- to ratify;recognize retroactively;subsequently confirm or endorse;subsequently or posthumously confirm or endorse

[subsequently or posthumously confirm or endorse] 事后认可
A person who has died and has been declared a saint by canonization .
Private movie economy is recognized by management policy and requires space of system innovation .
The other party may demand that the principal ratify the contract within one month .
A subsequent ratification has a retrospective affect , and be equivalent to a prior command .
If the act is not so recognized , the performer shall bear civil liability for it .
Ratification of agent 's contract
He may be canonized on December 8th , a major faith day for the Roman catholic church .
Pope Francis has cleared John Paul II for sainthood , approving a miracle attributed to his intercession .
But this section does not affect the right , without authorization , non-ratification of the forged signatures .
He cannot avail himself of such acts as are beneficial to him and repudiate those which are detrimental .
Provided that nothing in this section shall affect the ratification of an unauthorized signature not amounting to a forgery .
Where the principal fails to manifest his intention , he is deemed to have declined to ratify the contract .
Prior to ratification of the contract , the other party in good faith is entitled to cancel the ontract .
22.If a minor ratifies a contract upon reaching the age of majority , he or she is then bound to it .
Such confirmation , either it can be expressed or be implied , either be prior authorized or be ratified after the fact .
The ratification of an unauthorized act must be in the particular mode or form necessary to confer authority in the first place .
The ratification of administrative action , which " heals " the flaw of administrative action , is the curing of illegal administrative action .
New figures from the IMF suggest that European banks face some $ 1.1 trillion in losses , hardly any of which have yet been recognised .
On the Principal 's Right of Ratification in Agency by Ratification Part three discusses some problems of agency by estoppel which mainly talks about two problems .
More stress is placed on the regulation , The duties of disclosure by directors and the authority or ratification by disinterested directors or shareholders are pored over .
Capital Structure , Agent Behavior and Corporate Performance ; If the legal agent fails to manifest his intention , he is deemed to have declined to ratify the contract .
The current unauthorized disposition legislation is not perfect and needed to be reconstructed , but the problem confronted is how to balance the logical unity and fairness in the law .
By institutional analysis , the decentralization of local government actions and their innovative behavior on the community is subsequently endorsed , under the specific institutional . It encourages many residents participate enthusiastically .
Part one discusses how to retrieve the defects in procedure . Part two discusses the general meeting of shareholders to remedy flaws in the withdrawal of the resolution method with the ratification .
The art history should acknowledge , as it often did in the past , that even before " 85 New Wave ", the new wave was no longer deemed new in Shanghai .
Exploration of Job Responsibility Investigation System for Building a Party s an Honest and Clean Government ; If the act is not so recognized , the performer shall bear civil liability for it .
This dissertation analyzes the judicial functions of the derivative lawsuits , the consequences of retroactive approval or denial by the shareholders ' meeting , and the judicial review standard for controlling the violator .
Contract with pending validity refers to the pending state of both the validity or invalidity of contract , and it needs a third party who has the right of formation to subsequently endorse or refuse .
According to its needs of interest , local government may make use of personalized trading , seeking help in anticipation , and subsequent confirming to advance the development of private higher education by operation of informal power .
Only legal administrative act can bring about complete and essential legal , while illegal and blemish administrative act will affect its validity and cause its invalidity , or maintain rescuing its validity by transference , subsequent confirmation , supplement and correction .