
ròu jiànɡ
  • Meat sauce;paste;minced meat;meat pulp
肉酱 [ròu jiàng]
  • [meat paste] 酱状的肉

  1. 意大利肉酱面是绝好的安慰食物。

    For me , spaghetti bolognese is the ultimate comfort food .

  2. Eric对于足量供应的黏米饭、一份鸡块、鱼饼汤、一小份附有海带和肉酱面的绿色泡菜感到开心。

    Eric was excited to each a generous serving of sticky white rice , one chicken nugget , odeng , and a small serving of green kimchi with seaweed as well as noodles with meat sauce .

  3. 在肉酱和面条上撒些初榨橄榄油。

    A touch extra virgin olive oil around Bolognese and pasta .

  4. 番茄酱,肉酱,奶油芝士酱。

    Tomato Sauce , Bolognaise Sauce , Creamy Cheese Sauce .

  5. 拌肉酱的通心粉是我们伙计们最喜欢的食物。

    Spaghetti and meat sauce is a favourite dish with our employees .

  6. 那不可能他会把你碾成肉酱的

    That 's not possible . He would crush you .

  7. 意大利面,别把汗滴进肉酱里。

    Spaghetti , Pop . Try not to sweat in the sauce .

  8. 你也可以微波辣椒肉酱汤当晚饭。

    Or you could nuke the chili for dinner .

  9. 乔伊又在楼梯吃肉酱!

    Joey got meat sauce on the banister again .

  10. 海伦今晚将煮加肉酱的意大利面。

    Helen will cook spaghetti with meat sauce tonight .

  11. 吃前先把面条和肉酱拌匀,然后一扫而光。

    Mix up the noodles and sauce before eating , then slurp away .

  12. 我的手臂好象已挤成肉酱一般。

    My biceps was being crushed to a pulp .

  13. 乡村薯条,自制饼干以及乡下肉酱

    home fries , homemade biscuits and country gravy .

  14. 这些再和肉汁搅拌在一起,就是所谓的肉酱。

    This was then covered in gravy , which is a meat sauce .

  15. “把他们压成肉酱!”玉皇大帝下了旨。

    " Crush them !" jade emperor demanded .

  16. 我天天在巴尔德等你寄肉酱来。

    You know , I 'm up at Bard waiting for my care package .

  17. 他在厨房里可是一把好手&你应该尝尝他做的意大利式肉酱面。

    He 's no slouch in the kitchen & you should try his spaghetti bolognese .

  18. 隆重介绍意大利肉酱面冰淇淋制造器。

    Introducing the Spaghetti Ice Cream Maker .

  19. 适合与红肉、鸡肉、肉酱面和成熟的奶酪搭配饮用。

    Suited to red meat , chicken , meat and mature cheese with a side drink .

  20. 与炖肉、酿肉、特别是与肉酱意大利粉和中度芝士搭配为佳。

    Enjoy with stews and stuffed meat dishes , and particularly with meat-sauced pastas and medium-aged cheeses .

  21. 非常适合搭配辣味的红肉、番茄肉酱意大利面、烤香肠以及重味的烧烤类菜肴。

    Pair with spicy red meat dishes , pasta with tomato sauce , sausages and hearty roast dishes .

  22. 她说要是我跟露西说话你会用菜刀把我剁成肉酱。

    She said that if I talk to Lucy , you 'll kill me with a meat cleaver .

  23. 附近的一户人家端出来一锅辣椒肉酱,还有满满一冰桶的啤酒。

    A pot of chilli emerged from a nearby house , accompanied by an ice bucket full of beers .

  24. 污染产品的列表已经扩大到包括冻烤宽面条,饺子及意大利肉酱面酱。

    The list of tainted products has since widened to include frozen lasagna , tortellini , and bolognese sauce .

  25. 当然还有波隆那肉酱,不屑地嘲笑其他任何一种肉酱。

    And of course there is the Bolognese sauce , which laughs disdainfully at any other idea of a rag .

  26. 好在他们带了一些人造黄油,可以涂在面包上,后来又惊奇地发现了不限量供应的肉酱。

    But they had brought some margarine , and managed on bread and a surprise discovery of unrationed meat paste .

  27. 她不想让儿子给“剁成肉酱”,就最好把他关在家中。

    If she didn 't want her son " cut to ribbons " she had better keep him at home .

  28. 肉酱意大利面,很经典。浓重的肉酱加入红酒、葱、芹和橄榄油。

    Semolina pasta in a hearty Bolognese meat sauce flavored with red wine , onion , celery , and olive oil .

  29. 最受追捧的当属意大利肉酱面,65%的英国人表示这个菜谱已经烂熟于心了。

    Spaghetti bolognese is the most popular dish , with 65 % of people saying they know the recipe by heart .

  30. 在等待微波炉加热的意大利肉酱面冷却之时,我问他做名人感觉如何。

    While I wait for my microwaved pasta bolognese to cool down , I ask him how it feels to be a celebrity .