
  • 网络dialectical contradiction
  1. 本文运用唯物辨证法的矛盾运动原理和规律,分析足球比赛中进攻与防守的辨证矛盾与关系。

    This text make use of only the thing self-contradict sport principle and regulations of the dialectical method , analysis in the football game the dialectics that take the offensive and defend antinomy and relate to .

  2. 首先,明确伦理幸福的涵义,认为需要是幸福的内在驱动力量,快乐是幸福的一种伴随现象,幸福与不幸的是一对辨证统一的矛盾。

    Firstly , this article specifies the meaning of ethical happiness , and points out that need is internal driving strength of happiness , whereas pleasure is a concomitant phenomenon of happiness , happiness and adversity is a pair of contradictions which are dialectical unity .