
jué duì bù yìnɡ qī
  • absolute refractory period
  1. 本文研究了不同月龄Wistar大鼠坐骨神经、尾神经传导速度、动作电位幅度、时程及绝对不应期的变化。研究发现。

    The changes of conduction velocities , amplitudes , durations and absolute refractory periods of the action potentials were studied in the sciatic and caudal nerves of Wistar rats in different age .

  2. 应用BL-310生物机能实验系统测定骨骼肌的绝对不应期

    Measurement of the absolute refractory period of skeletal muscles by BL-310 biological and functional experimental system

  3. 方法分离兔右心室乳头肌、灌流并给予1HZ刺激使其等长收缩,于该基础刺激的绝对不应期给予双相方波电流刺激(称之CCM)。

    Methods Papillary muscle was excised from the right ventricle and was paced at 1 ? Hz . Biphasic square wave current pulse was delivered during the ARP ( called CCM ) .

  4. 绝对不应期电刺激对正常兔在体心脏心功能的影响

    Effects of electric stimulations applied during absolute refractory period on cardiac function of normal rabbits

  5. 结果该方法测定的骨骼肌绝对不应期接近0·8ms。

    Results The absolute refractory period of skeletal muscles detected by this method was about 0.8 ms.

  6. 绝对不应期随大鼠生长逐渐缩短,成年期后常无明显变化。

    Absolute refractory periods were decreased with growth before adult , after this period no singificant changes were demonstrated .

  7. 结论:适宜的绝对不应期电刺激可增强正常豚鼠心室肌细胞舒缩能力。

    Conclusion : Appropriate electrical stimulation may strengthen the contracting and relaxing function of normal guinea pig ventricular myocytes .

  8. 绝对不应期电刺激对健康和衰竭豚鼠心室肌细胞舒缩及钙瞬变的影响

    Effects of electric stimulation applied during absolute refractory period on contraction and relaxation of ventricular myocytes in normal and failure guinea-pigs

  9. 绝对不应期电刺激对兔心室肌收缩功能影响的钙反应性

    Response to calcium of effects of electric stimulations applied during absolute refractory period on the contractility of ventricular muscle in rabbits

  10. 绝对不应期电刺激对心室肌细胞内Ca~(2+)浓度影响的计算机仿真研究

    A computer simulation : effect of electrical stimulation during absolute refractory period on the concentration of [ Ca ~ ( 2 + ) ] _i in ventricular cardiomyocytes

  11. 结果:不同浓度乙醇对神经干的绝对不应期有显著的影响,低浓度乙醇缩短其绝对不应期,高浓度乙醇延长其绝对不应期。

    Results : Ethanol at various concentrations has an obvious effect on the absolute refractory period of nerve stem . Ethanol at low concentrations shortened its absolute refractory period , while ethanol at high concentrations prolonged its absolute refractory period .

  12. 胰腺切除后植物性神经的绝对和相对不应期的变化

    The changes of absolute and relative refractory periods of the vegetative nerves after the removal of the pancreas