
yì míng
  • translated name;translated term or name
译名 [yì míng]
  • [translated name] 翻译过来的名称

译名[yì míng]
  1. 这或许是导演许慧晶喜欢这部纪录片英译名的原因。

    That may explain why Xu Huijing , the film 's director , loves the English translation of the documentary title Tough Out .

  2. Object等术语的中文译名探讨

    Discussion on Translation of Some Terms , Such Object etc , into Chinese

  3. 美英法律文书中的brief译名

    Translations of the Term Brief in Anglo-American Legal Documents

  4. 从Gonewiththewind的两个中译名看标题翻译

    A Study of Translating Titles into Chinese through Two Translating Ways of Gone with the Wind

  5. ASP的全称为ApplicationServiceprovider,中文译名为应用服务供应商或应用服务托管。

    ASP-called Application Service Provider , have been translated into Chinese for application service providers or application hosting services .

  6. 从right的翻译看严复的译名思想交替传译中单纯繁复数字传译技巧

    On the Underlying Thoughts of Yanfu s Translation of " Rights "; Interpretation Skills on " Isolated Big and Complex Figures " in Consecutive Interpreting

  7. 我真的很喜欢看ALittleLife(暂无中文译名)和《金翅雀》(TheGoldfinch)。对了,还有《看不到的光明》(AlltheLightWeCannotSee)。

    I really enjoyed the books A Little Lifeand The Goldfinch . Also , All the Light We Cannot See .

  8. 它是一个多义词,中文中现在还没有一个与外语architecture准确对应的译名。

    It is a multivocal word in Chinese , The author suggests that there isn 't an appropriate and accurate term for " architecture " in Chinese .

  9. ITS、EV中文译名断想

    Rectifying the Chinese Translation of ITS and EV

  10. 也谈ForensicLinguistics的汉译名及我国法律语言学的主要研究对象

    On the Chinese Translation of the Term " Forensic Linguistics " and the Major Research Objects of Legal Linguistics in China

  11. 中日谦逊表达之比较从QFD的中文译名谈起

    A Comparison between Chinese and Japanese Expressions of Modesty

  12. 译名:捣蛋鬼亨利影片讲述了一个名叫亨利的调皮捣蛋鬼整蛊周围家人和同学的故事,改编自同名漫画书《HorridHenry》,是英国的首部3D儿童电影。

    Horrid Henry : The Movie is an upcoming 3D family comedy film , based on the fictional character Horrid Henry .

  13. MaritimeLiens在国内没有统一的中文译名,海事特权一词更能揭示其本质。

    There is no uniform Chinese translation of maritime liens . Maritime privilege can show its essence .

  14. 克朗斯塔特采用缩略词“Nickel”(即“小鬼”之意)命名新金属,汉语译名称为“镍”。

    The - nickel part of the term represents a pet form of the name Nikolaus , perhaps chosen for its resemblance to German nix ' water-sprite . "

  15. 关于Centromere和Kinetochore的命名和中文译名问题

    The problems of Chinese translation and nomenclature on centromere and kinetochore

  16. 论GEOMATICS的中译名

    Chinese translation of the term Geomatics

  17. 本着孤证不足信的原则,本文通过多种词典定义,分别探讨美英法律文书中brief的本质属性,分析译名混乱的原因,在此基础上建议合适的中文译名。

    Based on the principle of single evidence cannot be trusted , this paper is to explore its intrinsic attribute , to analyze the causes of such confusions and to propose proper Chinese translations through different definitions of dictionaries .

  18. 至中国加入WTO以来,越来越多的中国商品纷纷销往国外,并且越来越多的商家意识到真正能够成功走出国门的商品都需要有一个成功的商标译名。

    Since China has become to a member of WTO , more and more Chinese commodities are sold abroad . However , it is the successful translated brands that make domestic commodities warmly accepted by the foreign consumers .

  19. 同时还讨论了基因的概念、进化和epigenetics的中文译名等问题。

    In this paper concept of gene and problems of evolution has been also discussed according to epigenetic viewpoints .

  20. 以“本体论”译Ontology并不确切,但不能由于约定俗成的译名的不确切而否定中学“本体论”思想的存在。

    It is not exact that ontology is translated into " Bentilun " in Chinese , but we shouldn 't deny the thought of " Bentilun " in Chinese tradition because of the inexactness of the accepted translation .

  21. 诉讼团体以钻石的英文译名MountainofLight(以下称“光之山”)自称。他们称,这颗重105克拉的钻石是从其故乡印度盗走的,要求英国政府归还光之山钻石。

    The group , which has called itself the " Mountain of Light " after the translation of the stone 's name , say that the 105-carat diamond was stolen from its true home in India and are demanding that the UK Government returns it .

  22. 讨论其汉译史并论述德语“jung”和汉语译文“少年”之间的关系,可以说明汉语译名的浪漫主义背景及意义。

    Also this paper retraces the relationships between the German word " jung " and its Chinese translation , showing the romantic background of the Chinese translation .

  23. 中国最高法院裁定迈克尔.乔丹(MichaelJordan)对其姓氏的中文译名拥有权利,撤销了中国一家体育公司的注册商标,这些商标被用于销售各种产品,从泳装到豆浆。

    China 's top court has ruled that Michael Jordan has rights over the Chinese translation of his surname , cancelling several trademarks that a local sports company registered to market products from swimsuits to soy milk .

  24. 西方哲学基因eimi的跨文化移植&译名与词义

    The Grafting of the Western Philosophical Gene Intra-cultures : The Translations and Senses of the Greek Word Eimi

  25. 阐述了园林景观的概念,提出了与国际LA接轨的中文译名“景观学”,认为景观生态学、景观形态学、景观文化学、景观行为心理学是现代景观学的理论基础。

    This paper expounds the concept of landscape Architecture and puts forward a translated Chinese name about international LA . It is assumed that modern LA theory is theoretically based on landscape ecology , landscape morphology , landscape culture and landscape psychology .

  26. 其中,在对名字的识别过程中,我们采用了Viterbi算法,确定句中概率最大的上下文信息状态序列,并结合文本的局部统计量,对人名、地名、译名进行匹配识别;

    Especially , when recognizing names , we use Viterbi arithmetic to confirm the maximal probability of context state information sequence in a sentence , and combine the local statistic of text to match the recognizable models including compellation , placename and translated term .

  27. 浅谈传粉生物学中几个术语的含义及其中文译名

    On several scientific terms in pollination biology and their Chinese translation

  28. 英文译名自动识别方法研究

    Research of Automatic Recognition Method for Translated Terms of English Language

  29. 英语商标词中译名刍议

    Some Suggestion for Chinese Translated Terms of English Trade Mark Terms

  30. 译名之争与早期的《圣经》中译

    The Terminology Dispute and the Early Translations of the Bible into Chinese