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dào páo
  • Taoist robe
道袍 [dào páo]
  • [Taoist priest's robe] 道士穿的袍子

  1. 你是否能忍受尼姑的道袍。

    You can endure the livery of a nun .

  2. 跆拳道练习者身着白色宽松的道袍,以腰间扎不同颜色的腰带来区分级别。

    Practitioners wear a white , loose-fitting uniform known as a dobok , tied at the waist with a colored belt that indicates rank .

  3. 不然的话,我早就该抛掉这貌似神圣的道袍,象人们在最后审判席上看到我的那样,袒露给他们看了。

    Else , I should long ago have thrown off these garments of mock holiness , and have shown myself to mankind as they will see me at the judgment-seat .

  4. 由于他的道袍穿得太久了,却又不愿被别人察觉,因此他进城就不得不套上那件紫棉袍。

    As he made his cassocks last a long while , and did not wish to have it noticed , he never went out in the town without his wadded purple cloak . This inconvenienced him somewhat in summer .

  5. 他郑重其事地听我说,提供所能找到的最慈悲的忠告,而后说:“现在我要亲吻我的道袍。”他掀起姜黄色道袍的一脚,响亮地咂嘴一吻。

    He listened respectfully , offered up the most compassionate advice he could find , and then said , " And now I 'm kissing my robes . " He lifted a corner of his saffron robes and gave a loud smack .