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  • flowering peach
碧桃 [bì táo]
  • [flowering peach] 一种供观赏的桃树,花重瓣,有白、粉红、深红等颜色

碧桃[bì táo]
  1. 碧桃修剪措施对花期花势影响的研究

    Research in the Effect of Pruning Methods on Flowering of Prunus Persica

  2. 连翘·碧桃的切枝催花及保鲜研究

    Study on the Flower Induction and its Fresh-keeping of cut-flower Branch of Weeping Golden-bell and Peach

  3. 桃一点小叶蝉在贵阳是桃和碧桃的重要害虫之一。

    The peach leafhopper ( Typhlocyba sudra ) is one of the important insect pests of peach tree in Guiyang .

  4. 结果表明,出蛰若虫在碧桃上呈聚集分布,分布以个体群形式存在。

    The results showed that the distribution of the studied insect belonged to aggregation pattern and the basic component of distribution was individual colony .

  5. 杭州市树香樟和栀子花木失绿黄化症的研究碧桃切枝冷藏效果初探

    Investigation and Prevention of the Chlorosis of Camphor Tree and Cape Jasmine in Hangzhou City The Preliminary Study on Cold Storage in Cut Flowing Wood of Winter Jasmine

  6. 本试验以紫叶李和紫叶碧桃为试材,于2005年4&11月在廊坊润绿科技有限公司进行试验。

    The materials of the experiment was Purple Ye Li and Purple Ye prunus persica , carries on from April to November in 2005 in the Langfang Run Lu science and technology limited company .

  7. 用食用蔗糖作为外源营养供体,对连翘、碧桃的花枝进行处理,结果表明:蔗糖可以使连翘、碧桃提前开花,并且可以显著提高开花率,对其瓶插寿命的作用与对照相比差异极显著。

    The sucrose as nutrition was used to treat the cut flower branch of weeping golden-bell and peach and the result indicated that the sucrose can make the flower branch bloom and can obviously raise its blossom rate and advance the life-span .