
jì yì shù
  • mnemonics;mnemotechnics
  1. 记忆术对学英语很重要。

    Mnemonics is important in learning English .

  2. 你可以使用记忆术来记清它们,我将T看成是加号。

    And you can use mnemonics to try to keep these straight I see the T as sort of a plus sign .

  3. 记忆术&科学的记忆方法研究

    Memory Researches on Mnemonics : Scientific Memory Methods MEMORY OF COLOURS

  4. 记忆术发展或提高记忆的一种系统。

    A system to develop or improve the memory .

  5. 他发现一些人会利用古老的记忆术训练自己的记忆力。

    Instead , he found a group of people who had trained their memory using ancient techniques .

  6. 于是,福尔也开始用这些记忆术进行自我培训,在随后一年的记忆力锦标赛上,他一举夺得冠军。

    Foer started practicing the techniques himself , and went on to win the competition the following year .

  7. 记忆术是作文和辩论术的辅助而不是死记硬背的辅助。

    The art of memory is an aid to composition and rhetoric , not an aid to rote memorization .

  8. 这种记忆术还要归功于生活在公元前477年的希腊诗人西蒙尼德斯。

    The technique is attributed to a Greek poet called Simonides of Ceos , who lived in 477 BC .

  9. 以往的很多研究表明,与其他学习方法相比,记忆术可以在很大程度上提高二语词汇的测试成绩。

    Research has consistently indicated that the use of mnemonic devices substantially enhances higher levels of retention of L2 vocabulary in comparison with other learning strategies .

  10. 所有的记忆术都建议这些的精神地点应该鲜明,有序,间距适中。

    In all mnemonic arts , advice is given that the mental palaces should be well lit , clearly set out in a particular order , at moderate intervals apart .

  11. 利玛窦的《西国记法》是最早一部以汉文撰写的记忆术论著,也是20世纪以前惟一用汉文撰写的记忆术论著。

    A Treatise on Mnemonics written by Matteo Ricci is not only the first work on mnemonics written in the Chinese language , but also the only work on mnemonics written in the Chinese language before the 20th century .

  12. 这就包括:构建一个系统的学习策略,集中短期学习的专注力,排除干扰,使用记忆术和经常的间隔性重复练习。

    This includes constructing a systematic learning strategy that includes organizing the learning materials in an effective way , intense study focus in short periods , elimination of interferences , use of mnemonic devices , and frequent rehearsals repeated in spaced intervals .

  13. 如果你不确定从哪里开始,那就考虑一下这些评分较高的软件中的一个:Memrise是一位专家用记忆术创建而成的,它的目的不只是用来教授一门语言,而且还会加强你的记忆。

    If you 're not sure where to start , consider one of these highly rated standouts : Memrise was founded by an expert in mnemonic techniques , and is designed to not just teach a language , but to cement it in your memory .

  14. 记录麻醉前、麻醉后、手术开始时、分离胸大肌时、术毕时的SBP、DBP、SPO2、HR及术毕清醒时间,术中记忆、术后头晕、恶心、呕吐的发生例数。

    Record the SBP , DBP , SPO2 , HR and the time of consciousness at the time of anesthesia , after anesthesia , the begining of operation , the time of musculus pectoralis major and the end of operation .

  15. 在他创造的东西上加上搜索引擎,你实际上拥有了全球性记忆修复术。

    Add powerful search engines to what he created and you effectively have a global memory-prosthesis .

  16. 目的:阐明记忆接骨术后患者的临床康复带教指导特点。

    AIM : To declare the characteristic of memory osteosynthesis ( MO ) in clinical rehabilitation instruction .

  17. 记忆之术就其基本面来说,是认识浩瀚宇宙的一套工具。

    The Art of Memory is basically a system to comprehend the Universe in its innumerable aspects .

  18. 方法:15例食管恶性狭窄病人行镍钛合金记忆支架术,治疗前一周均行放疗。

    Methods : 15 cases of esophageal malignant stricture were treated with radiotherapy for a week followed by metallic stent implantation .

  19. 古典的记忆之术鼓励每个人建立具有个人特色的记忆之宫。

    The classical Art of Memory indeed recommends that anyone forms a Memory Palace of his own with personalized rooms , connections , images .

  20. 在那里利玛窦不仅学习经典,而且勤研一项精粹隐秘的“记忆之术”。

    There he learned the Classics and the regular disciplines , but also the most refined and secluded skills of " the Art of Memory " .

  21. 我们可以大胆地说记忆之术是精神层面的电子游戏,尽管两者的目的完全不同。

    We could dare to say that a system of memory is the precursor of a mental videogame : the purposes would be , however completely different .

  22. 掌握记忆之术必须使人的头脑对应于宇宙的和谐,宇宙的和谐依据一定的法则,而那法则是由神的头脑创造的。

    The Art of Memory is the effort to align one 's mind with the harmony of the Universe , following the rules which the Divine Mind created for it .

  23. 记忆接骨术后康复特点为:术后弃用外固定,循序渐进、主动地进行髋、膝、肩、肘、腕的功能训练。

    The rehabilitation characters of MO were : quit of external fixation , proper sequence , active function rehabilitation on the hip , knee , shoulder , elbow and wrist .

  24. 用Y-迷宫检测大鼠学习记忆能力,术后21d处死,用免疫组化方法检测大脑皮质、海马Aβ(1-40)、Bax和Bcl-2表达。

    Learning and memory abilities in rats were assessed by the Y-maze test . The rats were killed 21 days after operation , and the expressions of cerebral cortex , hippocampal A β _ ( 1-40 ), Bax , and Bcl-2 were detected by immunohistochemistry .

  25. 食管覆膜记忆合金支架置入术治疗食管恶性狭窄的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of membrane covered self-expanding stent insertion for esophageal malignant stricture

  26. 内镜下高位食管狭窄记忆合金支架安置术

    Endoscopic Self-expanding Metal Stent on High Position of Esophageal Stenosis

  27. 晚期食管癌带膜记忆合金支架植入术的并发症防治

    Complications of membrane-covered self-expanding stent insertion for advanced esophageal carcinoma

  28. 1例广泛气管缺损行记忆合金支架修复术患者的护理

    Nursing care of a patient with severe trachea defect repaired with memory alloy material

  29. 目的观察镍钛记忆合金支架植入术对17例恶性肿瘤和4例良性病变导致的气管、支气管气道狭窄患者的疗效及并发症。

    Objective To observe the effect and complication of Ni-Ti alloy self expand stents placement in 17 patients with malignant and 4 cases with benign tracheobronchial stenosis .

  30. 的大脑自手术之日起停止了记忆构成,许多术前的记忆如今也不复存在。

    From the date of the operation he was unable to form new memories , and he also lost many of the memories he had laid down before it .