
  1. 这也是WPF要求你为了更好恰当地使用它(指WPF)而转换思维方式的另一个例子。

    This is yet another example of how WPF requires you to shift mental gears to make use of the platform appropriately .

  2. 再强调一下,你必须要转换思维。

    So again , you have to switch your mindset .

  3. 第三,要转变我们的研究志趣,转换思维方式,更新价值观念。

    Third , Must change our research interest , Transformation thinking mode , Renewal value idea .

  4. 但经常在汉语和英语之间转换思维,确确实实是一件很辛苦的事。

    However , it is very hard that the thinking logic transfer between Chinese and English .

  5. 从概念分析到转换思维方式&试谈古代文学概念的阐释方法问题

    From Concept Analysis to Transformation of Ways of Thinking & On the Interpretation of Ancient Literature Concepts

  6. 然后每天关注一下,一旦消极想法滋生,赶紧转换思维方式积极起来。

    Then pay attention daily and when a negative thought arises , change it into a positive one .

  7. 因此,鲍兹和麦卡利辩称,在这个第四象限,我们需要转换思维。

    So , pozsar and McCulley argue that in this fourth quadrant we need to embrace a mental flip .

  8. 最后指出我国应转换思维,因时制宜、因地制宜、科学应用人力资源会计的理论和成果。

    In the end , the paper points out that we should change our mind to adopt the human resource accounting scientifically .

  9. 多方位、多渠道地引导学生转换思维方式、提高跨文化写作能力至关重要。

    Thus , it is considerably important in teaching to instruct students to transfer to English thinking pattern and to improve their intercultural writing .

  10. 然而他们又发现,会说两种语言的老年人转换思维的速度要比只说一种语言的要快。

    However , they found that older adults who spoke two languages were able to switch mental gears faster than those who didn ' t.

  11. 其次,教师更应转换思维,运用心理匹配策略和超出预期策略以激励学生的认知内驱力;

    Secondly , teacher should change their thoughts , using strategy of mental mating and strategy of exceeding expectations to stimulate students ' cognitive motive .

  12. 这就需要我们转换思维方式,从心理学的角度探讨重新犯罪的原因,进一步完善预防控制体系。

    We need to change the way of thinking , and discuss the reasons from the psychology angle , make further improvement in preventing control system .

  13. 老一代的领导人墨守陈规,不愿取消计划生育政策,但新的一代领导者即将在明年执掌政权,他们应该转换思维。

    The old leadership is wedded to the one-child policy , but the new leadership , which is due to take over next year , can think afresh .

  14. 在促销策略方面提出:把握时机,转换思维角度,合理有据地选择促销品;

    Suggesting that in the respect of Promotion tactics : Seize the chance , change the thought angle , rationally choose the gift promoting the sales of product ;

  15. 因此,我们应该转换思维,从另一个角度来寻求解决的办法,而从立法上减少死刑正是这唯一的选择。

    Therefore , we should convert thought , look for the way to solve from another angle , but reduce the death penalty from the lawmaking exactly is the unique choice .

  16. 全球化要求人类具有一种不断拓展思维空间,转换思维视点,多角度,全方位思考对象的开放性思维。

    Globalization requires that people have the opening thinking by which people can develop their thinking space and transform the thinking vision to think fully of the object from all kinds of angles .

  17. 其次,笔者分析了创新思维的基本特征,并总结出问题发现能力、联想与想象能力以及转换思维方式能力是学校教育中培养学生创新思维的重要组成部分;

    Then the author analyze the basic feature of innovative thinking and summarize that the ability of question finding 、 association and imagination transforming thinking mode is an important part of cultivating pupil 's innovative thinking in school .

  18. 把不同的艺术本质论看作为“理想类型”,意味着必须转换思维方式,以一种相对的理性主义立场对待动态的艺术创造过程。

    Viewing different theories of the art essence as ideal types means peoplehave to shift their thinking method and treat the essence of art as a dynamic processof art creation on the stance of limited , relative rationality .

  19. 随着越来越多的证据表明欧元的作用适得其反,我们是时候该转换思维了不是去考虑该如何拯救欧元,而应考虑如何放弃欧元或者至少如何让最弱的一些成员国退出。

    As the evidence mounts that it is doing the precise opposite , it is time to think not about how to save the euro but about how to scrap it , or at least allow the weakest members to leave .

  20. 以每个人自由发展为核心,转换思维方式、建设自由批判领域,也许就是始终致力于经济建设的社会走向和谐的关键。

    To take the individual liberty and development as the centre , to transform the modes of thinking , and to reconstruct criticism field , all these perhaps are the key for the society which has dedicated in economic construction all along to harmony .

  21. 中国英语学习者有必要了解英汉语思维模式的差异及其对语言结构的作用和关系,在学习、使用英语的过程中转换思维模式,走出学习误区,提高英语应用水平。

    It is necessary that English-learners of China should learn the differences between English thinking-style and Chinese thinking-style , the effect on the language structure and the relationship , and transform the thinking-style in learning and using English in order to improve their English level .

  22. 文中针对材料本身,材料所引发的人文关怀,以及在设计基础教学中的实施等作了疏理与设想,旨在利用材料的介入,拓宽设计教学思路,提高形式语言,转换思维观念。

    This thesis is aimed at material itself , humanity concern the materials bring about and the carry-out in the elementary education design as well , and try to broaden the teaching thinking , improve formal language and transform thought and conception with the involvement of materials .

  23. 转换教育思维重读“教育规律”

    Coverting educational thought and rereading the " law of education "

  24. 一心想要在互联网上留下中国印记的他转换了思维并开始进军电子商务。

    Insistent on giving China a web presence , Ma switched gears and pursued e-commerce .

  25. 语言是表现思维的符号,翻译是一种跨文化的双语语码转换和思维方式转换的交际活动。

    Language is an expression of thinking and translation is a communicative activity of cross-cultural bilingual dialogue and changing thinking ways .

  26. 因此,转换教师思维方式、重新定位教师角色,已成为推动时代发展和教育自身发展的必然选择。

    Therefore , it is a inevitable choice of the development of education and the times that how teachers think and orientate themselves .

  27. 阅读既是语言活动,又是一种思维活动,是把语言符号通过心理认知转换成思维符号的复杂过程。

    Reading is not only a linguistic activity but also a thinking one , which transfers language signals into thinking ones via psychological cognition .

  28. 转换了思维方式的中小学教师必将对我们的教育事业做出更大的贡献。

    Conversion of the mode of thinking is bound to the primary and secondary school teachers in our education and makes greater contribution to the cause .

  29. 本文试图从理论范式的转换、思维、心理情绪等三个维度论述怀疑和批判成为科学与文化创新的内推力的原因。

    In this article we will discuss the cause that doubt and animadvert become inner motive force of innovation of science and culture in the dimensionality of paradigm transition , thinking fashion and mentality and emotion .

  30. 写作作为言语活动的书面表达形式,本质是思维与语言的互相转换,思维能力是写作能力的基础,而创造性思维能力又是作文创新的内核。

    Content Composition is written form of speech , whose essence is the interchange between thought and language . Thinking ability is the base of writing ability , while creative thinking ability is the core of renovation of composition writing .