- 名manuscript of a translation

[manuscript with another language translation] 将某种语言写成的稿子译成另外一种语言的稿子
It 's just a very rough translation .
At twelve midnight he put away his dictionary and translation draft .
And tell them I 'll hand over the translation by next month .
Chapter four is a comparison of my first draft and the published translation .
Translation is paid by the word .
Establishing the Public Space of World Knowledge : Researching into the translated articles in Shi Wu Magazine
I fear , though , these manuscripts may have been lost last year in the fighting and fire .
We would withdraw the corresponding translation from the website in case the original author does not consent to have their works published here .
If you want a trial translation or the blue print for localization project , please provide us with detailed information or contact us directly .
The translation shall be delivered to Party A in the disk ( floppy disks or flash disk ) or in printing , fax or email .
The discussion is worthwhile as large numbers of originals are presented for translation by grassroots enterprises nowadays and not so few of them weak in language .
After the delivery of the translation , Party B shall be responsible for the follow-up of the quality control thereof and the provision of free consultation to Party A.
They can send out a text before leaving the office in the evening and have the translation waiting when they come in again next morning , thanks to communication over time zones .
That evening , he read over his translation of the introduction to Richthofen 's China once again , then stapled it together neatly and set it on the corner of his desk .
Flipping through the dictionary , he thought , I 'll hand in my translation when I register for the exam , and ask them to pass it on to the tutor concerned .
The first version will be finished soon , but I will have to spend much time to perfect it and I will try my best to keep it as good as it is .
I couldn 't get rid of those words by which I have been confused during I translated , even though I have put the book away and planned to relax myself before I start to perfect my version tomorrow .
I haven 't known how much I would be paid for this job , so I am sorry that I can 't tell you about how much you would be paid if your version is good enough to be used .
To meet this requirement , the author compared and summarized the differences between the draft version and the revised version . Based on comparing the two versions , it was figured out that soft news translation would be target reader-oriented translation .