
  • 网络transformant;transformants;transformation;transformer
  1. 应用微生物形态学和RAPD技术,对转化子的遗传背景进行鉴定。

    With microbe morphologic and RAPD technique , we made a fringe identification of inherited background of the transformant .

  2. 枯草芽孢杆菌proA基因突变对提高大肠杆菌转化子渗透压耐受能力的影响

    Influence of the Mutated proA Gene from Bacillus subtilis on Improving Osmotic Tolerance of Escherichia coli Transformant

  3. 将转化子进行PCR筛选,得到酵母重组菌株。

    The recombinants were obtained by the assay of PCR .

  4. 目的基因特异引物PCR、潮霉素抗性测定对转化子进行了验证。

    Transformants were verified by PCR of lys gene and hygromycin resistant .

  5. 经PCR检测发现,在8个转化子中有6个转化子获得特异性扩增条带。

    PCR analysis showed that 6 of 8 transformants obtained special amplification band .

  6. 通过表型观察和PCR扩增筛选产生的互补转化子。

    The resulting rescued transformants were screened by phenotype characterization and PCR amplification .

  7. 对所获得的部分转化子进行PCR及Southernblot验证。

    Parts of transformants were screened by PCR amplification and Southern blot .

  8. 抗性转化子的Southern分析表明,潮霉素磷酸转移酶基因已整合到受体黑曲霉的基因组DNA中。

    Southern blot analysis showed the hph gene has been integrated into genomic DNA of A. niger transformant .

  9. 对转化子进行酶活测定,酶活数据结果表明GOD基因在重组菌中得到了分泌表达。

    Then determination of enzyme activity , enzyme activity data showed that GOD gene in recombinant Aspergillus niger has been secreted expression .

  10. 经PCR检测得到了5个转化子,以菌丝和原生质体为转化受体的PCR阳性率分别为14%和50%。

    Obtained 5 transformants detected by PCR , and the PCR positive rates were 14 % , 15 % . 5 .

  11. 其他三株过表达转化子与G20相比,其三萜含量均有明显的提高。

    The triterpenes content of the other three over-expression transformants were also significantly increased .

  12. 采用SDS-PAGE蛋白电泳技术,检测BL21-pET-28a-CTX-M-38转化子表达产物。

    The expressing products of CTX-M-38 transformant was detected by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis technique . 5 .

  13. 采用的基因克隆策略是用Southern杂交对其邻近基因进行定位后构建基因组文库,再用斑点杂交从基因文库中筛选目的转化子。

    The gene cloning strategy was to construct genomic library after location of its neighbouring gene by Southern blot and to screen the aim transformant by dot blotting .

  14. PCR检测HPH基因表达盒,结果显示被测转化子基因组中均成功整合了目的片段。

    The presence of the fragment of hph gene casket in the transformants was checked by PCR .

  15. 随机取15个转化子进行点渍法(Dottingblotting)检验,结果均呈阳性。

    15 randomly selected transformants expressed positive by dotting blotting test .

  16. 通过转化子基因组DNAPCR和斑点杂交检测,外源EGFP基因存在于转化子染色体上。

    The strain was examined by genomic DNA PCR and spot blotting , and the transformed EGFP gene lied in chromosome of P. aeruginosa .

  17. Pastotis进行整合,经G418筛选得到25个高拷贝转化子,经DNA斑点试验和DNA测序证明外源基因E2稳定地整合到P.Pastoris染色体中。

    It was proved that the E2 genes were integrated stably into chromosome of P.Pastoris by Dot blot and DNA sequencing .

  18. 通过对转化子的PCR检测和Southern杂交分析表明,TDNA已整合进毛壳菌基因组中,而且在所检测的转化子中都是以单拷贝的形式整合,转化子都能够稳定遗传。

    PCR and Southern analysis showed that the T-DNA was integrated into the genome . Among of the examined transformants contained a single copy , and was stable through mitotic cell division .

  19. 转化子的潮霉素抗性可达到200μg/mL,GUS检测阳性。

    The hygromycin resistance of transformants reached 200 μ g / mL and the GUS activity was tested positive .

  20. SDS-PAGE蛋白电泳后,各泳道酶蛋白量多少依次为包涵体蛋白、全菌蛋白以及培养液上清,提示转化子表达产物主要存在于包涵体内。

    The SDS-PAGE electrophoresis results showed that the expressing products quantity was supernatant , whole bacterial proteins and inclusion body protein in turn .

  21. 2提取1~10号转化子的DNA,根据T-DNA上已知Gus基因序列设计引物,进行PCR。

    To identify the transformants , genomic DNA of transformants MZ1 ~ 10 were . identified by PCR with primers designed according to Gus gene sequences of T-DNA .

  22. 将阳性转化子菌株进行表型和RNA转录水平验证,表明hph基因整合入平菇的基因组,其抗性可以稳定的遗传和表达,从而建立了平菇的遗传转化体系。

    It was proved that the hph gene integrated into the genome and expressed stability . Thereby , we established a genetic transformation system of Pleurotus ostreatus .

  23. 同时,发现电击后的细胞必需在高渗培养基中才能存活,电击后2~3h的复苏表达期和用亚抑制抗生素浓度选择转化子,这些对电转化成功以及提高转化效率都是十分关键的。

    A post pulse recovery time of 2 ~ 3h and the use of sub inhibitory concentrations of antibiotics in the selective plates were very critical for electrotransformation .

  24. 结果质粒电泳图谱显示,转化子DH5α所含质粒与肺炎克雷伯菌所含质粒相同,电转化取得成功;

    Results Electropherogram showed that the plasmids in DH5 α were the same as those in Klebsiella pneumonia and electroporation was successful ;

  25. 转化子经过表型鉴定,PCR分析和G418浓度梯度筛选获得了高拷贝的重组子(pas-01)。

    A high-copy recombinant ( pas-01 ) was screened out from 30 positive transformants by phenotypic identification , PCR analysis and G418 concentration gradient selection .

  26. 为了获得具有防病和解磷双重功能的木霉菌REMI转化子。

    Objective The aim of this study was to obtain Trichoderma REMI transformant with double functions of disease prevention and phosphate-dissolving .

  27. 随机挑取48个白色菌落,经过ColonyPCR,其中有1个转化子的扩增产物为双带,其余均为0.2~2kb之间的单一条带。

    Forty-eight white colonies were randomly picked and their inserts were colony PCR amplified . The PCR product from one of the colonies contained two inserts ; the others contained single insert , having a size of 0.2 kb to 2 kb .

  28. 平衡期初期的受体菌用溶菌酶和溶葡萄球菌素处理,所获得的原生质体与质粒DNA混合,以PEG诱导,涂布于含药的双层DM3再生培养基上,即可获得Tc~r或Cm~r转化子。

    Protoplasts were prepared by treating recipients at early stationary phase with lysozyme and lysostaphin . Mixed protoplasts and DNA , then treated with polyethylene glycol ( molecular weight . 6000 ), Tc ~ r or Cm ~ r transformants were obtained .

  29. 人sCR1酵母分泌型表达载体构建及其高拷贝转化子的快速筛选

    Construction of human sCR1 ferment cell secreting type carrier and rapid screen for its high copy carrier

  30. 用MM和MD平板分离His+Mut+型菌落,YPD平板筛选出G418高抗性的His+Mut+转化子。

    Colony with phenotype His + Mut + was isolated by using MD and MM plates and His + Mut + transformant with high resistance to G418 was screened out by using YPD plate .