
  • 网络Skip list
  1. 一种基于跳表的DDM相交区域快速查询算法

    The Implementation of a Skip List Based Intersection Region Query Algorithm

  2. 基于跳表的资源定位可以有效支持VCR操作,减少VCR时延和服务器负载。

    Resource locating based on skip tables can effectively support the VCR operation , reduce VCR latency and server burden .

  3. 当INTADROFF被设置为非零值,跳表添加到监测,以便中断被重定向到相应的中断处理在指定的抵消。

    When INT_ADR_OFF is set to a non-zero value , a jump table is added to the monitor so that interrupts are redirected to the corresponding interrupt address at the specified offset .

  4. 乘客∶可是跳表上的车资是220元。

    Passenger ︰ But the fare on the meter is $ 220 .

  5. 乘客∶这趟车资要多少钱?可以跳表计算吗?

    Passenger : How much is the ride ? Can we use the meter ?

  6. 不过今天一位交警临检,计程车司机不跳表时被杀了。

    But a taxi inspector was killed today by a cabbie who was off the meter .

  7. 系统被引导后,病毒将从被感染的软盘跳到硬盘分区表。

    Upon system boot , the virus will jump from the infected floppy disk to hards partition table .