a moral authority that stems from its roots in an open , democratic and law-governed society .

  20. 我们无法根据几个道德权威判断谁好谁坏,但我们有自己的底线。

    We cannot judge who is a good or bad person by some moral standard , but we have our own bottom line .

  21. 在教会道德权威衰落的同时,爱尔兰人在欧盟中找到了新的身份。

    At the same time that the church 's moral authority was flagging , the Irish were finding a new identity within the European Union .

  22. 至少,我们应努力建立一种道德权威,具有说实话的能力和有人听取的机会。

    At least , efforts should be made to create a moral authority with the ability to speak the truth and a chance to be heard .

  23. 年级组长和学科组长的领导权威主要来自科层组织,领袖教师则依靠专业权威和道德权威达成领导功能。

    The leading power of grade leaders and subject leaders comes mainly from hierarchy organizations while leading teachers mainly depend on their professional and moral powers .

  24. 奥巴马的海外仰慕者共同的感觉是,通过选择奥巴马,美国重新找回了长期支撑其道德权威的美德和价值观。

    What his overseas admirers share is a sense that in choosing Mr Obama , the US has rediscovered the virtues and values that long underpinned its moral authority .

  25. 只要稳定被等同于旧秩序,西方就会在该地区一下子丧失道德权威,进而损害自身的战略安全。

    As long as stability is seen as synonymous with the old order , the west will at once surrender moral authority in the region and undermine its own strategic security .

  26. 除此之外,除非准备好结束效率低下造成的残酷,我建议将来的医疗改革者不必具有道德权威来对抗我们体制的效率低下。

    Beyond that , I 'd suggest that would-be health reformers won 't have the moral authority to confront our system 's inefficiency unless they 're also prepared to end its cruelty .

  27. 他强调,中国如果志在成为全球强权,就必须发展道德权威(许多西方人会称之为软实力)。

    He stresses the need for China to develop moral authority ( what many in the west would call soft power ) if it is to stake a claim to global power .

  28. 但这位上届民主党总统在“道德权威”方面得到的评价可不太好,仅排在第37位,高于尼克松(41名),落后于小布什(35名)。

    But presidential historians were critical of the last Democratic president 's moral authority , placing him 37th , ahead of Richard Nixon ( 41st ) , but behind Bush ( 35th ) .

  29. 她是斯托尼家族的成员,认为科学就是为了利益而存在的,她也毫不怀疑女王政府的道德权威。

    Mrs Turing , of course , was a Stoney ; she assumed that science existed for the sake of useful applications , and she was not the person to doubt the moral authority of His Majesty 's Government .

  30. 白鲁恂对中国传统政治文化中的权威依赖、关系政治、政治权力源自道德权威、人民的认知不协调等特色的深刻洞见,对分析中国政治问题极具价值。

    Lucian W. Pye had a deep insight of authoritative dependence , relation politics , political power derived from moral authority , people 's cognitive unconformity of Chinese political culture , which is quite valuable in studying Chinese political problems .