
  • 网络undervaluation;underpricing
  1. 主要有:效率理论、代理理论、交易费用理论、价值低估理论、市场势力论和财富再分配理论。

    They are theories of : efficiency , Principal-Agent , transaction fee , undervaluation , market power and wealth real locat ion .

  2. 采用偏相关检验、逐步回归的方法,实证检验了中国股票发行市场的价值低估现象。

    This paper tests the underpricing of IPOs of A share market based on the research methods developed from the Western empirical studies and combined with the environment of Chinese stock market .

  3. 研究发现,中国股市过度超额初始回报率的本质是对二级市场的高估,它与国外的IPO价值低估有着本质区别。

    It turns out that the overpricing of secondary market is strongly associated with the excess initial return , which is different from the Western countries essentially .

  4. 新股价值低估的随机前沿分析

    New Issue Underpricing Analysis Based on Stochastic Frontier Approach

  5. 可转换债券价值低估的影响因素研究

    Research on the Determinants of Convertible Bonds Underpricing

  6. 其中理论主要有协同效应理论、交易费用理论、价值低估理论和市场势力理论。

    These theories use synergy , transaction costs , under valuation , market power to interpret MA .

  7. 金融经济学中有价值低估、信息理论和自由现金流量理论;

    In financial economics there are underestimation of value , information theory and freedom cash flow theory .

  8. 换句话说,将房屋的保险价值低估于其实际价值,以此来防范道德风险。

    In other words , lower the amount insured below the actual value of the house to prevent moral hazard .

  9. 他表示:价值低估的人民币为全球提供了过剩的流动性,而投资热潮推动了对原材料的需求。

    The undervalued renminbi supplied the globe with excess liquidity while the investment boom created demand for raw materials , he says .

  10. 对于竞相进入价值低估市场的英、美投资者而言,上述国际化思想正是他们选择突袭荷兰企业的原因之一。

    This international mentality is one reason UK and US investors are swooping on Dutch companies as they race to enter undervalued markets .

  11. 企业并购成因一般是基于规模经济、交易费用、价值低估、市场势力、多样化经营战略等方面的考虑。

    The merge is usually due to economy of scale , transaction cost , devaluation of value , market competitive power and strategies of diversified management .

  12. 关于企业并购效应的理论前人有诸多论述:企业理论方面有规模经济效应、节约交易成本效应、效率提高效应等:金融经济学中有价值低估、信息理论和自由现金流量理论;

    For example : economy of scale , economization of the transaction cost , promotion of efficiency , ect . In financial theroy there are underestimation of value , information theory and freedom cash flow .

  13. 接着又对企业并购动因理论进行了探讨,主要包括效率理论、代理成本理论、价值低估理论、市场占有理论、利益再分配理论。

    Thirdly , this section discuss the motivation of merger and acquisition , including the theory of efficiency , the theory of supply cost , the theory of undervalue , the theory of market possess , the theory of profit reassign .

  14. 故本研究在运用协同理论、多角化理论、价值低估理论等结合国内外学者研究成果进行理论分析的基础上提出研究假设。

    In this study , the theoretical analysis and propose hypotheses in the use of M & A motivation theory , coordination theory , diversification theory , undervalued theory , agency theory with research scholars at home and abroad on the basis of theoretical analysis .

  15. 然后从管理协同效应理论、范围经济理论、财务协同效应理论、多样化经营理论、价值低估理论、交易费用理论、经理扩张理论、企业竞争战略理论等角度分别论述了企业混合并购的理论基础;

    In the second place , the chapter discussed its academic foundation from manage-cooperation effect theory , scope economy theory , finance cooperation effect theory , verification management theory , value underestimation theory , transactional cost theory , manager expanding theory and company competition strategy theory ;

  16. 维多利亚时代的雕花玻璃器皿或许是古玩玻璃器皿市场上价值被低估得最严重的一个品种。

    Victorian cut glass is perhaps the most underpriced area of the antique glass market .

  17. 几天前,《财富》杂志(Fortune)指出,许多大型石油公司的价值被低估。

    A few days ago , fortune pointed out that many big oil companies are undervalued .

  18. 最终,长期投资者可买到大量价值被低估的资产。

    Finally , plenty of undervalued assets are available for longer-term investors to purchase .

  19. 他的房子价值被低估了。

    His house is undervalued .

  20. 传统方法由于忽略了资产在不确定环境下的灵活性,导致对其价值的低估。

    Traditional methods can depreciate the actual value of intangible assets because of neglecting of the flexibility under uncertainties .

  21. 调查还表明,半数以上的女性对自己所做家务的价值至少低估了1万美元。

    More than half of women surveyed underestimated their worth by at least $ 10,000 , the survey showed .

  22. 美国和欧洲的政治家长期以来一直坚称人民币价值被低估,使得中国获得了不平等的贸易优势。

    U.S. and European politicians have long argued the yuan is undervalued , giving China an unfair trade advantage .

  23. 不盲从于大众,他寻找那些价值被低估的投资品种,最终在每一个年度都能击败市场平均水平。

    Instead of following the crowd , he looked for undervalued investments and ended up vastly beating the market average every single year .

  24. 一位英国银行家说:很多中国公司认为,英国有一些不错的私有工程公司,它们的价值被低估了。

    A lot of Chinese businesses believe that Britain has some interesting privately owned engineering businesses that are under-valued , says one UK banker .

  25. 将目光放在价值被低估的现金产出资产的企业所有者可能会从长远考虑,忽略眼前对权益损失的担忧。

    Owners of businesses looking at undervalued cash-generating assets can take a longer-term view and look past the immediate fear of further equity losses .

  26. 改变是困难的,人们高估自己已有东西的价值而低估通过放弃它而获得的东西的价值!

    Change is hard because people overestimate the value of what they have and underestimate the value of what they may gain by giving that up !

  27. 为寻找价值被低估的股票来实现其预期效用最大化,股票市场的投资者可以通过比较股票的市场价格与其内在价值来判断某只股票的潜质。

    To maximize their expected utilities through seeking under-evaluated stocks , investors can find the potential of certain stock by comparing its market value and intrinsic value .

  28. 它们的价值被低估,未被人们充分利用,而且常常湮没在人们的闲谈之中&像对老板,对工作的抱怨,对天气,牛奶价格行情的讨论。

    They are underused and underrated and are often forgotten amongst gossip , negative self-talk and complaints about the boss , the job , the weather and milk prices .

  29. 有些股市投资者过去习惯于选出价值被低估公司,但他们发现现在这样做很难,对美国住宅价格的担心所引发的不确定性是原因之一。

    The uncertainty caused by concerns over US house prices is one reason why equity investors who are used to picking out undervalued companies are finding this hard to do .

  30. 使用现金收购,意味着该公司的股票价值被低估或表明企业有足够的未来现金流量来抓住投资机会;

    By means of purchasing , it suggests that the bonds value of a company is underestimated or the enterprise has enough future cash flow to hold the chance of investment .