
  • 网络traceability system
  1. 基于Web的罗非鱼养殖质量安全可追溯系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of tilapia breeding quality safety traceability system based on web

  2. 基于RFID和条码技术的猪肉可追溯系统构建

    Implementation of Pork Traceability System Based on RFID and Barcode Technology

  3. 基于Web的蔬菜质量安全可追溯系统

    Vegetable traceability system based on web

  4. 控制与追溯系统包括化学和DNA指纹识别,比如在橄榄油中就是常规检查项目。

    Systems for control and traceability include chemical and DNA fingerprinting , routinely used for olive oil for example .

  5. 畜产品追溯系统中关键RFID技术的研究与实现

    Critical RFID technique research and realization in animal products trace back system

  6. 基于UML建模的生产过程信息可追溯系统的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Based on UML Model for Traceability System in Production Process Information

  7. 基于RFID和条码技术的猪肉加工链信息可追溯系统设计与实现

    Design & Implementation of a Pork Processing-chain Information Traceability System Based on RFID and Barcode

  8. 基于IPTV的农产品质量安全追溯系统

    Track and Trace about the Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products based on IPTV

  9. 详细分析了世博食品追溯系统的功能需求分析,并用UML统一建模语言建立了系统的逻辑模型。

    Detailed analysis of the 2010 world expo food traceability system function requirement analysis , system was established using UML the logical model .

  10. 并对比国外食品追溯系统所用技术,提出用RFID技术进行自动识别,并对几种识别技术进行了对比。

    Compared with foreign food traceability system , proposes the use of RFID technology used for automatic identification technology , and several identification technology were compared .

  11. 因此,本文以鹿茸可追溯系统为背景基础,详细介绍了产品电子代码(EPC)标识方案。

    This paper introduces the identification schemes of Electronic Product Code ( EPC ) as the background basis for antler traceability system .

  12. NET的OPC的物流控制系统设计思路和调度原则,详细阐述了信息追溯系统的工作原理和相关问题分析。

    NET OPC logistics control system design mentality and the dispatcher principle , elaborated principle of work and the related problem analysis about the information backward system in detail .

  13. 开发基于RFID的产品防伪追溯系统意在为消费者和监管部门提供快速方便的产品防伪查询和追溯平台,从源头杜绝假冒伪劣产品的流通。

    The development of products anti-counterfeiting system based on the RFID intended to provide an anti-counterfeiting platform for consumers to query and retrospective the product quickly and easily .

  14. 本人在前人对质量信息管理活动研究的基础上,对基于MES的质量信息管理与质量追溯系统进行了研究。

    On the basis of previous research on the quality of information management activities , quality information management and quality traceability system based on the MES are studied .

  15. 本文在建立葡萄酒产品的可追溯系统时,引入全球统一标识系统(EAN·UCC系统),对葡萄酒进行产品标识。

    The paper argues that we should give the wine product identification by introducing the Global Identification System ( EAN · UCC System ), when we create the wine product traceability system .

  16. 柔性化汽车生产线的质量控制及追溯系统

    The quality control and ascend system in flexible auto production line

  17. 运营商设备动态追踪与全程质量追溯系统的研究

    Research of Operator 's Device Dynamic Tracking and Quality Retrospective System

  18. 基于混合模式的农产品质量安全可追溯系统集成方法

    Integration approach for agricultural product traceability system based on hybrid architecture

  19. 基于.NET构架的安全猪肉全程可追溯系统实现

    Implementation of pork traceability system based on . NET framwork

  20. 虹膜识别在肉类食品安全追溯系统中的应用及关键技术研究

    Research on the Application of Iris Recognition in Meat-food Supply Chain Management

  21. 食品质量安全追溯系统研究进展及在茶叶行业应用展望

    Recent Developments of Food Safety Traceability System and its Perspective on Tea

  22. 非消毒包装植入性器械追溯系统的优化方案

    Optimize Solution to Tracking System of Non-sterile Implant Medical Device

  23. 猪肉安全生产全程可追溯系统的研究

    Research of Traceability System in the Pork Safety Production Chain

  24. 基于射频识别中间件的粮食质量安全追溯系统

    Traceability system of grain quality safety based on radio frequency identification middleware

  25. 电池行业物料管理及电池追溯系统研究

    Research on materials management and the retrospection of battery for battery industry

  26. 食品安全环境下的肉类食品可追溯系统的构建

    Traceability System for Meat Products under Food Safety Circumstance

  27. 可追溯系统在食品供应链中的作用与研究

    Research and Function of Traceability System in Food Chain

  28. 借鉴法国经验开展我国牛肉质量安全可追溯系统建设

    Construction of China Beef Traceability System ( CBTS ) Based on French Experience

  29. 无线射频技术在乳品安全可追溯系统中的应用

    Application of Radio Frequency Identification Technique in Safety Trace System of Dairy Product

  30. 畜类产品生产信息可追溯系统的构建与实现

    Design and Implementation of Product Processing Information Traceability System