- 名margin calls

For a start , the blind rush of Japanese housewives repatriating their savings and local currency investors scrambling to make margin calls has calmed .
Sums to be paid in settlement of transactions or margin calls ;
Hence we can require the regulator to make a margin call any time the CDS price of a bank 's debt exceeds a certain threshold , let us say an average of 1 percentage point over the previous month .
By September , Mr Deripaska was scrambling for funds to cover margin calls .
You can 't get a margin call .
Beyond the short term , we believe margin call is a necessary risk management mechanism for brokers .
The market is rife with speculation that funds are being forced to liquidate assets to meet margin calls .
But that borrowing leaves the stock market prone to dramatic falls as investors struggle to meet margin calls .
The regulator could induce them to raise more equity by making a margin call at the appropriate time .
Many have been forced to sell shares to meet margin calls on tens of billions of dollars in loans .
This is a risk to minority investors in the case of sudden price moves when a margin call is triggered .
Margin calls have proliferated and spread to stock markets in the US and Europe , raising the spectre of renewed panic .
Once prices began to fall , margin calls on the loans created a vicious cycle of lower prices and forced liquidation .
Broker 's Calls : Individuals who buy stocks on margin borrow part of the funds to pay for the stocks from their broker .
To receive requests and demands for additional margin , notices of intention to sell or purchase and other notices and demands of whatever character ;
As hedge funds and other deep-pocket players unload stock to cover margin calls from their brokers , the market falls further , forcing others to sell .
Whenever one asset class goes into free fall , institutions are forced to sell other assets to meet margin calls , amid a climate of mistrust .
That may reflect Chinese hedge funds scrambling to buy back bearish bets against the metal , as they faced rising margin calls from the equity market .
If this ever drops below a threshold , they make a margin call , which forces the investor to choose between posting more collateral or losing the investment .
Still , because homeowners don 't receive margin calls , it makes it easier to procrastinate over selling and to entertain fanciful ideas about your home 's value .
Precisely because it is costly for a bank to raise equity in bad times , it is also politically difficult for a regulator to make a margin call .
Already , trading volumes have taken a hit because investors have been deprived of their own capital , socked with margin calls , or found live trades in limbo .
Some of the stock sales could have been motivated by margin calls , which are said to have afflicted a number of Goldman executives who used company stock as collateral for loans .
If the stock market plunges and you own shares on margin , you could receive a margin call from your broker , asking that you add more cash or securities to your account .
When they lose money in one area , they are forced to sell off other investments to cover margin calls from their lenders , prompting falls across all the asset classes they trade .
To be sure , a heavily margined portfolio will always run the risk of getting a ' margin call ' the need to come up with additional cash if its holdings fall too far .
To be sure , a heavily margined portfolio will always run the risk of getting a ' margin call ' -- the need to come up with additional cash -- if its holdings fall too far .
This is an Armageddon trade the kind of trade that only makes sense if you believe the world will blow up or J & J will blow itself up , or if you happen to have a late-day margin call .
If a non-settlement member fails to add the deposit or close the position by itself within the time limit specified by the settlement agreement , the general settlement member futures company has the right to compulsorily close the position of the non-settlement member .
Baoneng Group faces the forced liquidation of its investment in China Vanke unless it can meet impending margin calls on its borrowing - in a demonstration of the risk of using leverage to build a stake for a hostile bid .