
  • 网络discrimination;differentiation
  1. 张祜是中晚唐著名诗人,对其诗歌的注释、辨伪、辑佚工作,学术界已经取得了不少成绩,但也存在一些不足。

    Though there are great achievements in annotation , differentiation and collection of Zhanghu 's poetry in academia , some amendments still need to be made .

  2. 历史地震考察中历史资料辨伪与查证

    Discrimination and Verification of Data in Investigation of Historical Earthquakes

  3. 结论:HRCT不仅能提高腔隙性梗塞的检出率,还能辨伪腔隙,是弥补常规CT对腔隙诊断不足的较好手段。

    Conclusion : HRCT not only can lacuna - infarcted check come out frank , also be able to differentiate false lacuna . This is preferably artifice of reparation a beaten track CT insufficiency of lacuna resolution diagnoses .

  4. 三件王原祁画作的辨伪

    A Discussion of the Authenticity of Three Paintings by Wang Yuanqi

  5. 珠山八友作品鉴赏及辨伪

    The appreciation and identification of works of eight painters in Zhushan

  6. 乾隆抄本百廿回红楼梦稿辨伪

    Identification of the Qianlong Handwritten Copy of Dream of the Red Chamber

  7. 浅谈目录与版本及辨伪书的关系

    On the relations between identification of fake books and catalogs and editions

  8. 历史资料在使用之前首先要经过辨伪和考证的程序。

    Historical data should be corrected and testified before adopted .

  9. 辨伪学也是其文献学概念所包涵的具体内容。

    Distinguishing Pseudoscience also was part of his literature philology .

  10. 游在科威特孟浩然诗歌辨伪

    Travel in Kuwait Fault-picking among MENG Hao-ran 's Poetry

  11. 荧光检测技术在复点机辨伪中的应用

    The Application of Fluorescence Measurement Technology in Counterfeit Recognition with Bank-Note Counting Machine

  12. 辨伪是历史研究中最为基础的一种方法。

    Distinguish is one basic method of historical research .

  13. 诸子学研究与胡适的疑古辨伪学

    On Research of the School of Zhu Zi and Hu Shi 's Yi Gu

  14. 自文献产生后,辨伪就出现了,并随着时间的推移而不断的进步。

    Distinguish appeared since the documents produced , and keep development with the passage of time .

  15. 辨伪方面,它为我们提供了一系列的辨伪方法。

    Distinguishes the false aspect , it provided a series of for us has distinguished the false method .

  16. 笔者主要讨论了蔡仲德对史料的收集与定性、对史料的辨伪及注译中的特点。

    Author mainly investigated the features in his collecting , nature determining , distinguishing and translating of historical data .

  17. 这些知识的集合,正是对艺术品进行辨伪断代的基础。

    The collection of knowledge , is the detection of forgeries of works of art dating to the foundation .

  18. 明代中后期,文献学家胡应麟所著的《四部正讹》是我国第一部辨伪专书,在中国辨伪学史上起到承前启后的作用。

    In the late Ming Dynasty , the philologist & Yinglin Hu wrote Si Bu Zheng E which was the first monograph on distinguishing false .

  19. 文章介绍伪书产生的两个原因,并对辨伪和正确看待伪书提出了自己的看法。

    This paper makes some supplementary introduction to the reasons why the pseudographs are caused , and gives the author 's opinion on discriminating pseudograph and how to appraise pseudograph correctly .

  20. 《杜诗详注》的收获和失误:研究成果具有资料学、版本学、辨伪学、辑轶学方面的价值;

    Obtainment and lapsus of " Detailed annotation of Du Fu 's Poem ": Research fruits possess the values from material study , edition study , fake-distinguishing study and anecdote-editing study ;

  21. 概括地说,史学界主要研究他的新史学思想、辨伪贡献、历史文献学思想、校勘方法、史学比较研究法、文化观等方面。

    Briefly , the scholars have mainly studied his new historical thoughts , contribution on distinguishing between truth and falsehood in ancient historical materials , historiography comparative methods , cultural view and so on .

  22. 该算法提高了语音鉴别(区分不同发音者)的效率。有限人数的实验结果显示该算法辨伪率为98.75%(400人次),识别率81 ̄93%(80人次)。

    Experiments showed that 98.75 % of the tested stylebooks ( among 400 person-times ) could be distinguished ( from each other ), and the recognition rate was between 81 % and 93 % .

  23. 摘要自从20世纪初顾颉刚等首倡“疑古辨伪”以来,学者多方寻求“重建古史”的途径。

    Since Gu jigan 's first advocating of " suspecting the ancient to distinguish truth and false " in the20th century , scholars have long been searching the means of " re-constructing ancient history " .

  24. 这不仅仅是一项单纯的史料辨伪工作,更是通过艺术与历史的跨学科对话,深刻把握社会史特征的过程。

    This is not merely a simple matter of determining the reliability of historical data , more than that it is a process of deeply grasping the characteristics of social history through an interdisciplinary dialogue between art and history .

  25. 比较研究他们的辨伪思想,对于丰富中国文献学的理论以及促进史学的发展,有着重要的借鉴意义。

    Studying and making a comparison with their thinking of distinguishing the true from the false , will have an important referential sense to enrich the theories of the Chinese philology , and promote the development of history study .

  26. 晁公武依靠自身丰富的学识和严谨的治学态度,利用多种辨伪方法校雠考订伪书,为辨伪学的发展作出了巨大贡献。

    Chao Gongwu depends upon own rich knowledge and rigorous doing scholarly research manner . He uses many kinds of distinguishing the false method to examine the false book , and makes the tremendous contribution for development of the distinguished the false scholarship .

  27. 另外,通过细读文本和分析有关史料及传说,纵横比较、辨伪存真,层层深入地予以探究,来还原一个真实的文学家、政治家杨炯形象。

    In addition , through a close reading of the text and analysis of relevant historical materials and legend , vertical and horizontal comparison , distinguishing the true , layers of depth to explore , to restore a true writer , statesman Yang Jiong image .