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  1. 它是摩登、年轻、活力的诠释,令人上瘾。我以前买的时候给这个写过香评,这瓶我已经快用完了,而且肯定会再买的。

    I 've reviewed this before when I bought it but I 've got to the end of the bottle already and will definitely buy it again .

  2. 我之前从没吃过香蒜酱

    I 've , I 've never had pesto sauce before

  3. 我的L……看见过夜来香在十二月开放……正好有堵墙挡住了凛冽的寒风。

    My L. .. has seen a polyanthus blow in December ... me friendly wall has sheltered it from the biting wind .

  4. 他把吃皮鞋的情景演得像是他吃过的最香的一顿饭似的。

    He makes it seem as if this is one of the most delicious meals that he has ever enjoyed .

  5. 其间,我姐姐和傻瓜潘彼趣从来没有停止过讨论郝蔽香小姐和她可观的财富。

    Meanwhile my sister and that fool Pumblechook never stopped discussing Miss Havisham and her considerable wealth .

  6. 花生米很新鲜,草地刚修剪过,热狗面包香软。

    The peanuts were fresh , the grass was recently mowed , the hot dog buns were soft .

  7. 我的妹妺,我的新娘!你的爱抚多麽甘甜,你的爱抚甜过美酒,你香液的芬芳超越一切香料。

    How beautiful are thy breasts , my sister , my spouse ! thy breasts are more beautiful than wine , and the sweet smell of thy ointments above all aromatical spices .