- 名episome

Episome is an additional genetic element that can exist either as an autonomous entity or be inserted into the continuity of the chromosome of a host cell .
A modified alkaline lyses protocol for extracting episomal DNA from the mammalian cells
The changing trends of the t-PA production rate and episomal copy number were observed for another three months after the formation of stable resistant colonies , which were maintained as a cell pool under half of the previous pressure of G418 ( 250 μ g / ml ) .
However ,σ 1 is compressive and subhorizontal and thrust faults develop at the toe of the wedge for the well consolidated sediments .
Objective To observe the long-term effect of splenectomy in combination with portosystemic shunt in the treatment of portal hypertension due to schistosomiasis .
The Study of Mechanism of Graft Injury in Small-for-Size Liver Transplantation and the Graft Protection of Affiliating Portosystemic Shunt in Bama Miniature Pigs
The Affection of Additional Moment to the Stress in Beam in the Zone of Anchorage of Cable - stayed Bridge
We realise that because of the change in our economy going into a higher value-added economy that there may be some mismatches here and there and that may affect some of the lower level occupations , John Tsang said at the weekend .
In anchor box structure , the problem of the affection to the stress in beam of additional moment produced by the force in cable , and the effect of the method of reducing the moment to control the stress , are worthy of studying .