
  1. 会计人员职业道德重塑与修养的探讨

    Discussion on the Remolding and Nurturing of Professional Morality of Accountants

  2. 儒家道德规范与修养研究

    The Research on the Code of Ethics and Accomplishment of the Confucian School

  3. 李存的道德教化与道德修养思想探析

    On LIChun 's Moral Education and Recuperation Thoughts

  4. 帛书《德行》也把道德教育与道德修养当成预防犯罪的重要手段。

    The silk book Moral Conduct takes education in ethics and accomplishment in ethics as important measures to prevent crimes .

  5. 文章试图通过坚持知行统一、道德教育与道德修养相结合的方式,为网民德性建设提供新的方案和对策。

    This paper attempts to provide the new plans and countermeasures for schooling webcams in virtue by sticking to knowing and doing , morals education and morals actions .

  6. 我们德育工作者应以敏锐的职业触角去捕捉大学生道德教育面临的重大问题,教会学生道德选择,承担道德责任,提高大学生的道德素质与道德修养,以期提高当前大学生道德教育的实效性。

    Our educators should face with the important question of the moral education and educate the students how to assume moral responsibility , increase college students ' moral qualities and moral culture .

  7. 要创新道德教育方法,将理论教育与实践锻炼相结合、学生自主选择与教师积极引导相结合、道德教育与自我道德修养相结合。

    Innovating the methods of moral education , such as methods of combining theory education and practice , combining students ' conscious choice and teacher 's guiding , combining moral teaching and moral learning by oneself .