- 网络fugue

Can you transpose this fugue into G major ?
The organist played a fugue using two keyboards and the pedals .
Music that precedes a fugue or introduces an act in an opera .
All beautiful music pieces , even though it contains no features and forms of fugue , it should possess spirit of fugue .
Mendelssohn fugue is a romantic musical product of the transition process is the composer in the classical form of the expression of inner emotional work .
At a third desk Czerny was working on a new edition of Bach 's fugues , and at the fourth desk he was composing a Grand Symphony .
A polyphonic composition in which themes or a theme stated successively by a number of voices in imitation are developed contrapuntally . The song is ended , but the melody lingers on .
Then there was Bohuslav Martinu , the Czech symphonist , who reacted to a fugue Mr. Chou had written using Chinese melodic material with a single , withering , " Why ? "
Then , again , from time to time , this mass of sublime noises opens and gives passage to the beats of the ave maria , which bursts forth and sparkles like an aigrette of stars .
Fugues and variations account for a significant number and portion of all his compositions , which are important forms that Reger was very interested in and spent a great deal of his energy in his whole life .
The research subject explores his polyphony techniques from the angle of polyphony development and through analysis , exploration and research of Reger 's variations and fugues with historic evaluation given from which inspiration can be withdrawn in composition .
He complimented Paderewski on his " Variations and Fugue on an Original Theme . " Then he added : " Just so you don 't think that 's empty flattery , I 'll tell you frankly that I do not care so much for some of your early pieces . " Paderewski 's wife gave Mason a stony look .
In the Fugue in d minor , Shostakovich 's innovation was applied the structural principle of sonata form in the fugue , and that various means to developing the music made the music of fugue with symphonic effect .