
  1. 江西省国债项目效益分析

    An Analysis of the Benefits of the Treasury Bond Projects in Jiangxi Province

  2. 加强水利工程造价工作提高国债项目投资效益

    Strengthening cost work of water resources projects and raising investment benefit of national debt projects

  3. 2002~2005年疾病预防控制机构的国债项目投入特征分析

    Analysis on investing character of national-debt-project in disease prevention and control organizations between 2002 and 2005

  4. 江西省的国债项目具有巨大的经济、会和生态效益。

    The treasury bond projects in Jiangxi Province enjoy great benefits in economic , social and ecologic terms .

  5. 东北地区等老工业基地、生态建设和环境保护倾斜,保证续建国债项目建设。

    Heast China and other old industrial bases , ecological improvement , environmental protection , and ongoing bond-financed projects .

  6. 1998年以来开工建设的大部分国债项目,要在今年内基本完工。

    Work on most of the projects financed by treasury bonds and launched since 1998 must be basically completed this year .

  7. 本课题来源于国债项目“人工植被生产技术与设备的国产化”。

    This subject belongs to the national debt item of " erosion control blanket product technology and domestic production of equipment " .

  8. 加强国债项目管理,防止重复建设和过度超前建设,提高资金使用效益。

    Management of the projects financed by treasury bonds was tightened to avoid redundancy and inappropriately high standards and to ensure better cost-effectiveness .

  9. 切实抓好国债项目建设,促进固定资产投资较快增长;

    Doing a good job in the construction of projects funded by government loans and promoting the growth of investment in fixed assets ;

  10. 本文通过对农村沼气国债项目的申报、实施到监管等过程管理的探讨与经验总结,得出了如何搞好农村沼气国债项目的措施和办法。

    Through the experiences of project declaration , implement and supervision , management measures for rural biogas projects supported by government debt were summarized in this paper .

  11. 年初适当减少中央财政赤字和国债项目资金,同时增加中央基建投资。

    At the beginning of the year , we reduced the central government deficit and funding for bond-financed projects and increased spending on capital construction in the central budget .

  12. 督促商业银行、政策性银行在保证国债项目配套贷款的同时,增加对企业技术改造、中小企业特别是科技型中小企业和农业结构调整的支持力度。

    It will urge commercial and policy-oriented banks to grant greater support to technological renovation of enterprises , to small and medium-sized enterprises , particularly technology-based ones , and to agricultural restructuring .

  13. 银行优先为国债项目提供配套贷款,支持有市场、有效益、有信用企业的流动资金和技术改造贷款需要。

    While giving top priority to providing supplementary loans for Treasury-bond projects , banks also provided working capital and loans in support of technological transformation by credit-worthy enterprises that are profitable and have a ready market for their products .

  14. 过程质量管理;投资成本控制十个方面阐述了项目管理理论在我公司国债技改项目中的应用与实践。

    Quality control and the management of the investing costs .

  15. 相当一部分国债建设项目是有效益的,到期可以偿还。

    A considerable number of construction projects funded by government loans are profitable and will be able to repay the loans when they become due .

  16. 如果较多的国债投资项目最终效益不好的话,也会造成财政状况的恶化,最终也会导致价格上涨的压力。

    If a fairly large number of projects funded by government loans yield poor results , it will result in the deterioration of the financial situation and eventually add pressure for price hikes .

  17. 特种镜头系列及夜视瞄准镜国债技改项目管理或者,我会把显示器调整到一个有利的拍摄角度,镜头对准目标进行拍摄。

    The Project Management on the Technical Innovations of Special Lens Series and Night-vision Collimator with the National Debts ; Or I swivel the monitor to an advantageous angle and shoot with only the lens pointing at the subject .

  18. 国家经贸委已经将加快医药现代物流系统的建设,作为国债技术改造项目支持的重点。

    The national Economic & Trade Commission has taken some policies to improve China 's modern pharmaceutical logistics system which is regarded as one of the most important projects assisted by the national debt .

  19. 继续加强对国债资金使用、项目建设和工程质量的监督管理,严厉查处各种截留、挪用国债资金的行为。

    We will continue to tighten supervision and management over the use of capital from treasury bonds , the construction of projects and the quality of engineering and to investigate and severely deal with any act of withholding or misappropriating these funds .

  20. 要切实管好用好国债资金,确保国债项目工程质量和资金使用效益。

    We need to manage and use treasury bonds well and ensure the quality of the projects they finance and the efficient use of investment capital .

  21. 最后,是国债投资调控的主体的新设想及基本国债法的设计,而且将建立地方政府公债制度和加强国债投资项目及资金的监管作为相关制度予以探讨。

    Fourthly , new design for the controlling subject of investment and fundamental national debt law . Last , as a relevant system , the thesis attempts to set up public bonds of local government and strengthen the regulation over investment projects and capital .

  22. 因此,政府当务之急是完善国债投资管理和审批体制,增加国债资金运用的透明度,加大对国债资金管理和使用的监督和检查力度,提高国债项目的投资效益。

    So , government should perfect administration system of government debts investment and examining and approving , advance transparence of fund using , strengthen supervising and examining , and increase earning of government debt project .