
zhuǎn zuò
  • transposition
  1. 证实了反转录转座子在外界胁迫环境的影响下,会发生转座,在DNA序列中发生了位置的变化。

    Confirmed Retrotransposons in the outside world under the influence of a coercive environment , transposition occurs in the DNA sequence changes have taken place in the location .

  2. 结论:人工Mu转座技术是研究芽孢杆菌功能基因的快速有效的好方法。

    Conclusion : Artificial Mu transposition complexes technology was a rapid and efficient tool for studying functional genes in Bacillus .

  3. 果蝇P转座因子的研究进展

    Studies Advances of P Transposable Elements in Drosophila melanogaster

  4. 主要对果蝇的P转座因子以及环境对P转座因子遗传效应的作用关系进行了研究。

    The relation between P transposable element and environment to genetic efficacy was studied .

  5. 环境对果蝇P转座因子的作用关系研究

    Research on Effective Relation Between P Transposable Element of Drosophila Melanogaster and Environment Factors

  6. P因子的起源、转座及调控研究都揭示了其行为的复杂性。

    Studies of the origin , structure and function of P element indicates its complex behaviors .

  7. 转座因子主要是一些“自在”或“无功能”的DNA,其对宿主进化无关紧要的观点受到了质疑。

    The idea that transposable elements ( TEs ) are mainly'selfish'or'junk'DNA with little importance for host evolution has challenged .

  8. 玉米Ac双因子转座标签系统的构建及其转化烟草后代的遗传分析

    Construction of Two-element Transposon Tagging System and Analysis of Its Genetic Behaviour in Transformed Tobacco Plants

  9. 他们识别出了带有“死基因”标志的数千个DNA片段,还发现了数以百万计的转座因子。

    They identified thousands of segments that had the hallmarks of dead genes . They found transposable elements by the millions .

  10. 目的基因置于质粒内P因子中可在转座酶的作用下插入前胚盘胚。

    Desired gene is placed between P element ends , usually within a plasmid , and injected into preblastoderm embryos in the presence of transposase .

  11. 昆虫中RNA介导的转座因子

    RNA Mediated Transposable Elements in Insects

  12. 我国沿海地区黑腹果蝇(Drosophilamelanogaster)P族转座因子的研究

    Study on P transposable elements in Drosophila melanogaster of coastal areas in China

  13. 玉米转座因子Ac/Ds导入水稻花药悬浮细胞并再生成植株

    Introduction of Maize Transposable element Ac / Ds into Rice Anther-derived Suspension Cells and Plant Regeneration

  14. 农杆菌介导Ds转座因子转化番茄群体的构建

    Agrobacterium Mediated Construction of Tomato Population with Ds Transposon

  15. 转座元件是基因组中可移动的DNA分子,在真核生物的基因和基因组进化中起着重要的作用。

    Transposable elements ( TEs ), which are DNA segments moving within genomes , play a major role in gene and genome evolution of eukaryotes .

  16. 插入玉米Ds转座因子的水稻转化群体及其分子分析

    Generation and Molecular Analysis of a Population of Transgenic Rice Plants Carrying Ds Element

  17. 水稻第4号染色体不同位置的Ds转座子转座行为的分析

    Transpositional Behaviour Analysis of Ds Element from Different Insertion Sites on Chromosome 4 in Rice

  18. 不同启动子控制下Ac转座酶基因的表达对玉米Ds因子在水稻中切离频率的影响

    Effects of Different Promoters Controlling Expression of Ac Transposase Gene on Excision Frequency of Maize Ds Element in Rice

  19. 正是因为威斯布鲁克的存在,NBA球员才敢在重要比赛前大摇大摆地走在破烂的煤渣转座间通道上;

    Westbrook is the reason that NBA players peacock through shabby cinderblock gangways before big games ;

  20. 黑腹果蝇P转座因子研究Ⅰ.我国黑腹果蝇的P-M测定及其地理分布

    Study on P Transposable Elements in Drosophila melanogaster ⅰ . P-M Test of Chinese Strains and Geographic Distribution

  21. 这种学术上的志同道合令古尔德十分欣喜,他也主张转座因子的行为与微生物相似,在进化过程中,它们越来越擅长在宿主基因组中增加新的自身DNA拷贝。

    Gould delighted at this good intellectual company , arguing that transposable elements behaved like miniature organisms , evolving to become better at adding new copies to their host genomes .

  22. RNAi现在被认为是真核生物对病毒、转基因和转座因子(Transposableelements)的防御机制。

    Now RNAi has been thought to be a defensive system against viruses , transgenes and transposable elements .

  23. 转座后,挑选阳性菌落,提取bacmidDNA,经PCR鉴定后,以重组bacmidDNA转染Sf9细胞。

    After transposition , the positive colonies were selected and the bacmid DNA was extracted .

  24. 激光辐射诱导水稻转座子mPing,Ping及Pong的转座激活和可遗传DNA甲基化变异

    Mobilization of Transposons m Ping , Ping and Pong and Heritable Alterations in DNA Methylation Pattern Induced by Laser Irradiation in Rice

  25. 将携带了Ac转座酶基因的植株与不同Ds转化植株杂交,杂交F1代同时带有Ac转座酶和Ds因子(Ac/Ds植株)。

    The plants of F1 generation carrying both Ds element and Ac transposase were used to produce the F2 populations ( Table 1 ) .

  26. 睡美人(SleepingBeauty,SB)转座系统是Tc1/mariner转座因子超家族中的一员,是目前唯一取材于脊椎动物的具有活性的转座系统。

    Sleeping Beauty ( SB ), a member of the Tc1 / mariner superfamily of transposable elements , is the only active DNA transposon system from vertebrate .

  27. 我们希望PB转座系统的应用能进一步推动解析哺乳动物基因功能的进程,对人类生物学和疾病研究有所助益。

    We hope applications of the PB system will accelerate functional annotation of the mammalian genome , and will benefit the study of human biology and diseases .

  28. 转座因子(TEs)的研究及其科学启示

    The Research of TEs and its Revelation in Science

  29. 目的:利用人工Mu转座技术研究解淀粉芽孢杆菌的功能基因。

    Objective : Artificial Mu transposition complexes technology was used as a recombination tool to find out functional genes in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens .

  30. MuA转座酶介导的短小芽孢杆菌启动子F1随机插入突变的研究

    MuA Transposase-mediated Insertion Mutagenesis of Promoter F1 of Bacillus brevis