
  • 网络moral cultivation
  1. 从独白到对话:传统道德教化的现代性转向

    From Monologue to Dialogue : A Modernity Transition of Traditional Moral Cultivation

  2. 但我们究竟应该以何种方式关注道德教化问题,却并非不言自明。

    But how to address the problem of moral cultivation is not so clear to people .

  3. 试论明清徽州宗族的道德教化

    The Ethical Enlightenment of Huizhou Clans in Ming & Qing Dynasties

  4. 儒家倡导道德教化,强调美与善的统一;

    Confucians propose moral education and integration of beauty and benevolence .

  5. 东汉道德教化传统及其历史效应

    The Ethical Education Tradition of East Han Dynasty and History Effect

  6. 儒家重视道德教化的思想对后世影响很大。

    Meanwhile , the Confucianists believe the " influence of behavior " .

  7. 话语霸权:解读古代中国道德教化

    Word - supreme : On Moralization in Ancient China

  8. 论市民社会的生成与当代道德教化取向的转型

    The growing up of The residential society and the transformation moral education orientation

  9. 历史上儒家关于民众道德教化方式的省察

    Introspection to the Confucian Way of Moral Education on Masses in Chinese History

  10. 道德教化功能,促进社会的诚信友爱;

    Moral enlightenment function , which promotes the faith and friendly of society ;

  11. 伦理实体:道德教化的社会环境支持

    Ethical substance : social environment support of moral culture

  12. 李存的道德教化与道德修养思想探析

    On LIChun 's Moral Education and Recuperation Thoughts

  13. 哈利鲁宾斯坦说那是因为杰弗逊想要强调耶稣的道德教化作用。

    Rubenstein says that 's because Jefferson wanted to highlight Jesus ' moral teachings .

  14. 卓然独立的道德教化。

    Remarkably independent moral education .

  15. 同时,还表现在文学艺术担负着道德教化的功能。

    At one time , Chinese traditional literature and art took on the function of moral education .

  16. 道德教化的成功有助于缓和生存博弈的激烈程度。

    Meanwhile , the successful moral education helped to alleviate the severity of the game of life .

  17. “道德教化”论的基本观点和趋向是忽视法律及其作用。

    The basic ideas and tendency of " moralization " are the negligence of law and its role .

  18. 因此使人们的生活共同体成为伦理实体,对道德教化来说是绝对必需的。

    It is absolutely necessary , therefore , to make the life community as ethical substance for moral culture .

  19. 他还提倡道德教化要寓教于乐,把乐教作为道德教化的辅助形式。

    He also advocated moral education to be entertaining , the music teaching aid as a form of moral education .

  20. 此外,他还主张“任德不任刑”,强调道德教化的作用;

    In addition , he also proposes " moral is more vital than punishment ," emphasizing the function of moralization .

  21. 社会道德教化与制度安排相结合、他律与自律相结合是两者整合的具体措施。

    The combination of moral cultivation and system design , autonomy and heteronomy is the concrete measure for their integration .

  22. 中华民族具有重视道德教化的优良传统,留下了丰富的德育思想遗产。本文主要论述这笔遗产中最重要的部分,先秦儒家德育思想。

    The Chinese nation has good traditions with paying attention to moral education . It remains more moral education assets .

  23. 建筑所具有的艺术性以及建筑文化所蕴含的伦理性内涵,使建筑在某种程度上具有道德教化的功能。

    To some extent , architecture has the moralization function since it is kind of art and contains ethnic element .

  24. 这些德育方法有些侧重于社会道德教化,有些侧重于个人的道德修养。

    Some of these moral education methods lay particular emphasis on social moralization , yet some focus on individual moral cultivation .

  25. 营造道德教化和行政道德氛围,提高学校领导者的道德修养,是防止学校领导者在运用职权时出现滥用权力、渎职、权力无为等失误行为的行之有效的管理措施。

    To build an environment of moral education and administrative morality ; and to improve the school leaders ' moral quality .

  26. 同时,这也是作家加强小说道德教化的一种方法。

    Meanwhile it is this method that the writers utilize to strengthen the function of implying the society and moralizing and educating .

  27. 道德教化既是人文精神的构建,同时也是人文精神在现实生活中的投射。

    Moral education is not only the construction of the humanities , but also the projection of the humanistic spirit in real life .

  28. 道德教化是一种包括说服、教育和感化三位一体的一个过程,属于人文精神活动的范畴。

    Moral education is an include to convince a process of education and probation Trinity , belonging to the human spirit activity areas .

  29. 其社会效应是提高了民众的文化素质,强化了对普通民众的道德教化。

    In View of it 's social effect it had enhanced the Listeners ' cultural quality and strengthened the moral education of the audience .

  30. 和谐社会伦理:对革命道德教化理念的解构与超越&革命道德教化的现代性道德价值理念审理

    Harmonious Society Ethics : Priority to the Idea Revolutionary Moral Cultivation & Analysis to the Idea of New-date Moral Value of Revolutionary Moral Cultivation