
fù xínɡ jì
  • excipient;vehicle
赋形剂 [fù xíng jì]
  • (1) [vehicle]∶一种不发生化学反应的药用混合物(如糖浆、猪油或液态凡士林),其中加入一种具有疗效的药物或者通过它使其他成分胶合在一起

  • (2) [excipient]∶构成药物或抗原的辅料的无活性物质(如阿拉伯胶、糖浆、羊毛脂或淀粉);尤指在药物混合物中有足够量液体情况下,为使混合物有粘性,以便制备丸剂或片剂而加入的物质

  1. 结果:预冻溶液最佳pH值为4.0~5.0;所采用的4种赋形剂中,甘露醇效果最优,其最佳用量为10.0%;

    Results : The optimal pH value was 4.0 ~ 5.0.10 % mannitol was used as the optimal excipient .

  2. 但是RPM也存在自身毒性作用大,吸收限制、亲水性差,对pH敏感和治疗指数偏低,生物应用受限于赋形剂、稳定性等药理学缺点。

    However , RPM also has such pharmacological defects as toxic effect , restricted absorption , poor hydrophilicity , restricted biological application by excipient and stability , sensitivity to pH and low treatment index .

  3. 前列腺素E1冻干静脉注射粉剂及赋形剂研究

    A Research of the Aseptic Frozen-Dried Powder of Intravenous Injection of PGE_1 and Its Excipients

  4. 目的:比较0.1%,0.03%他克莫司软膏与赋形剂治疗中、重度特应性皮炎(AD)的疗效和安全性。

    Objective : To observe the clinical efficacy and safety of 0.1 % and 0.03 % tacrolimus cream in topical treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis in adults .

  5. 本文描述玻璃体内注射用的TA的配制法并分析赋形剂(苯甲基乙醇)过滤后的实际剂量。

    Preparation of TA for intravitreal injection will be described and its actual dosage after filtration of the vehicle ( benzyl alcohol ) be analyzed .

  6. 方法采用常规药敏试验,观察不同赋形剂的氢氧化钙糊剂对白色念珠菌作用48h后的抑菌圈直径。

    [ WTHZ ] Methods We observed the diameters of bacterial inhibition zones after Candida albicans with the medicaments incubated for 48 hours .

  7. 用Lowry法测定冻干注射用胸腺肽中多肽含量时,由于冻干前所加赋形剂甘露醇的干扰,其测定结果明显偏高(P<0.0005)。

    When the contents of polypeptide in lyophilized thymosin for injection are determined by Lowry method , the result shows that is obviously increased ( p < 0.0005 ) since it is added mannitol before the freeze drying .

  8. 1%贝沙罗汀凝胶与赋形剂凝胶联合窄波UVB光疗治疗中重度寻常型银屑病:一项随机、双盲、赋形剂对照比较试验

    A randomized , double-blind , vehicle-controlled , bilateral comparison trial of bexarotene gel 1 % versus vehicle gel in combination with narrowband UVB phototherapy for moderate to severe psoriasis vulgaris

  9. 结果:赋形剂用量为0.02g,浆糊浓度为22%,浆糊用量为40g,湿混合时间为15分钟为最佳生产工艺。

    Results : Solid is 0.02g , liquid is 22 % and 40g , time is 15 minutes .

  10. 结论TA玻璃体内注射时,≤25mg的无赋形剂TA对视网膜形态和功能无影响;赋形剂的存在可导致视网膜功能和形态改变。

    Conclusion Intravitreous injection of TA with the dosage of ≤ 25 mg without excipient does no harm to the retinal configuration and function , and excipient may lead to the change of retinal configuration and function .

  11. 人们认为这是由于在制药过程中需要的赋形剂引起的而不是TTFD的直接作用。

    It is thought that this is due to the excipients in the preparation rather than a direct effect of TTFD .

  12. 但调查中没有发现对FDOPA的毒性研究内容,或临床剂型中杂质和赋形剂的使用量。

    The literature survey did not identify any study that examined the toxicity profile of FDOPA or that quantified impurities or excipients potentially present in clinical formulations .

  13. 将儿童特应性皮炎分为2组,分别外用0.03%他克莫司软膏(21例)和赋形剂(21例)。每日2次,疗程为3wk。

    Another 42 children with atopic dermatitis were divided into two groups with 21 patients under ( 0.03 % ) tacrolimus ointment and 21 patients for vehicle treatment in the same way for a course of 3 wk .

  14. 应用单因素实验选择使用不同的崩解剂和赋形剂以确保最佳崩解。

    Different disintegrants and excipients were decided by single factor test .

  15. 对照组只用赋形剂进行类似的治疗。

    A control group was treated similarly with the vehicle only .

  16. 该法简便,样液稳定,赋形剂对测定无干扰。

    The method was simple , stable and undisturbed with excipient .

  17. 注射剂的新型赋形剂&胆盐/卵磷脂混合胶束系统

    A New Injectable Vehicle & Bile Salt / Phosphatidylcholine Mixed Micelles System

  18. 注射用冻干转移因子赋形剂的初步筛选

    Preliminary screening of the excipients of freeze - drying transfer-factor for injection

  19. 结果:使用40%甘露醇作为赋形剂效果较好;

    RESULTS : Take the40 % mannitol as excipient ;

  20. 赋形剂用作药物的稀释剂或赋形剂的一种掺入物质。

    An inert substance used as a diluent or vehicle for a drug .

  21. 不同赋形剂氢氧化钙抑制白色念珠菌的药敏试验

    Antibiotic susceptibility test of calcium hydroxide mixed with different vehicles against Candida albicans

  22. 不同赋形剂及配方对中药喷雾干燥浸膏粉制粒的影响

    Effects of different excipients and its compound on extract granulating made by spray drying

  23. 甘露醇是药品冷冻干燥中常用的低温保护剂和赋形剂。

    Mannitol is usually used as a cryoprotectant and an excipient during pharmaceutical freeze-drying .

  24. 玉米淀粉作为方便面酱料赋形剂的研究

    Study On Using Maize Starch as Forming Agent of Sauce in Instant Noodle Production

  25. 复方番泻叶微丸赋形剂的选择

    Selection of excipient on compound folium sennae pellets

  26. 化妆品赋形剂对皮肤的临床效果

    Clinical effects of cosmetic vehicles on skin

  27. 目的选择复方番泻叶喷雾干燥粉末微丸成型工艺的赋形剂。

    AIM To select excipient of preparation technology of compound folium sennae spray drying powder .

  28. 电镜发现胶囊大、小剂量组的心肌超微结构的损伤明显比赋形剂组轻。

    The damage to the myocardial ultrastructure was milder in Xindakang-treatment group than control group .

  29. 某些疫苗使用动物制品(例如明胶)作为赋形剂。

    Animal products , for example gelatin , are used as an excipient in some vaccines .

  30. 气相色谱法研究赋形剂对苯唑青霉素钠稳定性的影响

    Investigation of the influence of excipients on the stability of sodium oxacillin by pyrolysis gas chromatography