
  • 网络Conversion Accuracy
  1. 黄土丘陵沟壑区不同数据结构DEM转换精度研究

    Conversion Accuracy Between DEMs of Different Data Structure in Loess Hill and Gully Area

  2. 它由两个独立的信号处理通道组成,每个通道由放大器、V/F转换器、隔离电路和计数器等组成,并采用一定措施提高转换精度和抗干扰能力。

    The card has two independent signal processing channels and measures have been taken to increase converting accuracy and anti-interfernce ability .

  3. 多面函数光滑因子对GPS高程转换精度影响分析

    Analysis of the Smooth Factor on the Precision of GPS Height Transformation by Hardy Function

  4. AD转换精度为12位。

    The conversion is 12 bits .

  5. 提高小信号转换精度的CMOS全波整流电路

    A CMOS Full-Wave Rectifying Circuit which can Improve Converting Precision for Small Signals

  6. 估算在10位A/D转换精度时CCD摄像机测量的极限精度。

    The limits measurement precision is estimated under the condition of using a 10 bit A / D convertor .

  7. 对非相干数字接收机的理论和特性进行了深入分析。(3)ADC转换精度改善技术。

    Of non-coherent digital receiver of the theory of in-depth analysis . ( 3 ) Low resolution ADC performance improvement techniques .

  8. 在流水线结构A/D转换器中,参考电压的波动将会影响到其转换精度。文章分析了参考电压变化对A/D转换器整体性能的影响,通过Matlab仿真加以验证。

    The influence of the variation of reference voltages on the overall performance of the A / D converter is analyzed and the result is verified by Matlab simulation .

  9. ∑-△型光ADC作为一种光学ADC,具有转换精度高和模拟电路简单等显著优点。

    As a kind of optical ADC , E-A optical ADC has significant characteristics , such as high conversion accuracy and simply analog circuits .

  10. 本文最后对所设计的全数字控制系统进行了测试,包括A/D转换精度测试、保护电路测试、PWM输出波形测试以及焊接过程波形控制效果测试。

    Finally , this paper does some tests for the control system , including A / D conversion accuracy test , PWM output waveform test and control results test of welding process .

  11. 值得指出的是,由于设计中对ADC中DAC电容阵列开关顺序进行了优化,有效地提高了数据转换精度。

    It is worthy to point out that ADC was elaborately optimized by improving the switch sequence of DAC capacitance array and it was a highlight of this thesis .

  12. 然而,转换精度的提高极大地增加了芯片的面积,DAC的高性能同时也带来了高成本与大功耗。

    However , with the improvement of conversion accuracy , the area of the chip also increase greatly . High-performance DAC also brought a high cost and large power consumption .

  13. Delta-Sigma数据转换器具有转换精度高、硬件开销低等特点,十分适用于便携式医疗设备以及高性能音频信号处理等领域。

    Featuring high conversion precision and low hardware overhead , delta-sigma data converters are appropriate for portable medical devices and high performance audio signal processing .

  14. 集成DAC当数字输入值较高时转换精度下降,当字符输入频率大于1MHz时,集成DAC输出出现明显失真。

    The converting precision will fall providing the digital input value of IC DAC is high and the output voltage will distort providing the word input frequency value of IC DAC is more than 1 MHz .

  15. 通过建立ADC及前向通道的等效模型及推导,在保证ADC的转换精度下,推出ADC的采样时间与信号放大电路输出阻抗的匹配关系,得到ADC最合适的采样频率。

    This paper sets up the equivalent model of ADC and frontal channel , and determines the relation of the ADC sampling time and the value of the external driving source resistance to provide a desired ADC conversion accuracy , and an appropriate sampling frequency is inferred .

  16. 文中详细介绍了硬件调试和软件开发过程中所涉及的关键技术和注意事项,包括AD的转换精度、外部SRAM的地址映射、CF卡的存储格式以及实时时钟的读写时序等。

    The paper introduces some key technologies and points for attention in detail during hardware debugging and software development process , which includes the AD conversion accuracy , the external SRAM address mapping , CF card storage format as well as real-time clock reading and writing time sequence .

  17. 很明显,TTU需要对三相电压/电流等大量模拟信号进行的交流采样和数据处理,而这往往对处理器的计算速度和A/D转换精度和速度要求很高。

    Apparently , TTU need to sample many analog siganls and do much digital processing work , which necessitate the processor to have high performance in digital processing and A / D convertion .

  18. 针对短信收发、无数据接口流量计抄表以及PIC16F877的A/D转换精度等问题给出了详细的解决方案。

    The paper proposes the detail solutions of short message transceiver , data acquisition for flow meter without data interface and A / D sampling accuracy of PIC16F877 .

  19. 利用分段译码和误差平均化的方法来提高电流源精度,使得DAC的转换精度完全达到七位,其DNL在±0.5LSB以内;

    In DAC , the precision of current source is improved by using segment architecture and optimized array , the resolution achieves 1 LSB and DNL is in the range of + 0.5LSB ;

  20. 仿真结果表明,在电源电压为5V,采样频率为6.144MHz的情况下,所设计的Sigma-Delta调制器可获得81.6dB的动态范围,13.26位的转换精度,达到了预期的设计要求。

    Simulation results indicate that , at a power supply of 5 V and a sampling frequency of 6.144 MHz , the designed Sigma-Delta modulater has a dynamic range of 81.6 dB and a convertion resolution of 13.26 bits , meeting the expected design requirements .

  21. 由于具有转换精度高和其他一系列优点,∑-Δ过采样A/D转换技术近年来颇受重视,而模拟和混合信号系统的硬件描述语言VHDL-AMS为其提供了一种良好的设计方法。

    Due to higher conversion accuracy and a series of other advantages , ∑ - Δ over sampling A / D conversion technology has been paid great attention in recent years . The hardware description language VHDL-AMS for analog and mixed-signal system can provide an excellent design methodology for it .

  22. ADC1210的使用与转换精度的保证措施

    The Properties and Protecting Measures for Conversion Accuracy of ADC 1210

  23. 海面多平台多传感器坐标转换精度分析

    Analysis of Coordinate Transform Error in Multi-Sensor Multi-Platform on Sea Level

  24. 分时段并行A/D转换精度理想量化数学模型

    Mathematics Model of Accurate Time division & Parallel A / D Converters

  25. 设计了低噪声的信号预处理电路,提高了A/D转换精度;

    Low-noise signal preprocesses circuit is designed in order to improve A / Dconversion accuracy .

  26. 积分式A/D转换器设计方法新颖,转换精度高。

    The method is applied in integral typed A / D converter to attain high converting precision .

  27. 在提高转换精度和速度的前提下,分段式电流舵的结构可以明显减小芯片的面积和功耗。

    The structure of current - steering can markedly reduce the area and power of the chip .

  28. 分析了取样的主要误差源,并计算了取样脉冲质量对模数转换精度的影响。

    The main error sources were analyzed and the requirements for the sampling pulse quality were simulated .

  29. 分析了传统双积分A/D转换器中影响转换精度和稳定性的因素。

    The factors that impact the accuracy and stability of traditional dual-slope integrating A / D converter are analyzed .

  30. 该新方法具有计算简单、理论计算精度高、实际转换精度高等优点。

    The merits of the new method are of its simplicity of calculation and high precision of practical transformation .