
  • 网络fugue
  1. 你能把这个赋格曲转换成G大调吗。

    Can you transpose this fugue into G major ?

  2. 演奏家用两副键盘和踏板演奏了一首赋格曲。

    The organist played a fugue using two keyboards and the pedals .

  3. 赋格曲前面或引入歌剧一幕的音乐。

    Music that precedes a fugue or introduces an act in an opera .

  4. 一切写得美好的音乐作品,即使它没有赋格曲的特征和形式,但至少应该具有赋格曲的精神。

    All beautiful music pieces , even though it contains no features and forms of fugue , it should possess spirit of fugue .

  5. 门德尔松的赋格曲是浪漫时期音乐转型过程中的产物,是作曲家在古典形式下表达内心情感的作品。

    Mendelssohn fugue is a romantic musical product of the transition process is the composer in the classical form of the expression of inner emotional work .

  6. 在第三张桌子上,车尔尼在改编巴赫赋格曲的最新版本。最后一张桌子上,他在谱写一部大交响乐。

    At a third desk Czerny was working on a new edition of Bach 's fugues , and at the fourth desk he was composing a Grand Symphony .

  7. 赋格曲一种多韵律乐曲,其一个或多个旋律为相继进入的声部所模仿对位性发展而成歌声虽已结束,但美妙的旋律仍在萦回。

    A polyphonic composition in which themes or a theme stated successively by a number of voices in imitation are developed contrapuntally . The song is ended , but the melody lingers on .

  8. 后来周又师从捷克交响乐作曲家波赫斯拉夫·马尔蒂努(BohuslavMartinu),周用中国传统旋律写了一首赋格曲,马尔蒂努的反应简单而令人难堪:“为什么?”

    Then there was Bohuslav Martinu , the Czech symphonist , who reacted to a fugue Mr. Chou had written using Chinese melodic material with a single , withering , " Why ? "

  9. 随后,这雄壮的组合声部还不时略微间歇,让道给念圣母经时那密集和应的赋格曲,乐声轰鸣,如同星光闪亮。

    Then , again , from time to time , this mass of sublime noises opens and gives passage to the beats of the ave maria , which bursts forth and sparkles like an aigrette of stars .

  10. 变奏曲与赋格曲在他全部的作品中占有相当的数量和份量,是雷格尔一生非常感兴趣并投其极大精力的重要体裁。

    Fugues and variations account for a significant number and portion of all his compositions , which are important forms that Reger was very interested in and spent a great deal of his energy in his whole life .

  11. 本课题从复调发展的视角,通过对雷格尔的变奏曲和赋格曲的分析、考察和研究,探索他的复调技法,并给予历史评价,从中得到创作上的启示。

    The research subject explores his polyphony techniques from the angle of polyphony development and through analysis , exploration and research of Reger 's variations and fugues with historic evaluation given from which inspiration can be withdrawn in composition .

  12. 他赞美帕岱莱夫斯基的《原主旋律上的变奏曲和赋格曲》,然后他补充道,“为了不让您觉得这是我的空洞奉承,我得坦诚地告诉您,我不太喜欢您早期的一些乐曲。”

    He complimented Paderewski on his " Variations and Fugue on an Original Theme . " Then he added : " Just so you don 't think that 's empty flattery , I 'll tell you frankly that I do not care so much for some of your early pieces . " Paderewski 's wife gave Mason a stony look .

  13. 肖斯塔科维奇d小调赋格的创新,主要在于赋格曲中融入了奏鸣曲式的结构原则,多种音乐展开手法的运用,使赋格的音乐效果交响化。

    In the Fugue in d minor , Shostakovich 's innovation was applied the structural principle of sonata form in the fugue , and that various means to developing the music made the music of fugue with symphonic effect .