
Claim of Right in Rem and the Application of Action Limitation
Reflection on the Prescription of Action in Administrative Litigation of China
A Research on the Limitation of Action in Administrative Litigation
Some Issues Concerning the Perfection of System of Limitation of Legal Proceedings
Suggestions on the Perfection of the Limitation of Action System in the Draft Civil Code
On Application of the Rule of Limitation to the Right of Claim for Return of Property
The next demonstration is divided into four parts of the limitation of our system perfect .
On the Representation of the Principle of Meaning Autonomy in the System of Time Effectiveness of Proceedings
The system of the limitation of action is extensively applied in the judicial practice of our country .
The deadline of applying for adjustment of liquidated damages should use statute of limitation , but not Aus .
The system can 't be replaced by others such as bona fide possession , prescription of action , etc.
Part II describes the aim of system of limitation of action and the restudy to the traditional theory .
Again , the law value of the limitation of action is discussed , and its value of existence is built .
China currently provides only a system of suit ageing , but has not clearly defined the system of positive prescription .
Because the essential purpose of the establishment of litigation prescription system is to set up a rational social order of transaction .
Follow these norms , The Limitation of Action should only be applicable to the Limitation of claims in the Property claim .
Civil legal jurists focus on the issue of extinctive prescription , which is regarded as a core issue . Jurist 's Skill
The paper includes 5 chapters . The first chapter introduces the origin , development and intention of the Limitation of Action separately .
The time limit of arbitration for applying is too short to protect the laborers'rights , therefore the limitations should be put into practice .
The lawmaking example of the civil code of the system of limitation of action in civil code should adopt that of distinguishing doctrine ;
Guarantees contract limitation of lawsuit system , because of imperfect Legislation , and even between the article mutual conflict , has initiated many disputes .
Limitation of actions is an important system of the traditional civil law system , directly related to whether civil rights can be protected by law .
During the draft of real property law in China , theirs different ideas on whether the claim of right in rem should apply action limitation .
With the development of our social and economic system , the current Limitation of Action System of Civil Law is apparently unsuitable to the new situation .
Limitation of actions is an important system in the civil law of continental law system . It was designed ingeniously in many countries ' civil law codes .
Setting the prescription system of lawsuit , if the deadline is to the end for the prescription of lawsuit , the party will not be protected by law .
Some issues concerning the system of limitation system in legal actions cause many disputes in theory and practice as a result of the imperfections of the statute of limitations .
Twenty years of judicial practice has also fully proved that the Limitation of Action System plays a very important role in public interests , social stability and economic development .
The limitation system defined in China ′ s General Principles of Civil Law is not reasonable and the amendment in the Draft of Civil Code is not perfect yet .
Discussion on the System of Prescription of an Action of Administrative Litigation in China ; On the Representation of the Principle of Meaning Autonomy in the System of Time Effectiveness of Proceedings