
dào dé yì wù
  • moral obligation;moral duty
  1. 关键在于道德义务如何合理上升为法律义务。

    The key issue is how to reasonably make moral duty become obligation .

  2. 重大道德义务应否成为不作为犯罪中作为义务来源

    Whether Should Important Moral Duty Be the Origin of Obligation of Feasance in Negative Crime

  3. 作为义务的性质只能是法律义务,而不包含道德义务。

    Act duties are legal obligations , including no moral obligations .

  4. 他们受到法律义务而不是道德义务的约束。

    They are bound by legal but not moral obligations .

  5. 自然价值与人类对自然的道德义务

    The Value of Nature and the Duty of Human Beings

  6. 我确实认为,企业主拥有一些道德义务。

    I do think people who own businesses have some moral obligation .

  7. 新闻机构也有类似的对公众负责的道德义务。

    News organizations have a similar ethical obligation of accountability .

  8. 通过立法,增强道德义务的约束力,促进社会道德水平的提高。

    Legislation can improve the binding force as well as standard of Ethics .

  9. 公正的和平意味着履行我们的道德义务。

    Peace with justice means meeting our moral obligations .

  10. 那么你会说她的道德义务是什么?

    What would you say is her moral obligation ?

  11. 对于一些美国人来说,采取行动是一种道德义务。

    For some in the U.S. , taking action is a moral imperative .

  12. 先行行为和道德义务成立不作为犯有着共同的伦理基础。

    Delictum Omissis according to prior act and moral obligation have same ethical foundation .

  13. 这就是我们所面临的挑战,也是我们必须履行的使命和道德义务。

    This is our challenge , our imperative and our moral responsibility going forward .

  14. 同时,高校教师的某些道德义务应予法定化,形成监督制约机制。

    Some moral duties of teachers should be legalized through a system of limitation .

  15. 进一步引导公民把爱国作为公民基本的法律和道德义务;

    Lead the citizen consist the patriotic is the basic law and the moral duty ;

  16. 论道德义务与法律义务

    On Moral Duty and Legal Duty

  17. 道德义务与法律义务长期以来一直是伦理学和法学的核心概念。

    Moral duty and legal duty have long been the core concepts of ethics and law .

  18. 二是角色道德义务。

    The other is moral duty .

  19. 从法律上讲你不必告知他们,但是这是一种道德义务。

    You 're not legally required to inform them , but it is a moral obligation .

  20. 这种被绑定的道德义务需要每个人去尽可能多地获得超出他生存所需的财产。

    This binding moral obligation needs every person acquire more subsistence property than they actually need .

  21. 这不仅是一项道德义务,也是一项必须完成的经济任务。

    It is not only a moral imperative ; it is an economic one as well .

  22. 另一方面我们最高尚的道德义务就是保护活着的人免遭痛苦。

    The flip side of the issue is that our greatest moral obligation is to the living .

  23. 历史上,扶贫政策强调个人在贫困问题上的道德义务,却忽略了其地理性和结构性渊源。

    Historically , poverty policy has emphasized individual moral responsibility while ignoring its geographic and structural origins .

  24. 无论是哪一层次的道德义务在现实社会中都很重要。

    But no matter which level it is , moral obligation is very important in real life .

  25. 特别是要确立公仆意识、强化社会责任感和增强道德义务感。

    Having consciousness of public servant , stressing social responsibility and enhancing moral duty are especially important .

  26. 论道德义务的两个层次

    Two Levels on Moral Obligation

  27. 苦乐观的基本境界是不忘吃苦是一种道德义务。

    The basic realm of viewpoint on hardship and happiness is remembering hardship and it is a moral obligation .

  28. 生态伦理学的根本目的之一,在于确定人对自然界的道德义务。

    One of the essential targets of Ecological Ethics lies in the determination of humans ' moral obligations to nature .

  29. 帮助全世界贫困地区脱贫既是我们的道德义务也是我们的深远利益。

    And we have a moral obligation and a profound interest in helping lift the impoverished corners of the world .

  30. 我们有道德义务倡导更公正、更公平和更宽容的社会。

    And we have a moral obligation to promote societies that are more just , more fair , and tolerant .