
  • 网络Ballast Cleaner
  1. 对于正常大修周期的线路上,RM80型全断面道碴清筛机作业运行工况具有足够的挖掘能力,作业效率基本上能够达到其设计标准,这些在国外已经得到了充分的证明。

    On the railway line nuder normal major repair cycle , RM-80 full section undercutting ballast cleaning machine has enough excavation ability in working condition , productivity can come up with it 's design standard .

  2. 道碴清筛机挖掘阻力的试验研究

    Study on Excavating Resistance of Ballast Cleaning Machine

  3. 离心筛式道碴清筛机上,离心筛的圆弧段是重要的筛分区段。

    For a centrifugal ballast cleaning machine , the circle section of a centrifugal sieve is an important settling area .

  4. 某型号全断面道碴清筛机主要完成对铺设铁路路基所需石块的筛分以及将合格的石块回填到铁路路基上的作业。

    Some ballast cleaning machines can mainly be served as screening required stones laid on the railway roadbed and backfill the qualified stones to the railway embankment .

  5. 道碴清筛机是现代铁路线路铺设、养护及检修必不可少的铁路养护机械,其工作质量的好坏直接对铁路线路的质量及车辆的运行安全产生影响。

    Ballast cleaning machine is an essential maintenance machinery of modern railway which performs track-laying , maintenance and the repair of the railway . Its working quality directly affects the quality of the railway and the safety of train travel .