- saltatory conduction

The density matrix theroy is used to study photon-hopping via resonance dipole-dipole interaction in photonic crystals .
It is found that when temperature is higher than 200K nearest-neighbour hopping conduction is predominant , while as temperature between 77K and 140K variable-range hopping is dominant .
According to the analysis of high temperature conduct mechanism , the materials have the hopping conduct mechanism of small polarons . With increasing of doping , the hopping activation energy increased .
Resonance dipole-dipole interaction and photon-hopping conduction in photonic crystals
The ion channels , voltage-gated sodium channel ( VGSC ) and delayed-rectifier potassium channel ( DRPC ), which are responsible for the saltatory conduction of nerve impulses in peripheral myelinated nerve , are paid less attention in the demyelinated neuropathy .