
sù sònɡ bǎo quán
  • Litigation preservation;attachment;preservation in litigation;procedural preservation
  1. 为了履行WTO的要求,也为了完善我国民事诉讼保全制度,可借鉴国外立法,并参照财产保全的规定,具体构建行为保全制度。

    In order to fulfill the request for WTO , and to perfect the protection system of civil actions in our country , we can establish a behavior protection system through learning from legislation of foreign countries and the stipulations of property protection .

  2. 我国民事诉讼保全制度的现状及发展

    The Status Quo of Preservation System in China 's Civil Lawsuit and its Development

  3. 为了强化执行措施,作者认为应当将诉讼保全裁定的效力维持到执行完毕时止;

    The validity of the conservation of action should be maintained until the accomplishment of enforcement ;

  4. 关于放射性豁免审前羁押的诉讼保全属性

    The Attachment Nature of Pretrial Custody

  5. 民事诉讼保全制度是民事案件审理中的一项重要的法律制度。

    Preservation system in civil lawsuit of China is an important legal system in hearing civil cases .

  6. 论我国民事诉讼证据保全制度及其完善

    Study of Proof Preserving System and Its Perfection of Civil Procedure

  7. 从海事强制令谈建立民事诉讼行为保全制度

    Establishing the Reservation of Behavior in Civil Procedure Law In Perspective of Maritime Injunction

  8. 民事诉讼证据保全制度研究

    Studies on the Civil Perpetuation of Evidence

  9. 民亨证据保全制度需要更多立法上的支持,当务之急是需要对采取民事证据的诉讼中保全、诉讼前保全需符合的条件加以明晰地规范。

    It requires more legislative supports for the system of preserving civil evidence and it is urgent to define clearly the conditions of preservation in or before the lawsuit which will adopt civil evidence .

  10. 海事证据保全还包括了诉讼前证据保全,而不仅限于诉讼中的证据保全。

    It do not be confined to the evidence in lawsuit , also including that in advance .

  11. 诉讼性证据保全发源于寺院法,非讼性证据保全起源于罗马法。

    The perpetuating testimony on litigation had its rise in the law of monastery , and it on non-litigation originated from Rome law .

  12. 法院在审参于为保全的申请上,在现有民事诉讼法关于保全有关规定的基础上,着重关注:(1)现有的证据表明申请人胜诉的可能性很大。

    Reviewing the application of preservation , the court should be concentrate on : ( 1 ) The applicant has sufficient evidence to win a lawsuit .

  13. 通过具体案例对玛瑞瓦禁令的形成和发展作了详细的论述,以期对完善我国海事诉讼中的保全制度有所借鉴。

    The paper through concrete case detailedly discussed the formation and development about Mareva Injunction , for perfecting the preservation system of our country in maritime cause .

  14. 民事公益诉讼应当采取行为保全制度和移送执行制度。

    Civil public interests litigation should adopt the system that the behavior is saved from damage , and transferring and carrying out system .

  15. 证据保全是法院对证据采取保护措施、保证其证明力的一种制度,包括诉前证据保全与诉讼中的证据保全。

    Proof preserving is a system that the courts protect proof and ensure the ability to prove facts including proof preserving before action and in the procedure .

  16. 最后作者就如何设计完善我国民事诉讼法中的保全制度提出了自己的建议。

    And scholars ' attitude to revise the Civil Procedure law on suspending infringement before litigation , and their own proposals of how to design the perfect system for the preservation of Civil Procedure law .

  17. 诉前行为保全是立法机关为弥补我国民事诉讼法中财产保全和先予执行制度的不足而通过知识产权法律创设的一种全新的、与财产保全和先予执行相平行的诉讼制度。

    The Protection system of action before indictment is established by legislature in order to remedy the system of attachment and implement beforehand in civil procedure law on intelligent , and it is a brand-new lawsuit system parallel with the system of attachment and implement beforehand .

  18. 在禁令救济之外,美国的诉讼期间商业秘密保全制度、337调查中的商业秘密保护制度,也为我国商业秘密法律保护和救济体系的构建和完善起到拾遗补阙的作用。

    Besides ban relief , the preserving system of trade secrets during the litigation period and the protecting system of trade secrets in the 337 survey also make up for the building and perfection of the law protecting and relief system of trade secrets in our country .

  19. 鉴于这些问题在理论研究中较少涉及,本文具体从股东知情权之诉的管辖法院、适用程序、诉讼时效、诉讼费用、诉讼保全、判决与执行等方面对此进行论述。

    Theoretical studies make little reference to these problems . so the author makes a careful analysis from the aspects such as the specific jurisdiction of the court , application procedures , litigation costs , litigation preservation and the judgement and execution .

  20. 证据为正义之基础(Evidenceisthebasisofjustice),是民事诉讼制度的核心,民事诉讼证据保全制度的重要性根源于证据的重要性。

    Evidence is the basis of justice , which is the core of the civil litigation system . Meanwhile , the importance of evidence preservation system in civil litigation is rooted in the importance of evidence .

  21. 文章还就诉讼期间的其他救济措施,包括大陆法系的保全措施命令、英国的玛利华禁令和中国的诉讼保全制度等进行了研究。

    The article also does some researches on other remedy measures , including protective measure from continental law , British Interdiction case , and preservation in litigation in China .

  22. 本文是在民事诉讼法学者前期研究成果的基础上,进一步系统研究民事保全程序理论的博士学位论文,并在此基础上力图建构能够适应和匹配我国民事诉讼机制的民事保全体系。

    This dissertation systematically examines the theory of civil preservation procedure based on the earlier analysis from scholars in the field of civil litigation , whilst intends to establish a setup of civil preservation which is appropriate and matched to the civil litigation in China .

  23. 我国行政诉讼暂时法律保护制度主要包括诉讼期间对被诉具体行政行为停止执行制度以及诉讼中的财产保全和先予执行制度。

    The temporary legal protection system includes suspending execution of the specific administrative act , property preservation and preliminary execution .